i need to stop drinking beer help !!!!! so i can lose belly fat can somebody help me please



  • ejcanavan
    ejcanavan Posts: 52 Member
    I know it sounds funny but switch to light beer and cut the carbs. Without so many carbs you will feel the same effect. My wonderful doctor was extremely honest when she knew I was a casual beer drinker, and said that if I planned to drink that day to make lunch more calories and to drink the calories for dinner.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Moderation, my friend.
  • sweetdixie92
    sweetdixie92 Posts: 655 Member
    Simply add the beer into your calorie count, and you'll be fine. Beer doesn't give you a gut. Consuming too many calories does. I've lost weight after a night of drinking.

    Obviously you can drink twice as much if you switch to light beer (not sure what you normally drink). I'm a Coors light fan myself.
  • stevencraig349
    I don't have much to offer is "How to quit" but I can say it gets easier. I quit drinking and smoking nearly 2 years ago on the same weekend. Drinking on Saturday and Smoking on Monday Morning. It was very tough for the first week....but after that it was just about "missing" it. Now I'm ready to tackle the weight issue.

    AA talks about one day at a time. But what I'd say is: Aim for a week. If you can go a week you can probably do it long term.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    markopat wrote: »
    Read The Belly Fat Cure by Jorge Cruise...I have lost 60 lbs in 6 months. It's all about cutting sugars out and reducing carbs...Life changing.

    I lost weight and now have visible abs all while eating sugars and lots of carbs. The belly fat cure is simply eating less than you burn and some people find it easier to control their intake by reducing their intake of sweets (sugar) and reducing carbs which forces them to eat things that keep them full for longer. There's no magic to cutting out sugar or carbs or beer and it is unnecessary to lose belly fat.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I plan on never giving up beer. I've lost weight and I'm currently maintaining (will be doing a cut in Jan). I don't drink as much (as I also love lots of food) but I still drink. And I'll never go back to light beer again - might as well give it up then.
  • FitnessTrainer69
    FitnessTrainer69 Posts: 283 Member
    Put it down and walk away. Only you can fix it
  • troutrouter
    If you are serious about weight loss, cutting out alcohol will definitely help. Figuring in the calories to keep yourself in a caloric deficit will cause you to keep losing; however, it is the decisions that you make under the influence that may lead to failure. I know I love to eat after having a few beers and the food is usually high in calories. Nothing like pizza and beer or nachos and beer or burgers and beer...you get the picture.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Simply add the beer into your calorie count, and you'll be fine. Beer doesn't give you a gut. Consuming too many calories does. I've lost weight after a night of drinking.

    Obviously you can drink twice as much if you switch to light beer (not sure what you normally drink).I'm a Coors light fan myself.

    Bottoms up, girl! I'm a Coors Light girl, too, lol!

    To the OP, I can easily fit 2 beers a day (if I wanted to, I don't that often) in my diet and still lose weight. I allot myself 200-250 calories a day of "treats"--i.e. stuff that doesn't have to fit my macros, could be ice cream or peanut butter or an extra helping at dinner time, or alcohol.

    For me, the difference is very little. Cut off all the treats cold turkey to lose 1+ pound a week (and eventually "cheat" or fail), or allow myself daily goodies and still lose 1/2+ lb/wk consistently.
  • FrozenTundra511
    FrozenTundra511 Posts: 206 Member
    LOL NO.

    Giving up beer is not necessary to lose weight.
    Giving up beer will not get rid of your belly fat.
    Nothing will get rid of only belly fat. You have to lose weight from everywhere.

    Here's what you do: use this site as designed, log everything you eat and drink, and indulge in beer if it fits in your numbers for the day. Understand that weight will come off everywhere, it will not just come off your belly.

  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    If you have a problem with alcohol and are unable to moderate it, abstinence is your best bet. If the thought of abstinence with alcohol freaks you out, you may want to consider you have a problem with it. If so, I highly recommend AA.

    AA helped me find a happier and healthier me, and I can honestly say that I am the happiest I have ever been with out alcohol. I have been sober 7 years now and have found myself going on vacation and having real fun, seeing the world, not the inside of a bar.

    Moderation is key, but for some of us it is not possible. There is no shame in that. We were born that way, especially those of us that have American Indian in us. (the white man did not bring meed until 1492, the American Indian smoked the peace pipe. ;) ) Simple fact of the matter is, alcoholics either are all in or all out.

    I PROMISE YOU that there is a great life that is lots of fun out there with out alcohol. You just have to want it.

    PS: I too lost 20 lbs when I stopped drinking with out doing anything else. Lost another 20 with diet and exercise.