Whole Foods, Plant Based, Vegan



  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    got2btru wrote: »
    Soy in small amounts and in forms that are fermented are not bad, but you want to be careful of an excess of soy as it does contain substances which can interfere with thyroid function. If you take thyroid medication make sure you are not eating soy within a couple hours of your medication dose.

    These statements are 100% false.

    Everyone, please get your medical advice from credible sources (your doctor, the NIH, websites that end in ".gov")—not strangers on the internet.

    As for going vegan, my advice is to start small—gradual changes are easier on both body & mind. Find new recipes online, and try a new plant-based protein every time you shop. Start with nuts & seeds (including almond butter, tahini & cashews) and beans (including hummus and tofu). Make lentil soup! Then move on to tempeh, seitan, and TVP (textured vegetable protein).
  • got2btru
    got2btru Posts: 5 Member
    editorgrrl wrote: »
    got2btru wrote: »
    Soy in small amounts and in forms that are fermented are not bad, but you want to be careful of an excess of soy as it does contain substances which can interfere with thyroid function. If you take thyroid medication make sure you are not eating soy within a couple hours of your medication dose.

    These statements are 100% false.

    Everyone, please get your medical advice from credible sources (your doctor, the NIH, websites that end in ".gov")—not strangers on the internet.

    As for going vegan, my advice is to start small—gradual changes are easier on both body & mind. Find new recipes online, and try a new plant-based protein every time you shop. Start with nuts & seeds (including almond butter, tahini & cashews) and beans (including hummus and tofu). Make lentil soup! Then move on to tempeh, seitan, and TVP (textured vegetable protein).

    I did get this information from doctors. My own for starters, as I take thyroid medication.

    Here is an article from the Mayo Clinic on the subject
    Soy - Does it worsen hypothyroidism

    And another from the National Institute of Health (.GOV)
    Effects of soy protein on thyroid funtion

  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Being a vegan won't make you live forever, but it will sure seam that way! But, in answer to your question, the answer is virgin coconut oil. Just pour it on everything until you meet your calorie goal.
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    I've been vegetarian with no eggs and minimal dairy for a long time, but I really only switched to a whole foods diet fairly recently, and my calories fell by more than 50% at first.

    I have since increased my nut, seed, and avocado consumption, added a lot more beans, and started eating smallish amounts of whole grains (I aim for 1 or two servings per day of brown rice, oats, barley, or whole wheat tortillas). Now my calories come in around 1300-1500 per day.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Being a vegan won't make you live forever, but it will sure seam that way! But, in answer to your question, the answer is virgin coconut oil. Just pour it on everything until you meet your calorie goal.
    I'd eat more beans, avocados, nuts and seeds, personally.
    But only because I like eating.