I need answers help!

I've noticed when I started dieting I would get dizzy and still do at times. I thought it was me being dehydrated so I increased my water in take tremendously still happens.


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Elaborate on "start dieting". How many calories are you eating a day? How many grams of carbs, fat, protein, etc?
  • pamelakay9
    Well I'm taking in around 1200 calories but I'm only getting in around 1000 not on purpose. Also doing low carbs and I only allow myself 40 grams of fat a day... I work out everyday as we'll
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    you are not eating enough
  • pamelakay9
    I honestly haven't kept up with my proteins I've never changed the way I've ate before this is the first time I've ever "dieted" so I'm still learning what's the right way and what's not
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    pamelakay9 wrote: »
    Well I'm taking in around 1200 calories but I'm only getting in around 1000 not on purpose. Also doing low carbs and I only allow myself 40 grams of fat a day... I work out everyday as we'll

    I don't know your height, weight, or body fat percentage, but I can almost guarantee that 1200 calories is too low for you, and you're not even hitting that which is a problem, especially since you say you're exercising every day. Also, there's absolutely no reason to do low carb, that's probably one of the reasons you're feeling dizzy. In addition, why are you limiting your fat intake? Dietary fat is good for you. It is responsible for hormone production, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals, helps with brain and organ function, as well as skin and hair health. You should be setting a minimum to hit for your fat, not a maximum.
  • pamelakay9
    So I need to make sure I'm getting the 1200 at the least everyday
  • greenfalls107
    greenfalls107 Posts: 87 Member
    Try just logging what you eat for a few days without "dieting" to see where you need to cut calories. It will give you and idea on how to make small changes without shocking your system. Such as if you eat donuts for breakfast, switch to cereal and see the calorie difference. You always need more than 1000 calories a day, no matter how much weight you need to lose.
  • pamelakay9
    Crap... I knew something wasn't right.. I'm 225 I'm not embarrased to put that out there I'm 5'2 so obviously well over the weight I need to be. This is why I'm asking questions I'm all kinds of confused. I asked my trainer he looked at me like I was stupid.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    pamelakay9 wrote: »
    So I need to make sure I'm getting the 1200 at the least everyday

    Plus your calories burned through exercise. Also make sure you're getting enough protein and fat, which will help with the calorie problem. What are your stats (height and weight)? What are you doing for exercise?
  • pamelakay9
    pamelakay9 wrote: »
    So I need to make sure I'm getting the 1200 at the least everyday

    Plus your calories burned through exercise. Also make sure you're getting enough protein and fat, which will help with the calorie problem. What are your stats (height and weight)? What are you doing for exercise?

  • pamelakay9
    I'm 225 5'2 ... I do 30 mins on the treadmill or at least 2 miles... I do 3 rounds of 30 on 4 different ab machines then I usually do a step up class 4 times a week.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Your BMR is 1695 calories. This is the amount or calories your body would burn if you were in a coma lying still in a hospital bed doing nothing but breathing all day. On top of that you're moving around all day and exercising so you're probably burning in the neighborhood of 2000 to 2500 calories a day. You can see how only eating 1000 calories a day might be a problem.
  • victoriaalice40
    You may need to check the goal settings again. I am 5'7 sedentary all day and starting I was 235, at losing 1.5 a week and my calories were 1420 a day.
  • Mavrakiss
    Mavrakiss Posts: 4 Member
    I went thru this. Your carb intake is too low.... You need to make sure during cutting phases you have 2 refeed days!!!!
  • pamelakay9
    How many calories would you suggest like I said have no idea what I'm doing just read some stuff stop eating like crap and got my *kitten* to the gym.
  • FatOldManMN
    FatOldManMN Posts: 1,116 Member
    See a doctor
  • Mavrakiss
    Mavrakiss Posts: 4 Member
    Stop doing ab machines as well and start concentrating on compound lifting movements. Also are you making sure you are eating 1-2 hrs prior to working out?
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I'll just reiterate the answers above as well as add a bit more. You need to eat more food. You need to eat more carbs. You need to eat more fat. Set your profile to lose 1 pound per week. You need to eat back the calories burned through exercise. Your calorie goal already is set for weight loss. Not eating the burned calories does not equal more weight loss. It often leads to more stalls in weight loss. Good luck.
  • RatRaceOne
    RatRaceOne Posts: 20 Member
    This is a very common issue when restricting carbs. Along with hydration, you need to keep up with your electrolytes - sodium, potassium and magnesium in particular.
  • pamelakay9
    Thanks!! Yes I eat about an hour half before I work out usually. I try to stay on top of things looks like I've haven't done a very good job. But I won't know unless I ask right!