Vicky 7 day slim

Hey! I'm another victim of eating terribly in December and trying to eat well and exercise often now January is here...

I bought a DVD I saw in a magazine, called 'Vickys 7 day slim' (the girl from Geordie Shore if anyone knows her, probably people from UK would've heard of her or watched it)

The workouts are cardio/interval and 10 minutes long

I'm wondering if anyone else is planning to do this DVD too and if so we could discuss results as we go?

And also wanted to see if anyone knew what I should put the workout down as, perhaps circuit training??

Thanks, Zoe, x


  • gillporteous
    I've literally just bought this will add you as a friend :) xx
  • mgj77
    mgj77 Posts: 12 Member
    where did you find this dvd
  • dreamingless
    dreamingless Posts: 25 Member
    Okay cool, accepted!

    Bought it on amazon but its sold in tesco and sainsburies and all sorts aswel x
  • purpleleopard76
    purpleleopard76 Posts: 77 Member
    Just bought this and so far only done workouts 1 & 2. How have you guys got on with this? Have you had any success with fat loss?
  • hannah_mkd
    I only recently bought this, and im relitively fit already, not particularly looking for extreme weightloss, I aim to tone my thighs, bum and abs, i've already done a few workouts and I can feel it already! Particularly in my thighs, very motivating dvd and has good food diet advice! I would seriously recommend so far.
  • K8Y88
    K8Y88 Posts: 48
    Just thought I'd bump this post as I have just bought this dvd myself, how did you get on with it?