Between Meal Snacks

I've read that it's better to eat small amounts of food spread throughout the day. I've taken that advice and generally gotten good results from it.

At a garage sale recently I found the book "Ten Talents," by Frank and Rosalie Hurd (College Press, 1985), which gives kind of a funky 60's-ish religious vegetarian dietary approach to health. It's quirky and in some spots funny to read, and it does have some good advice for cooking and eating.

However, the book says "Eat at regular intervals, allowing between 5-6 hours to elapse between the meals. Do not eat a morsel between the meals. This is a bad habit to overcome once started. When hungry between meals, look at the clock. If it is not time to eat, take a big drink of life-giving cool water. (Hunger pangs after a full meal is probably a sign of indigestion.)"

What do you think MFP'ers? I want to know whether I'm better off grouping my meals into 2 or 3, or if spreading smaller amounts throughout the day is more healthy?


  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    The book may have some fun facts from the 80s but that was a long time ago as we know better now.
    Eating every 3 hours , 5 to 6 times a day much smaller meals is best, keeps hunger at bay and controls blood sugar.
    Basically your spreading your 3 main meals out is all, not consuming any more calories as a result. I find it works wonders.
  • BeautifulTestimony
    In my opinion, I will not wait 5-6 hours to eat... Yes, I am trying to lose weight but, I want it to be a life changing experience so I can keep the weight off. Honestly, I'm struggling to manage 2-3 hours. I just might pass out if I wait any longer :bigsmile: .
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Check out my food diary. I eat a lot and often. Regulating your blood sugar is the best way to build and maintain lean muscle mass, avoid binging, and prevent "stuffing" yourself.

    The 60s gave us a lot of good things. This piece of advice is not one of those things. Heheheh!
  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    My nutritionist (who has a masters degree) says 5 small meals per day with a source of protein at every meal. 2 of my meals are more snackish than anything but I try to include a source of protein in every meal or snack.