fruits and veggies perishable



  • ASG_21
    ASG_21 Posts: 82 Member
    Also, RE the original post... Meal planning. Buy only what you plan to use and no more. With this approach, I've managed to eliminate 99% of wastage and just about all food is used up before going bad. I also tend to plan meals according to what will spoil first, so all items that spoil quickly are eaten at the beginning of the week.
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    I only go vegetable/fruit shopping once a week, the produce store near me is closed and stocks on Mondays so I go every Tuesday. Everything I buy lasts a least a week.

    If your food is spoiling quickly, make sure you are cleaning out and washing your crisper bins often. I try to clean them out every Sunday and move anything I need to use quickly to the front so I see it first. Here's a little article on how to store produce so it lasts longer.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I end up throwing produce away. But really, in the off season, you're better off buying frozen produce, because unlike the fresh produce, frozen produce is harvested ripe and packaged within a few hours. On top of that, if you don't use it, it can keep for months or even years in the freezer.
  • keziak1
    keziak1 Posts: 204 Member
    thanks, we do use frozen veggies a lot. I think my problem is that I buy salad fixing then get busy and don't make enough salad!

    I've never cared for frozen fruit though.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    I never have to throw out anything. Its rare. We shop once in 10 to 14 days. And i have a bit of a system. Like bananas i buy two bunches One very green other one more yellow. When they start to go bad i freeze them also. Aples Oranges etc stay good a long time. Now for Lettuce i have a little trick. I buy a iceberg lettuce. When i make salad i peel every day the outside leafs off for the salad. So the inside stays fresh for more than a week. As long as you dont cut them in half or quarter to use them. All the veggies get weight in portions when i come home from shopping. Cut chopped and frozen if there is much. All the cut offs, like celery and broccoli, cauliflower etc i make straight away a veggie soup. Its boiling while i am cleaning and cutting and bagging up the veggies. Its enough for a week. I do chicken in it. The meat goes the same way. Cut up, weight and bagged and frozen. The chicken i make nice filet out of them and the cut offs go straight in the soup that is boiling.

    Sometimes we need a fill up in some milk and than i grab also more tomatoes and radish and cucumber.
    Cucumber is the one thing that i always run out for. I only buy 2 because indeed they go bad to fast. But the rest np at all.

    Lets say i soup, freeze and bag things up lol

  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    btw bananas stay longer good when you do some aluminium foil around the end ( were they are stuck together) lol forgive me my baby English its not my native tongue.
  • Numberwang22
    Numberwang22 Posts: 213 Member
    I tend to buy veg mostly weekly then make a big batch of curry/chilli whatever while it's fresh. Some of it I freeze but leave a few days worth in the fridge.

    Each time I reheat a portion, I cook up and add anything else that needs using that I didn't add the first time around. Like mushrooms, greens, etc. That way I try and mix it up, and not to waste too much...

    Hope that makes sense!