Starting now...not after new years



  • pegandadam
    pegandadam Posts: 2 Member
    Getting back on track tomorrow after being all over the place since Thanksgiving and looking forward to it!

    A big CHEER to everyone!
  • TopazCutie
    TopazCutie Posts: 386 Member
    Getting back on it since slipping up yesterday. Had 3 days of heavy eating now back to it starting now.
  • dwansamson
    This is exactly what I need! I'm the heaviest that I have ever been in my life. Although I may not "look" my weight in clothes...each day I see the true me in the mirror and it repulses me. I quit smoking 3 years ago on new years day and have gained 45 pounds since. I've decided its time to shed this weight/body for good. No more excuses. Hopefully, we can encourage each other and hold each other accountable. I begin my journey tomorrow. I have to be realistic....due to my sedentary lifestyle, I'll start with walking and/or riding the recumbent bike and eating breakfast (which I never eat). How will YOU begin your journey???
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Count me in too!!!
  • Schmeelia47
    Schmeelia47 Posts: 17 Member
    I've got about 75 lbs to lose. Just got a Misfit activity tracker for Christmas so I started recording what I eat/calorie intake yesterday. Going to start exercising tomorrow. Looking forward to helping to motivate others and making friends on MFP!
  • ComptonBP
    I'm starting Monday morning bright and early more intense. Working on the beach body now!
  • sciberrasjjj
    sciberrasjjj Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in too! I started the 24th and am ready to stick with it. I'm going back to the gym tomorrow (2nd time) now. How can we miss with all this support.
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Ummm now that I just ate Wendy's and 3 cookies :\ , I think I'll start now LOL I was going to wait until the new year but I weighed myself and I am the highest I've ever been. Ugh! I lost 45 lbs on here in 2009. I had 2 babies and had lost almost all of my weight again, when my brother committed suicide. After that, I went through a bout of depression and gained alot of weight back. At that point, it was very hard to get back into the healthy lifestyle I had learned before. Soooo now, I have about 45-55 lbs to lose. I am also going to quit smoking. Between high blood pressure and having gestational diabetes in my last pregnancy (blood pressure still high, diabetes gone...for now), I need to do this and quit smoking. I need to be around for my girls as long as possible...
  • Motiv8tedMom
    Motiv8tedMom Posts: 89 Member
    Just requested a bunch of you as friends. I would love some more people to partner up with!
  • accjulie
    accjulie Posts: 3 Member
    Please add me too. I started back last week and it's super tough this time of year. I need all of the motivation and support I can get!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    ComptonBP wrote: »
    I'm starting Monday morning bright and early more intense. Working on the beach body now!

    I am with you. Going to pack gym bag now!
  • jnette45
    I'm starting now as well. Why wait is what I thought. I'd like to buddy up help and get help. Swap ideas that work . I'm trying to reach out because in the past I've always done this on my own. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone to become a better "ME"
  • eildonfarm
    eildonfarm Posts: 2 Member
    Fitbit Flex for Christmas was my wake-up call. Started today also and need all the help I can get. 45 Min ride on Rail Trail was the start.
  • Travko
    Travko Posts: 55 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I decided to start early--maybe just so it wouldn't feel like a run of the mill New Year's resolution.
  • magamillion
    magamillion Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me also. I am looking for someone to partner up with.
  • alexib
    alexib Posts: 45 Member
    I'm all in, please feel free to add me
  • sciberrasjjj
    sciberrasjjj Posts: 12 Member
    I am interested in the fitbit, sounds like something I would like. I made it to the gym today. Anyone else get a workout in?
  • dmbkss03
    dmbkss03 Posts: 20 Member
    edited December 2014
    It's now or never!! easier said then done right ;) i'm starting today as well, so far so good.. been doing this for awhile, and lost about ten, but have gained back 3-4 over the holidays !!! :| Would love to add everyone!! Let's support eachother
  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    Great Decision to start NOW !!!! Add me for encouragement and support.. Anyone can add me as I'm looking to add some new friends after cleaning up my list of non-supporters
  • arightoldbag
    Hi everyone. I'm starting again. I'm 40 years old, mother of two, farmer's wife and 10 stone 4 pounds. I'm only 4 foot 11, so I'm a good size 14. I'm sick of it! And it does nothing for my health. I hate the way I look.

    I'm unfit, and really want to start riding my horse again. I take anti depressants for anxiety, which doesn't help the weight loss as well. I eat emotionally, especially when I'm stressed, and always find it hard to lose weight, as I seem to self-sabotage... I work from home, live in gorgeous countryside and love reading, seeing all my friends, and looking after my kids. Please add me as a friend (I've no idea how you do this...) as I need all the support I can get!