Hello all! Let's be friends!

kaila_gonzalez13 Posts: 6
edited December 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys! Just another young lady trying to get her athletic body back in shape! Add me and lets all support eachother on this amazing journey! ~ Kaila


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Hey there Kaila,
    Welcome to MFP, you seem to have the attitude right where it needs to be.. Take that motivation and drive and make this new healthy lifestyle work for you!!
    Give 110% and you'll get the same in return!!

    Feel free to add me to your friends list if you like, I log daily and I'm online fairly reguarly.. Either way, I wish you all the very best of luck with all your goals!!

  • kaila_gonzalez13
    Thank you Adam! I've been using MFP for, like, ever and I've just been yo-yo-ing these past few years and I'm ready to finally just get my body to where it should be as an athlete! Here goes nothing!
    ~ Kaila
  • ashleyrowlett9
    Hey feel free to add me!
  • eric829_
    eric829_ Posts: 20 Member
    We can succeed!!
  • shannon_foleyy
    Hey I am also a young lady trying to accomplish the same goal! Feel free to add me! We can do this (:
  • castillokimmy
    I'm Kimberly, and I'm also trying to get my health body back!
    Feel free to add me (;
  • Doingitforme95
    Hi Kaila! I'm always looking for more friends to help support and motivate one another! Feel free to add me!
  • ephraimshere
    ephraimshere Posts: 15 Member
    Hi guys! I can't seem to add anyone. Feel free to add me too :)