Giving up the booze to get fit

Evening All,

I have been on here for a while but never really used the forums. I have lost almost 2 stone but am now about to embark on a massive challenge for me, 6 months booze free. There's a good reason for this, I get married on the 29th August 2015 and want to look and feel the best I can for the big day. To help me focus I am blogging my progress and would love to get some people following me. If you want to support me my blog is currently at and as of tomorrow it should be at Any support would be greatly appreciated, and if anyone else is doing a similar challenge I would love to connect for mutal support.


  • gardenpixiepdx
    gardenpixiepdx Posts: 12 Member
    pjsmithit wrote: »
    Evening All,

    I have been on here for a while but never really used the forums. I have lost almost 2 stone but am now about to embark on a massive challenge for me, 6 months booze free. There's a good reason for this, I get married on the 29th August 2015 and want to look and feel the best I can for the big day. To help me focus I am blogging my progress and would love to get some people following me. If you want to support me my blog is currently at and as of tomorrow it should be at Any support would be greatly appreciated, and if anyone else is doing a similar challenge I would love to connect for mutal support.

    Hrmm... give me a day to think on it... right before new years might be rough, but the day after I'd be all on it!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Start today.
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    I was a HEAVY drinker (love me the red wines and the heavy/high volume beers IPA, DIPA...ect ) It has been over 6 weeks since I have cut beer/wine out of my diet (as well as carbs/sugars). Not gonna sucked the sweaty nasty at first...but, Since Nov 13 I have lost 34inches off my of my body, with 7inches from my midsection alone. Although not easily done (as my husband got me into being a craft beer lover), I love the results and how I feel. Good on got this
  • pjsmithit
    pjsmithit Posts: 8 Member
    All, some great replies and many thanks for that. I'm not sure where I go after six months, but to put things in context I did kick an 11 year cannabis habit back in 2006 and have never touched it since, and I do wonder if the booze would be the same. My preference would be controlled drinking, nothing in the week, no drinking at home but enjoying the social occasions. With regards to my wife to be, she could easily be classed a non drinker, she will have maybe 2 - 5 alcoholic drinks a year and can easily take it or leave it so no issues there.
  • I think it's a great idea to avoid booze, for a little or longer while if you're looking to lose weight. Well done - I'll be interested in following your experience. As a Brit now living in Canada, I think I can relate more to growing up in a drinking culture. Not always easy for those who are then able to drink in large quantities, which is me. Your upcoming attempt has also occurred to me to do many times but I have never been"brave" enough to do it. Maybe now..... I hope you enjoy the benefits and let us know how you are doing!
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    I will join you tomorrow. I am currently drinking as i type this lol.

    Seriously tho, i drink a couple times a year. Last time was a Halloween party. Tonight is my New Years at home event. I wont be celebrating tomorrow night because of starting a job at midnight...
  • pjsmithit
    pjsmithit Posts: 8 Member
    CarrieCans, I welcome you to join me and wish you well in your new job...
  • pjsmithit
    pjsmithit Posts: 8 Member
    WRXYMama, they are some great results, I hope mine come close to that, however I am keen to understand the sugar changes, can you share more details on your diet changes?
  • I am in my 3rd week of being booze free :) Normally a bottle a night of wine drinker and more on weekends!
    Feel free to add me as a friend, would love to hit the 12 month mark with no alcohol!
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Good for you! I have tried forever to make wine fit in with my calorie and macro goals, but I have realized that it's holding me back. Plus after observing my fiance have a complete melt down of day drinking today (he's on vacation), I've realized it's not fun anymore! Good luck on your endeavors!
  • gardenpixiepdx
    gardenpixiepdx Posts: 12 Member
    From our trainer Armando around alcohol and fitness. This was eye opening for me.

    So without further ado, let talk a bit about our friend "Mr. Alcohol"

    Alcohol And Fat Loss – What You Need To Know

    One question that often presents itself to many dieters who are trying to shed the excess weight that has accumulated over time is whether or not alcohol can be included in their diet plan.

    Alcohol is something that most adults do like to indulge in from time to time – some more often than others.

    So what’s the real deal about alcohol and your progress? Is this something that you can make room for in your diet or is it something that you need to give the boot?

    Alcohol And Calories

    The very first thing that you need to take note of is how many calories are found in alcohol. Alcohol itself contains seven calories per gram, whereas both proteins and carbs contain just four. Fat comes in at the highest calorie value per gram at nine, which places alcohol right in the middle.

    But what’s often worse is what the alcohol is mixed with. If you’re drinking your alcohol with high calorie or fat mixers such as cream, sodas, or sugary mixers you could easily end up with a drink that packs in well over 300 calories per serving.

    If you take in three or four of these over the course of the night, it’s really going to add up.

    Alcohol And Fat Metabolism

    The second important thing that you need to note is the impact that alcohol consumption will have on your fat metabolism. The minute that you put alcohol into your body, all fat burning is going to come to a halt!

    Your body views alcohol as a toxin and as such, as soon as it comes in, it’s going to do everything it can to rid itself of this alcohol. No further fat will be burned off until it’s out of your system.

    Only then will you start burning up body fat again. So if you consume quite a bit of alcohol one night, you can expect to see your rate of fat loss drop off for a more significant period of time.

    Alcohol And Your Recovery

    Finally, the last important thing to note about alcohol consumption is the impact it will have on your recovery rates. In addition to putting the breaks on all fat burning taking place in the body, the second thing that alcohol is going to put the breaks on is protein synthesis.

    This means that no further lean muscle tissue will be built up as long as that alcohol is in the body. Again, you can imagine what this is going to do to your workout goals.

    So as you can see, if you want to be truly successful with your fat loss and workout program, it’s best if you can forgo alcohol for the time being. One drink every now and then may not hurt all that much, but if you’re taking in any more than this, it will definitely hinder the progress that you see.
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    good for you! I also have drastically cut my alcohol intake. I used to have several craft beers and some wine as well as the occasional liquor when out with friends or at a party. Now after several weeks I find myself not even wanting a drink. I used to use it to cope after work as well.
    I do allow myself the occasional glass of wine, but that's it. I find myself feeling so much better in every aspect of my life because of this change. I don't think you'll regret this great choice at all! Good luck!
  • djscavone
    djscavone Posts: 133 Member
    Well said Nuralanur. Last December I was diagnosed with Nerve damage and the pain was so intense I wanted to cut off my limbs. It was all from excessive drinking. All that red wine every night, Tequila, beers with friends and all weekend just put on the weight and killed my nerves (vitamin B deficiency). I cut out the booze for 5 months, took vitamin B12 and B6 daily, started walking, and dropped 32 lbs in no time. I have since allowed myself a glass of wine once in a while and I still have a beer or two with friends. But NOT daily! Maybe once a month. This holiday I had more than I should, I admit. Like you said any exercise I think do goes to ridding my body of the beer and not fat.

    It can be done. Once you hit maintenance it becomes like anything else where you have portion control. There is really no reason to NEED alcohol every day or to excess. We may want it but we don't need it. Any friends who give you a hard time about it are not true friends.
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    There was a no alcohol for 2 week challenge on here that I took. I was so afraid at first and I must admit, it wasn't easy or pretty, but it was so worth it! I lost weight faster and my entire attitude changed for the better. I now look back and see that I didn't need to drink that excessively or for stress relief. I have had drinks with Christmas and will tonight but definately don't drink like I used to. I will be again cutting it out for the new year - my body and mind function so much better without it. Good for you for your challenge - I hope you are successful and reap the same numerous benefits!
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    Without even realizing it for the longest time, I had found myself drinking almost every night of the week. A little denial going on? I think so. Like stated above, I love my dark spiced rum and regular coke so = mega calories! I would have 4-6 on average every evening. I had a stressful job, 3 kids, a husband and caring for my mother in law with Alzheimer's. I had gotten down to my goal weight of 125 a couple years ago, but am currently at 140. I carry my weight in my stomach mostly so I just look pregnant! It's gross and its from ALCOHOL. I quit my stressful job, joined a gym and cut out my beloved rum. So if you wanna lose weight and feel better, you're doing the right thing. Good luck & happy new year to you all:)
  • breakingxground
    breakingxground Posts: 14 Member
    Good for you! I plan on cutting back my alcohol intake. I usually have a glass a wine a night, but I'm going to stop drinking on the week days. It's been my biggest downfall weight loss wise.
  • gardenpixiepdx
    gardenpixiepdx Posts: 12 Member
    Good for you! I plan on cutting back my alcohol intake. I usually have a glass a wine a night, but I'm going to stop drinking on the week days. It's been my biggest downfall weight loss wise.

    Mine too...
  • I love my nightly glass or three of red wine. I am determined to kick this habit starting today.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    I will come here and be on clean up duty. Any booze you don't want, I'll take and quietly get rid of it for you. I just get up a little earlier and run a couple more miles.