Second time, breastfeeding, mom looking for supportive friends.

Hi! Just logged back in recently after giving birth to my second baby in mid-November. Looking to rebuild my friends list for support and motivation. Got up to 207 when I had my first and got down to 165 and BAM pregnant again ( 5 years later, took me a while to get on track) and ended up at 235 on delivery day, down to 209 now. Hoping to end up back where I was by our annual beach trip in July (minus an extra 20 by the end of 2015). I'm breastfeeding my daughter, which I didn't do with my son, so I'm worried about finding a nice balance of getting fit without losing my supply, so any seasoned bf'ers would be a nice addition. :-)


  • Hi, I am a FTM and also breastfeeding. My son was born on November 2 this year. Hopefully we can both achieve our goals!
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi! I am a birth doula, and I breastfed my children as well. Lots of experience here. Would love to be friends and am happy to share my knowledge. :)
  • Hi, I also gave birth in mid-November and am looking to connect with other breastfeeding moms. I am 5' 4" (5'5" when I am regularly doing yoga and/or ballet) and 176lbs post partum. My ultimate goal is 140lbs but my first goal is lose 7% of my body weight and lower my risk of developing diabetes. I had gestational diabetes with this pregnancy so I am higher risk now. With my first babe, I exclusively pumped due to his health issues so I absolutely did not restrict my calories because I was so worried about supply issues. I also was stress eating due to life in a NICU and ended up gaining more in his first year then during that pregnancy. This time around, she is very healthy and eating well. I don't have supply issues and really want to feel healthy, reduce the risk of diabetes, and of course looking smoking hot would not be so bad. :) My plan is to focus on excersise (dance, yoga, and hiking), reducing portion size, eliminate or significantly reducing refined sugar and balance blood sugar by eating carbohydrates and protein together. The gestational diabetes diet helped me not gain too much weight and I want to stick with a similar way of eating.
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    My "baby" is 7 so I am certainly not a new momma, but I did breastfeed for quite sometime so please let me know if you have any questions. Congrats on all the new babies!
  • tyleehudson
    tyleehudson Posts: 3
    edited December 2014
    Hi i gave birth to my first in October, and would also be keen to connect with other breastfeeding mums, 2 days ago I started the 'Brazilian Butt Lift' home workout dvd which is fun but deceptively hard, and started tracking calories today, is 1200 calories per day too low if I am exclusively breastfeeding my LO?
  • Pascal56
    Pascal56 Posts: 53 Member
    I breastfeed and have lost 40 pounds since April. Tylee, I would say that 1200 is way too low. I set my goal to sedentary, which puts me at 1200, but then I add 500 for breastfeeding every morning, so I end up with an effective minimum of 1700. I also wear a Fitbit and it adds calories to my day as I move around and work out. I eat my calories back, so unless I have a very inactive day, I am eating well over 1700 calories daily and am still losing.
  • sherbet111
    sherbet111 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey! My baby is now 2 (where did the time go?!) and I BF'd him for a year. I had to kinda manipulate MFP to make sure I had enough calories to maintain supply. I believe I had it set to 1800 calories daily and I lost steadily while BFing (from 180 to 163 lbs). I still have weight to lose, but I'm close to my pre-pregnancy weight.
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    I think 1200 is way too low. If I recall correctly, when I was in Weight Watchers, they had me add 300-500 extra calories per day. Keep hydrated, especially when working out.
  • 44survivor
    44survivor Posts: 3 Member
    I remember the nurses saying it takes an extra 500 cal/day to support breastfeeding when I was nursing my kids. Can you double check the 1200? It seems low. good luck!!
  • Tldavis3s
    Tldavis3s Posts: 83 Member
    I had my baby in May. We are ebf too. I tried adding the extra 300 cals a day and I actually starting gaining weight. I kept slowly lowering my calories. And I now eat around 1400 calories everyday. I am 5'3 and I got up to 176 lbs after I had my baby. I've lost 16 lbs since and my supply is fine! I try to eat healthy and take vitamins to make sure nutrition isn't compromised. Add me!!
  • Please add me ladies. Breastfeeding my 13 week LO
  • karinalynne
    karinalynne Posts: 8 Member
    Hi ladies!!

    Awesome to see so many BF'ing new mamas here. Congratulations all! I had my LO November 2nd and gained over 40 lbs with her. I still have at least 20 to go and would love some support through this journey! I haven't really been tracking my calories until now but I definitely think 1200 is too low. 1500 is the lowest point I'm considering going depending on how my body reacts to restrictions. But I need weight hasn't budged since six days postpartum!
  • Jrmanning80
    Jrmanning80 Posts: 2 Member
    Exclusively pumping my 15 week LO; due to him not being able to latch on. I have lost 40lbs since giving birth but see my weight beginning to creep back up! I am 5'9" and weigh 243, needing to get and stay healthy for my 4 little boys!
  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
    Hi! I'm still nursing my July 2013 baby a couple times a day. I lost a bunch after I had her, but now I'm back up 10lbs over the day I had her :-S I guess when she slowed down her nursing, I didn't slow down my eating...

    Logging your meals will help you make sure you're taking in enough calories to maintain your supply - on average, add about 500 to your "goal" to support BFing.

    I added you :-)
  • i support you, and i am praying for you all. Amen
  • i pray that God is with you all, and that you realize your worth is so much more than the numbers on the scale(but the content of your heart) i love you all, and i pray for a beautiful blessed life in Jesus almighty name amen.
  • Still pregnant but planking on breastfeeding my son when he's born. Being induced on Feb 2nd. If there a group I can join?
  • Hi there! I just had my second in mid-September and really need to lose a lot of weight. I'd like to get 85lbs off in the next year if I can, and would love to have some more friends to help :) I'm exclusively breastfeeding my daughter, and plan to be nursing for around 2 years (that's the age my son weaned). I lost some right off the bat, but am totally stalled now. Luckily I'm not gaining, just maintaining....but I would really rather be losing!