in need of 2 poeple who may be struggling or need a motivator

k so little bit bout myself.. i started this in jan 31/ 2014, i got told a few months before that i was boarder line diebetic and my heart was starting to give signs of wear, then came the meds. that was enough. Scared me into taking action and achieving something i didn't think i could do. and that was to turn the effects around and become someone i once was again.

so i started my weight loss journey and life changing step.
i started about at 290-300 pounds and over 8-9 months i lost alot. i now weight between 190-200 lbs. went from a waist size 44 to a size 34 and a shirt size 3xl to a large.. all with the help of the girlfriend, since we both were doing it together and of course it is so much easyier when you have someone your accountable to plus yourself.

as of lately i been having a slightly harder time since the girlfriend moved out for schooling, and i been letting the reigns loose to much. i have kickstarted a few times with a short burst of success and then a slight fall again.

for the last week i been thinking of making a small group of 2-3 poeple who are in the same boat, who need someone there accountable to. whos willing to be 100% honest with admitting they eaten more then they willing to admit, or skipped a workout that they know they shoulda have done. at the same time ask the same questions to each other. kinda like a small support group with accountability. this will be every day or every other day, talking through messages.

it's a thought and i would like to know if anyone out there would be willing to give this a try. looking for active poeple.. and someone whos not in it for the short term,


  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    Pick me
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    I lost my original 30 pounds (baby weight #1) in 2012/13, I've kept it off, had another baby, and now she's six months old and I am ready to get back on track. I am starting 2015 at 217 pounds, and this is MY YEAR. I am waving goodbye to the 200s forever! I want to see 180 by my anniversary in July. Destination Wedding Dress!! Want to come with? :)

    I don't have loads of time to "work out" with two young kids, so I do body-weight exercises at home, I dance, and watch my calories like a hawk. It's worked so far! Hubby and I are discussing getting a Planet Fitness membership, since there is a location within walking distance from our house and I want to start lifting again.
  • winterskykim
    winterskykim Posts: 30 Member
    well I have been struggling with about 80 lbs excess baggage (aka weight) for the last 15 years.. I have lost some gained it back twice. I have two of my children getting married next year 2015 and I am desperate.. i have even contemplated surgery. I am frustrated and dissappointed with myself. would love to have a motivator and guide to weightloss.. I have arthritis so workouts are not easy just now. Thank you . Hope i hear from you! Kim
  • mombye
    mombye Posts: 2 Member
    I'm trying to loose weight but need a partner to help me get thru it. Everyone I've asked has flaked on me and I can only push myself if I know I'm pushing someone else too. My goal is to loose 45lbs I'm 180 n my goal is 135 with a family and long hours at work it's hard to stay motivated. Hopefully we can help one another. Best of luck on your journey either way
  • MissKahli85
    I would like to be a part of your group. I used to weight 135lbs before i had my daughter is 2009, but after she was born i got diagnosed with Hypothyroid & had to have Thymus surgery which ended me in and out of the hospital for 8-9 months. But over the last 5-6 years I have gained almost 130 lbs my top weight was 267 lbs in Sept 2014. I am going to be starting the New Year at 233 lbs. My goal is to lose 108 lbs. My husband who is Diabetic got some not so good news 2 weeks ago that if he doesn't change his eating habits he could lose his kidneys and go on dialysis & end up needing a kidney transplant. When i found that out i decided that 2015 was going to be the year that my husband & I start to eat healthy & that i was going to lose weight so I can be more active with my daughter. I work at lot as a cashier at a local Dollar store, but i do lots of loading and unloading and always on the move. I have a Step counter on my phone that I carry on me. In a day i can walk between 1-6miles a day. I do plan on going to the gym and using the stationary bikes and walking the track since right now we are in the negative degrees and it too cold & I have a bad back and knees so i have to do low impact stuff. I think with my healthy eating, and being very active while i am at work & going to gym in the AM i am pretty confident and determined to lose this weight. Thank you and Hope you have a Happy New Year
  • melking1969
    melking1969 Posts: 12 Member
    Happy New year...soon LOL

    I am on the track to losing the weight that I want to. I was a dedicated exerciser and generally ate pretty healthy but since getting married 3 years ago, I have been lacking in the exercise department and am slowly getting back into the swing of things. My goal is to lose 50 pounds in a slow and healthy pace. So if you are looking for a friend on here, feel free to add me.

    Good Luck.
  • deup
    deup Posts: 129 Member
    thank you everyone i sent you invites :)
  • performfully
    performfully Posts: 126 Member
    Eeeek count me in please. I am basically going to C&P what I just posted as a thread instead of trying to be original. I'm too tired for original.

    I am feeling very stuck (and as the title says desperate) for some supportive MFP friends. I lost 35 lbs in about 4 months, went on vacation, and never came back for 2 months. When I did return, 3 things happened basically simultaneously that seems to have seriously slow me down. The 1st was a traumatic emotional event we aren't going to get into. The 2nd was winter break from school, and despite the fact I have a ton of spare time I've replaced 90% of it with video games. The 3rd is that I found out I have a heart condition that after a lot of testing we are just 'watching' (I really knew it was there but I guess going to the doctor made it 'real' or something). I am on medication that has made me capable of exercise.

    I moved to this town 3 years ago and still haven't made a friend except my toddler, let alone any weight loss pals. I gained 60 lbs on medical bedrest, lost 40, gained 5 back, and would ULTIMATELY like to lose 20 by April 1 when I have alterations for my wedding gown, but will settle for 15. Which means I need to get my butt in gear since I will be approaching my GW. I love exercising, when I was losing it was the best part of my day. I don't mind healthy eating. But lately I have had a small case of the sads, chocolates, and being a quitter 15 minutes into my workout.

    Help wanted!!!
  • sdps745
    sdps745 Posts: 33 Member
    I have struggled with my weight ALL of my life! Lost and gained MANY times and have not been able to keep it off for good! Need HELP! A BIG FAN of the Biggest Loser TV Show!! Joined a gym in 2005 after watching the show for a while! Lost some, gained, lost again, gained again and still not keeping it off. I've even had trainers during this whole gym time, but I feel a GREAT struggle between how much I WANT to eat and how much my body REALLY needs. Recently, I've even turned to a therapist (encouraged by my current trainer) since I'm not able to control my eating. I don't know if this will even help, but I am willing to try anything in hopes for motivation!