Heaviest for years; fibromyalgia flare-up

Hi peeps;

First time ever posting to online support group so not sure what to talk about. I just know I hate this pain which I know is a result of weight and bad eating.



  • Hi. Sorry that you are struggling. I can relate some. I do not have fibromyalgia, but I do have Intracranial hypertension (aka pseudotumor cerebri). This causes me daily, sometimes constant, pain. Exercise is often intolerable. I have recently started logging my food again, because I know that if I can change and control my eating habits, some of the weight will go even without exercise. I hope that you feel better soon. Add me, if you'd like.
  • cyndit1
    cyndit1 Posts: 170 Member
    I don't have fibromyalgia either but I do have rheumatoid arthritis and lupus so I too understand chronic health issues and weight gain (and the associated depression). I can say that getting my eating under control makes me mentally feel better and of course that translates into being able to handle my reaction to my illnesses better. Best of luck and don't rule out exercise because it does help mentally and physically.
  • I too suffer from a severe form of fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed back in the 90's when much was not known and I did everything wrong which has left me weighing twice my weight and barely able to walk. My stamina is low and my chronic fatigue is high. Although i would love to lose mega weight every week I am happy with anything i lose. I have started riding a recumbant bike. it took several weeks but I am now up to 30 mins per day and today i started richard simmons hope project.. there are both toning and cardio aspects , but my knees cause me so much pain due to my weight it will be some time before i can finish the cardio but i started with the toning part today and am proud to say i made it 2/3 of the way through. It may not sound like much but when you are carring nearly 150 pounds extra weight it is a big deal. Every small accomplishment gives me an ego boost and after so many years of being "sick", I am so sick and tired of being sick that i revel in all progress. If you need any encouragement or just a friendly ear please feel free to send me a message. I check my messages often.. or usually do, the holidays have been a bit hectic .. Peace and good luck on your journey... and remember.. no matter how bad you feel get up and do some kind of exercise.. i even have a few youtube videos for seated exercises if you need them. trust me you will feel better from the andrenaline rush and lets be fair... when we are in flare up... it's hard to feel worse! head up and look forward and much success
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Hi peeps;

    First time ever posting to online support group so not sure what to talk about. I just know I hate this pain which I know is a result of weight and bad eating.


    How about you share with us what you will change to make things better?
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Okie dokie then
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Hi peeps;

    First time ever posting to online support group so not sure what to talk about. I just know I hate this pain which I know is a result of weight and bad eating.


    I finally got some pain control by leaving off sugar three months ago and lost 15 pounds since as well. Different things work for different folks.