Going Gluten-Free



  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    MaryCS62 wrote: »
    lyttlewon wrote: »
    Most people try to eat foods that imitate gluten products, like gluten free bread. I recommend instead choosing foods that are naturally gluten free. A lot of Asian food is easily accessible. Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, and Indian food all offer a huge variety of foods without any gluten.Also a lot of Latin foods. Paella doesn't have gluten and there's a ton of different ways to make it.
    Just watch out for soy sauce!!! Most have wheat & soy, not just soy. Not sure if La Choy is safe, but my daughter won't eat it just in case, we use tamari or GFree versions. Also, sushi made w/ imitation seafood often has wheat gluten in it.

    Not all Japanese food uses soy sauce, but yes you can find gluten free soy sauce.
  • Hi! I have Celiac disease so I had to go gluten free. It takes awhile to learn because it's a whole life style change. But I recommend joining some Facebook groups and reading a lot . Just remember that all the gluten free stuff out there is more expensive and is loaded with sugar. That's why some people gain weight when going gf. I did it at first but then I realized that it's a lot easier to just go paleo that also has no gluten. Good luck to you!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    When I cut out the carbs and went high fat my IBS when away. The doctors can fight over the terms but when we find a way back to health that works for us with Celiac or Celiac like symptoms we are happy. :)
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,139 Member
    When I cut out the carbs and went high fat my IBS when away. The doctors can fight over the terms but when we find a way back to health that works for us with Celiac or Celiac like symptoms we are happy. :)
    Self proclaimes feels better after not stuffing face, with food, loses weight and now you've eliminated your IBS....mind boggling and also proclaims peoples Celiac symptoms will subside with low carb.....you are simply a sage of information.

  • Thank you everyone for your input!
  • geneticsteacher
    geneticsteacher Posts: 623 Member
    Read labels, read labels, read labels! Learn what ingredients to avoid. Gluten is in a surprisingly huge number of foods.

    I tested negative for Celiac disease, but my doctor said to try eliminating gluten and see if it made a difference. Two months of very strict gluten free eating had no effect on my digestive symptoms.
  • Cby60
    Cby60 Posts: 38 Member
    http://applewoodrecipes.blogspot.ca Is the address for my gluten free recipes. We have been gluten free because of diagnosed Celiac disease in 7 of our family. Its not hard once you get use to it.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    edited December 2014
    It's pretty simple. Stop eating bread and pasta. Since you aren't celiac, chances are your "gluten intolerance" isn't bad enough to be affected by small trace amounts of gluten that might be in other foods due to where they are processed.

    I would also consider getting a second opinion. I used to think I had a sensitivity to gluten because of bloating and GI issues after eating foods with gluten in them. After consistently taking a probiotic, regularly eating yogurt and practicing moderation (rather than being a pasta and bread binger) most of my bloating and stomach issues went away.

    ETA: The researcher who originally discovered gluten sensitivity/intolerance has done further research and essentially shown that it's not a real thing. You either have Celiac or you don't, there is no spectrum, at least not as broad as it's been made out to be.
  • tjdavisak
    tjdavisak Posts: 5 Member
    Someone above mentioned that there are those who feel that GF is a fad, and there are those who have gone GF because it was a hyped diet. But I have been GF for thirty years and there is NO doubt that I have an intolerance. I can handle a little but if I continue to consume gluten everything in my mind and my body goes haywire and then I get sick...yeast infections, ear infections, sinus infections, thrush, migraines, colds. So I disregard what others say and continue on my merry GF way. So...good luck! It is really hard at first but gets easier the longer you're away from it. Your body is going to crave gluten for a while after you quit, but stay strong. It is worth it.

    Beware, many of the GF options out there are loaded with starches and sugar to hold baked things together when gluten is missing. This can be a problem especially if you're prone to constipation. Really pay attention to the ingredients. Many GF packaged foods are higher in calories than the non-GF. Some things that are labeled GF are always GF so check the label and don't pay more for something labeled as GF when the original item is also GF.

    As someone else mentioned, eat lots of fiber and vegetables. There are lots of great GF foods available now, but there is also a lot of crap.

    I look forward to hearing about how you're doing with this major change in your diet.
  • sugarfree123
    sugarfree123 Posts: 82 Member
    I was diagnosed celiac 7 years ago. I gained a lot of weight tasting all the gluten free products. Then I realized that my body had warned me once to eat right. Gluten free junk food is still just junk. Now I just eat meat, vegetables, fruits and nuts. period. So simple. Doesn't need a name. Its just food, straight up. Good healthy non processed food. Can't go wrong with that. So simple. All that extra weight is gone and I have a ton of energy.
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    PINTEREST for recipes... I gave up gluten for a month to test to see if I was intolerant.. I was not, but while I was off of it, I got tons of recipes from Pinterest.
  • MajorMusic13
    MajorMusic13 Posts: 293 Member
    I went gluten free last February due to having problems with pain, headaches and inflammation. My doctors tried to tell me I had pcos at the time, but I had no cysts and my hormone levels were normal. Going gluten free fixed the problems I was having within a week.

    As far as cooking goes, I love making soups in the winter. Its easy to get a ton of good for you veggies in them and some protein either with beans or chicken/beef or both. I made one today with kale, cabbage, mixed veggies and black beans in a crushed tomato broth that has 150 calories per serving yet is really filling. Each serving fills a normal cereal bowl. Salads are great in the summer. Spring mix or spinnach with canned chicken, sliced almonds and some apple and homemade dressing.

    For other meals I usually skip the grains, but when I do use something that would have previously had gluten I have found some good substitutes.
    -Black Bean Pasta tastes good. Just don't look at it. It looks like worms. I purchase mine at costco.
    -GF noodles are good, just make them according to package instructions. Big Lots has tons for cheap.
    -GF bread by gluteno is good. Just expensive and watch the carbs as it is rice based.
    -GF Chex is delicious. Watch the sugar and carbs.

    Gluten is hiding in some odd places. Watch labels on store bought soups, soy sauce, chili, marinades, seasoning mixes, etc. Looking for beef stew seasoning the other day I saw McCormicks slow cooker beef stew seasoning contains wheat.

    Good luck!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    A great soup recipe to try out including kale is Winter Lentil Soup

    What's for supper? Cooking with Kale!

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    When I cut out the carbs and went high fat my IBS when away. The doctors can fight over the terms but when we find a way back to health that works for us with Celiac or Celiac like symptoms we are happy. :)
    Self proclaimes feels better after not stuffing face, with food, loses weight and now you've eliminated your IBS....mind boggling and also proclaims peoples Celiac symptoms will subside with low carb.....you are simply a sage of information.

    Thanks for your kind words.

  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    Also watch for maltodextrin. If it doesn't say it's derived from corn, there's a good chance it's got gluten. There's also gluten in many vitamins and medications. Several in my family have actual allergies to the point of breaking out in a rash and sometimes hives.
  • VagablondViking
    VagablondViking Posts: 22 Member
    Good luck with the change! You'll be amazed at how much healthier you feel when you go gluten-free (if you have intolerance or celiac's). You'll still have cravings (if only knowing it was bad for you made it taste bad, right?), but you'll find that the longer you stay gluten-free, the cravings and need to eat some gluteny food you used to love.... those times will become less and less frequent. And the times you "fall off the wagon" will make it very clear how much your body is affected by your food choices. You'll start directly associating those immediate consequences with consuming gluten and then avoiding gluten will become so much easier.

    Find a few treats that are gluten-free, so you won't cave and have a muffin or a bagel or whatever gluteny food it is that you love. Endangered Species brand chocolate bars have a lot of gluten-free options. Lara-bars are delicious (and also vegan and kosher) and can really fill that candy bar void. The makers of Lara-Bars also make a granola (Re-Nola) that is completely grain-free (nuts, seeds and dried fruits) that is absolutely delicious.

    Good luck! It's a major change, but it's so very worth it!!
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    When I cut out the carbs and went high fat my IBS when away. The doctors can fight over the terms but when we find a way back to health that works for us with Celiac or Celiac like symptoms we are happy. :)
    Self proclaimes feels better after not stuffing face, with food, loses weight and now you've eliminated your IBS....mind boggling and also proclaims peoples Celiac symptoms will subside with low carb.....you are simply a sage of information.

    Thanks for your kind words.

    Excellent response. :)
  • Sirlevisarmy
    Sirlevisarmy Posts: 9 Member
    My son is GF and I try my very best to eat completely GF was well (makes life easy. No need to cook 2 meals) Corn pasta or quiona pasta tastes way better than rice pasta. Udis bread is okay but it's not "the same". We eat a lot of corn tortillas and use them to make corn chips.

    If you have a wood cutting board or wood utensils I would replace them as the gluten molecules can stay attached to the wood even after washing.
    Also check your laundry detergent (yes there is gluten in some laundry soaps)
  • Sirlevisarmy
    Sirlevisarmy Posts: 9 Member
    And just because it says Gluten free doesn't mean that it's automatically healthy!