My Story

I decided to be honest with myself and all of you. I am 28 years old 5’11 and 209lbs and this is my weight story. Growing up I was always chunky. I know my parents tried to do the best they could but what I realized is healthy nutrition does not come easy to most unless your parents pass it on at a young age. I ate things that I knew were bad and didn't do much exercise wise. Before I knew it I was wearing the same pant size as my mom (size 14) as a teenager. Later in my young adult years I dropped weight fast within a year I was down to 160 and was wearing a size 7 however I didn't do it in a healthy way. I ate maybe once a day (not healthy either) and was into dangerous things I shouldn't have been doing. I smoked cigarettes and drank regularly and was on a downward spiral. Then I got pregnant. I had to force myself to eat and cut out all my destructive habits. After the pregnancy I had put on 40lbs, I was so depressed I turned back to eating and drinking and then ballooned even further to 245 over the next 4 years. In 2011 I decided to get into shape as well as go back to school. I vowed to be better body mind and soul. Unlike most I had never really been healthy and fit and wasn't too sure what I was doing. I watched my calorie intake and wrote down everything I ate and walked regularly. Within the next 2 years I was down to 190 and feeling great however a bad divorce and other emotional problems derailed my efforts. I started to put back on the weight. Since then I've been between 200-215. I am glad I haven't gone back to the 245 mark but am facing the shame, guilt and laziness that comes from knowing you can do better. This past Sun the 28th I went to the gym and did some weight training and cardio. Yesterday was cardio and today was circuit training. I’ve been logging in what I've been eating and am planning to make this coming year 2015 the year that I get the weight off and keep it off. I know it won't be easy and sometimes I will fall but that won't stop me from getting back up and starting again the next day. My long term goal is to be within the healthy range for my height according to WebMD its somewhere in-between 133 – 179. I know this is a vast number but my small term is under 200 and I’m going to see how it goes one small goal at a time. I wish you all the best of luck and I’m here is anyone needs to talk!


  • AngusCody22
    AngusCody22 Posts: 12 Member
    You're very inspirational & one strong woman! Thank you for your story & God Bless!
  • leanne0627
    leanne0627 Posts: 109 Member
    Add me as a friend for motivation if you want. We have similar goals and similar histories! I too have been through a bad divorce and am now a so gle mom going back to school! Exercising and eating well has really helped me to feel better about myself and I can't wait to see what the future brings now! You will do great on this journey as long as you log and stick to it!
  • asantacruz24
    asantacruz24 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you ladies I wish you both the best in your endevors!
  • You guys can add me if you'd like. It's much easier with friends and support!