Searching for MFP friends

Donie212 Posts: 8
edited December 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! My Name is Donielle and I'm from Pennsylvania. I'm interested in making some more friends here on MFP and especially anyone who has similar stats to mine. I'll be 28 in two months, I'm 5'3 CW:198 GW:120-130. I have a long way to go until I reach my goal and have to work extra hard at it because of my hypothyroidism but I know I can do it! I really need some supportive and uplifting people in my life. I hope we can motivate each other! Send a friend request! :) HAPPY NEW YEAR'S!!!


  • sophomorelove
    sophomorelove Posts: 193 Member
    Hi, my name is Nadia. I'm 30; SW 184 (was around 190 before joining mfp); CW 174; GW 125. I have a 2 yo daughter, and I'd love to make more friends here as well. Happy new year!!
  • okiemommy
    okiemommy Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I'm new to the community as well. I'm Sonya and I live in Oklahoma. I'm 45, CW:213 GW:130 and I also have hypothyroidism. My husband is joining me on this journey as well. Love to make new friends.
  • krympmeg22
    krympmeg22 Posts: 20 Member
    Happy New years to you too! I'm 19 years old, 5'3 and I weighed 190 at my heaviest. I'm about 150 lbs atm, and my goal weight is about the same as yours. Would also like to find more friends with similar stats for support and inspiration. :smile:
  • LukerPslim
    LukerPslim Posts: 199 Member
    id love to make some new friends as well. feel free to add me.
  • jklei169
    jklei169 Posts: 120 Member
    Welcome Donie212. Good luck on your journey and Have a Happy New Year