welcome.gifWelcome to a friendly community of women. The name says Women ages 50+ but all women are welcome. I hope that those of you who are new will become part of this community. None of us is able to manage this journey to health and fitness alone.

How did you do with your goals or resolutions for December?
What goals or resolutions have you chosen for January?
Resolutions or goals aren't necessary to be part of this community.

smiley-greet012.gif Many people vow to make a new start at the beginning of a new year. This thread has helped me to stay focused one day at a time on my new behaviours and attitudes.

Sign your post with your name or alias and your geographic location so we can get to know each other better.

smiley-happy020.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif

The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

December Resolutions (with end of the month comments)
*walk 18,000 steps a day (did this every day)
*strength training twice a week (possibly as often as once a week)
*knit six child hats (accomplished)
*act the way I want to feel (this saved me several times from what could have been a terrible time)

January Resolutions
*walk 18,500 steps a day
*strength training twice a week
*review our will and documents of personal information
*don't expect praise or recognition
*learn and teach two new dances



  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Thanks, Barbie!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    As always, Thanks!
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Happy New Year!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy new year.Thanks Barbie
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of Kathy Kaehler Basics DVD. Really, it's more toning, but I didn't know. Tomorrow's plan is to do Jeannette Jenkins 21 Day Total Body DVD.

    katla - I seriously never make a New Years Resolution because I know that I would never follow through. I wonder how many people do?

    Joyce - that "thing" you need to click on to bookmark this site is a star. You also need to unclick the thread (so its no longer bookmarked) from the previous month so you don't accidentally post to the wrong thread. I'm so sorry you're having to go out to use the bathroom. I just can't imagine doing that. I remember when we were without water and on a pump, but at least we could use the toilet and just close the lid. You have such a great outlook on having so many holidays at your house. I didn't want to do Thanksgiving and Christmas, too many leftovers. I hand it to you. Hey, Lesley, maybe Brian could join this group and give advice??????

    Linda - I thought the problem was that my body just isn't used to fat or lots of unhealthy things. As a matter of fact, I feel so much better now that I'm back to "normal" eating. Plus, the Wii is telling me I'm losing, I'll know Sat. when that's my official weigh-in day on the scale. Your brother's "meal" sounds really good

    Sylvia - I hope that thermometer works, I'm sure it will. Happy anniversary -- wanted to get that tax credit when you got married, eh? Thanks for telling me about the NuStep, looks interesting. Are the batteries for the display? I like that there is a place for your water bottle.

    Heather - I like to have things in the freezer (or even refrigerator) ahead of time. I agree with you, one of the secrets to maintaining is unprocessed foods and veges. I enjoy entertaining, I enjoy the prep (believe it or not) and being sure that there's enough for everyone. And, yes, many times I'm totally exhausted when it's over. But it's a good exhaustion.

    Jan - those squirrels are so crafty!

    Margaret - I like your goal to laugh every day. We all need to do that

    Decided to check out that WalMart Neighborhood grocery that just opened. They are MUCH larger than the WalMart by me, they do carry things that I normally can't get. One thing they did carry was the yogurt Vince likes (YoPlait Thick & Creamy Light Key Lime) so I don't think he'll have much of a problem me going there as long as I buy his yogurt. They also carry the low fat brownie mix that I use. I was surprised they didn't carry the silken tofu, but I know the WalMart by me does and so does the IGA near where we bowl. Then stopped at Aldi because we don't have any more aluminum foil or quart size bags. Didn't get much, mostly looked around. Butter is no longer on sale, but I have quite a bit in my freezer anyway.

    Janet - I need to have something on my stomach, too, before I can do any exercise. the day of my colonoscopy, tho, I won't be able to. I just know that I'm going to do some exercise that day.

    patceoh - happy anniversary!

    jane - happy birthday to your son

    Sylvia - I love your diet advice. How timely! "Food that doesn't taste good doesn't count"...love them all! Religious dispensation! Of course, we all know that if we put something on top of the refrigerator, the calories will jump out because they're afraid of heights....lol

    Linda and nyokie - welcome

    Alison - safe travels.

    Jane - ((((BIG HUG))))

    Sylvia - sounds like you had a wonderful dinner. So glad for you. I know that when we go to FL we go to this seafood restaurant. We went there shortly after they opened. Their food is good, but lately I haven't had a desire to go there only because you don't get much for what they charge. And now that they were just interviewed by Emiril Lagasse for his show, I'm sure their prices are going to go up even more.

    I don't know what it is, but tonight my stomach feels crummy. Not sick, like it's bloated or something. Well, I'm sure this'll pass.

    Toni - what a great job you did at that wedding! I'm proud of you

    Happy New Year everyone!

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I loved what you wrote Toni, about opportunities and what the Christian artist said. I will try to be mindful of that. I don't make resolutions. I try to make goals and have never been able to keep to them very well. I guess this journey here is one of the best I have done but as far as keeping them consistently is still a no. It will be a big goal for the next year. My second goal is to do a much better job in ordering and taking my medicine for my MS. I think one reason I have done so poorly with it is that my doctor says sometimes that she wonders if I don't have MS. I don't think I have taken it since October and I haven't had any problems. But I know I should have discussed this with her. She doesn't like things done without her OK. If I am late getting her every 6 month lab work done I get a nasty letter saying I will get fired as a patient if I am not compliant. And not taking my medicine without talking it over with her is really, really concompliant.

    I wish I could get out of my douldrum and be my usual self. after all this is the week, the day, the celebration I look forward to. Christmas is Saturday. That is our families heritage, our faith, our core of belief. I just want a shower so bad, I want to be able to flush the commode without having Charlie check the over flow and using the shop vac and suck stuff out twice a day routinely. I want to run my dishwasher. I want to be able to wash my hands, I am tired of using sanitizer all day long. I am tired of wondering whether paying this $2000 on Friday which BTW seems eons away, is going to do the job. I want to be assured it will. I want to be assured we won't have to get a hotel for us and my daughter and family this weekend. I want to know we will be having our celebration at my home. I want my home back in order. I was finishing up all my preparations and putting everything in its organized bags tonight and went to put the stocking gifts in the big bag with the stocking candy. To make me not to want to get any of the candy, I put it in the storage room. I know exactly where I put it. Then the second day of overflow happened and Charlie very quickly moved things out of the way in the storage room, put stuff on top of stuff. And that candy is in the midst of all that.

    But I have found some things I was not aware I had. You know those humongous plastic totes that hold a bunch of stuff that a person is just sure they mmust have and use some day in the next melenium? I now have one on my guest bed that either Charlie and Michelle put on there to get it out of the storage room. It is jammed, and I mean jammed full of plastic bags! Did I think at one point in my 42 years of marriage that I would need a 50 gallon container of plastic nags??? Now I wish I had gone down there earlier to organize things so that I could use this disaster to throw things away. Now I only have tomorrow and part of Friday to do it. But one thing I am doing tomorrow is go to Michelle's house and take a shower. Because of my MS and my need to be cool, I like to leave the bathroom door open to take a shower. She has 3 big dogs that if the bathroom door is open and some one is in there, the dogs have to investigate. Plus she has a male roommate. Plus she has steeeeeeep stairs up to her bathroom. She workds evening shift and doesn't get up until noon and goes to work at 3 so Ihaven't had the opportunity to go before now but she is off tomorrow except she is coming over to help us put our house back together.

    I wish everyone here a Happy New Year. May all your wishes come true, tears turn to smiles, lots of furry friend kisses, happy grand kid smiles, wonderful travels and gourmet delights. Pounds lost but insight gained. May we bring new friends to join us, mourn any lost. Happy new year my friends

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks Barbie.
    I have reset my ticker for this year to see how I go with Brian. He taught me so much and I was ready to listen and see him again tomorrow, Friday.
    2015 I am READY girls with MUCH better information.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, I did it, I did it!!!! I bookmarked that 'thing!!!!!! I will leave Decembers bookmarked for awhile until I am through trying to remembering what was said on it

    Joyce, Indiana
  • kjctiger3
    kjctiger3 Posts: 1 Member
    Happy new year all :)

    I've just joined MyFitnessPal today in the hope's that I can finally get my weight and health under control. I'm a 52 yr old single mum of teen twin boys, I work full time and struggle to keep on top of chores at home. I have subsequently become an emotional eater :\ Having once been a super healthy chick before kids, I give loads of good advice on eating and dieting to my friends but don't follow a word of it myself. Rather than looking at the journey I keep focussing on the destination and have failed at the first hurdle.

    In joining MyFitnessPal I can at least be held responsible for my food and exercise. Hopefully some of you lovely ladies can help keep me on the straight and narrow while I travel this journey.

    All the best
    Karen, Perth, Australia
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Happy New Year! :flowerforyou:

    Got lots to do before the guests arrive for a late lunch. Will get my exercise done and make myself beautiful first. :laugh: Then I feel more relaxed.

    I love my DSIL and her daughter and DSILS boyfriend is nice, so we should have a good time.

    Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Happy New Year Vit F!
    Where did the year go? Well ever since I got into the new school and the new routine I slowly got out of my yoga class n writing here..... slowly find myself 4 lbs heavier.
    Guess it calls for more discipline and accountability.
    Thanks Barbie for this thread! Thanks to all my friends here who are an inspiration everyday and always have a workable suggestion, tested n tried.
    Best wishes
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT. Thanks for this. It is so true for me. I really want the leftover wings and this thought is saving me.

    Had a quiet evening with DH. We had what we call "snick snacks" instead of dinner. Heard a few fireworks but not too many. Early to bed.

    Marietta, GA
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I find if I go to long without eating or don't eat enough my stomach feels funny. But a cracker or a piece of toast fixes it.

    Welcome to the greatest site for encouragement and help.

    Wishing you all a very Happy New year. Happiness Joy and most of all Health.
    Thanks for being part of my life.

    Well the new year and wii welcomed me with a +.2 but won't fret over it. I know the why.
    We had ordered out Chinese last night and the salt is the culprit. Be gone tomorrow.
    So going to have to take it easy today in the food department.
    I have a bruch for my sons and family at around 12:00
    Then a spaghetti supper for my siblings and there families usually around 20 of us.
    So going to be a busy day.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Happy New Year!

    December's goals:
    Water - fell way short but maybe 112 oz a day needs to be worked up to. I'm going to shoot for the standard 64 in Jan
    fiber - met goal of 26 g most days
    Steps - met goal of 10,000 ever day but two. Averaged 12,000 so I'm calling that one met
    Walking - completed my goal of 750 miles in 2014 with a mile and a half to spare. I like skating close to the edge.

    I've set my goals for January and the year in the areas of mind/spirit, body, and house. I won't go into all details now (no time) but my main fitness goals (body) are:

    Walk 750 miles, 2.65 miles at a time, at least 5 to 6 times per week
    Strength train 3 times per week
    Stay within calorie boundaries set by MFP and log food religiously.
    64 oz of water and 26 g of fiber per day.

    I'll share others later.

    We're walking, getting cleaned up, then visiting with friends to eat and watch the Golden Gophers play football. Have a good one, my friends.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Thanks Barbie :flowerforyou:

    Happy New Year everyone! Hope all your wishes come true!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • trfree1
    trfree1 Posts: 12
    edited January 2015
    Hi everyone! On my 49th birthday in September 2013 I decided to make significant lifestyle changes. I set a goal to lose 100 lb before I turned 50. Although I didn't make it by my 50th birthday (took 15 months instead of 12) I am down 103 lbs! I have about 25 more to reach my long-term goal and move to maintenance. Will be glad to have the support of others trying to get/stay healthy after 50!


    Trish in KY
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited January 2015
    Happy First Day
    Ideas?.....will only post 1 st few words from my iPad?
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Dee dee
    Great accomplishment 100 lbs in 15 months wow.

    Well I'm out of here probably for the day lots to do.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • KarleenAnne2014
    I started My Fitness Pal with my daughter last year. She lost 20 lbs, I gained 5. It's time to get serious, so here I am.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! Happy new year!

    I slept like a log last night. It was great! I didn't even hear hubby come to bed. I didn't try to stay up to see the new year, and was in bed by 9:30. This morning the scale showed no damage from last nights dinner out, so I'm starting off the new year at my lowest weight yet.

    My goals for 2015 are to continue what I'm doing now, but increase my exercise back to where I was a few months ago. I'd really like to be at my goal by my 60th birthday in July, but that is not terribly realistic. 33 pounds in 7 months. So, I'm determined to be there by the end of the year. That is doable. 3 pounds a month should do it. And I'm going to start the couch to 5k program.

    My other goal for 2015 is to stop playing games on the ipad and computer so much of the time. I'll play words with my friends, but that's all. That should leave more time for doing constructive things, like cleaning house. I'm going to purge my house of junk, including more clothes that are too big.

    Today, the kids are coming over. I'm planning to let them help take down the tree.

    Well, I hope you all have a great day.

    From Southeast Kansas, USA