
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited January 2015
    Can only post few words

    Going to be a cold,windy day. This is Dhs football ....DAY......he doesn't miss a pregame,GAME,after game,highlights,coaches reasons,man on the street,reporters in stadium.......am I missing anything? Whatever...

    So,the day is mine to read,sew,crochet etc. With 2 new library books,it's a short list,as reading always wins out.

    My resolution is the same,just keep on keeping on.I'm slow,not always sure,but sticking like glue

    Lesley,do hope you will let us glean from Brians advice. He sounds like he knows what needs to be done. Glad it is working for you. I find your pist interesting & helpful.

    Heather,your Grdaughter is a beauty,so alert & sweet. Has anyone mentioned she favors you,especially the eyes?

    Alison,safe travels & hope you find FIL more alert.

    Sylvia,we had a nice meal out.Our waiter said a waitress there is his wife.She came over & it was so nice to meet newlyweds.Gave him a nice tip.
    How are you feeling today? Remember the ER if need be.A lot of Dr offices will be closed till Monday.

    Janet,welcome & I like your wish "a wonderful New Year where all your resolutions come to realities."

    Toni,good to see you on. Love your slogan!
    "Gratitude for the Past - Strength for the Present - Faith for the Future"
    This will be my mantra,if you don't mind sharing.

    Wondering how Carol in NC is liking her new home?

    I am Not a fast typer,so time to move. Patceoh
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Happy day!! And of course happy New Year. Living life one day at a time!!

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • Hi! I'm Lisa from Manhattan KS. I'm 51 and 30 pounds over weight. I've hired a personal trainer (along with 3 other friends) and we start meeting next Monday. I'm so tired of being over weight! I'm determined to do this!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Happy New Year, all and a new clean slate to do things right.

    *Karleen, don't you hate it when someone you know looses pounds and you find them? :) Maybe you need to do what she is doing and you will loose them too. :)

    *Joyce, my heart goes out to you with all your problems. When are they supposed to be finished with the work? About cleaning out and throwing things out, just know this is an opportunity as you clean up. And it doesn't all have to be done in one day. Give yourself time to do what you want. You will get back to normal and hopefully this horrible experience will make you thankful for "normal". Hang in there. You are stronger than you think.

    *Karen, welcome to you and any other newbies I missed. You will get all the support you need here. You have already lost 2 pounds so you are on the journey. Good luck.

    *Trish, great job on reaching your goal. Keep us posted on how the maintenance goes. You and all the others that have done it are a real inspiration to us. I'm so glad you are still here.

    I woke up this morning to find another 1 1/2 pounds were gone. What a great way to start the new year. I just set mini-goals and I am 3 pounds from a big one. I can do it.

    Have a great first day of the year ladies.

    Janet in freezing Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Well I learnt something new!! Didn't know I could bookmark the page here!! Never to old to learn ha ha ha.....

    I haven't been here for awhile - always too busy. I am going to check in more often.

    My goals for the year are to leave it Dec 31st - hopefully lighter but not heavier. More activity and strength training. I am Leader at our local TOPS chapter so we are going to have mini goals each month.... Got my calendar for January out already and have my goals ready for January.

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in Northern Saskatchewan
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody; Happy New Year! Inspired by everyone's words for the year, thoughts, etc. I need to sit quietly and pick something out for myself. Good chance it's "not biting the hook". ;)

    Hope everyone has a good day. :flowerforyou:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning and Happy New Year to all. Sunny and cold here (26 when I fed the birds) this am. Good start with oatmeal with orange zest, cherries, and cinnamon. No candy in house except for in DD's room. Once again she volunteered to work the holiday but this time I don't care; will make pork and saurekraut for 1pm; she should be between am and pm work with the horses.

    I think my thoughts will simply center around "Hunger is not an emergency." I hesitate to set written goals as I have caved and missed so many this year........even the focused specific small daily "manageable" ones. One good thing, I can still zip and button my winter slacks from last year.......but I'm afraid to get on the scale. Pathetic, I know. Maybe it's not that bad, I keep telling myself. So, we'll see how it goes; surely I can come up with some goal I have a chance of meeting that is weight loss related. My life has changed drastically with DD living here full time again and our relationship dynamic has shifted since she lived here before and my balance is thrown. OK, first goal is to get on the scale tomorrow morning, first thing. There's a goal that will be hard to blow.


  • llkemp
    llkemp Posts: 15
    Good morning and Happy New Year to all. Sunny and cold here (26 when I fed the birds) this am. Good start with oatmeal with orange zest, cherries, and cinnamon. No candy in house except for in DD's room. Once again she volunteered to work the holiday but this time I don't care; will make pork and saurekraut for 1pm; she should be between am and pm work with the horses.

    I think my thoughts will simply center around "Hunger is not an emergency." I hesitate to set written goals as I have caved and missed so many this year........even the focused specific small daily "manageable" ones. One good thing, I can still zip and button my winter slacks from last year.......but I'm afraid to get on the scale. Pathetic, I know. Maybe it's not that bad, I keep telling myself. So, we'll see how it goes; surely I can come up with some goal I have a chance of meeting that is weight loss related. My life has changed drastically with DD living here full time again and our relationship dynamic has shifted since she lived here before and my balance is thrown. OK, first goal is to get on the scale tomorrow morning, first thing. There's a goal that will be hard to blow.


    HAPPY NEW YEAR every one I hope it will continue to be in 2015. start the year off right got up and did a 2 mile fast walk with leslie sansone and will do another on the tread climber...now I'm going to sit down and watch the rose bowl parade with my daughter... so I hope every one has a good day.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    edited January 2015

    Here is to another great year. Thank you for keeping us going! I like your word now.

    Michele thanks for the reminder to bookmark by clicking on the star outline.

    Joyce I put some treats down in our basement so that I would not be tempted unfortunately the mice were. I learned the hard way I need to put things into plastic tubs or metal.

    Thorn377 I copied your quote to post here. "Toni, I love this saying too "Gratitude for the Past - Strength for the Present - Faith for the Future" thanks for posting it. I hope you don't mind if I borrow it too." I did consider the word strength for my 2015 word. After reading that quote I am reconsidering it. It feels like it fits me for 2015.

    Toni I think your word opportunity is a great choice too!

    Happy New Year! It is time for me to make good choices in my eating, activity, and sleep.

    rose.gif MNMargaret
  • 1 January 2015 and I have decided I must get to grips with my weight and have a worse starting position but I am determined this year. My knees are telling me that I have to do it for their sake if nothing else.

    All your help will be gratefully received.

    Happy New Year to everyone and hope we can all make the sensible choices that we should.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Happy New Year, 2015! May it bring us joy, good times with friends and family, and excellent health. :heart:

    Joyce: I hope that your plumbing issues are all resolved before you celebrate Christmas with your family. As to your health—don’t neglect yourself, no matter what. :flowerforyou:

    Leslie in Tasmania: Good luck with your reset. Best wishes for a healthy year. :flowerforyou:

    Karen in Perth: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Anamika: Welcome back! I’ve been missing you. :flowerforyou:

    Linda: Enjoy your day! :flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: I hope the Golden Gophers do well. :flowerforyou: I’ll be watching the Oregon Ducks in the Rosebowl. Go Ducks!!! :heart:

    Trish in KY: Congratulations on your success! I hope you reach your goal and maintain your health. This is a great place for encouragement and support. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I loved your goals for the year because you’ve made them realistic and doable goals. :flowerforyou:

    Patceoh: Sticking like glue is the key to success. :flowerforyou:

    Janet in Myrtle Beach: Congratulations! :flowerforyou:

    Thorn377 and Margaret: I’m jumping on the bandwagon. I like the motto, "Gratitude for the Past - Strength for the Present - Faith for the Future" too, and I’m going to add it. :flowerforyou:

    We have a pretty morning here and I’m glad to be home from our travels. I plan to watch the Rosebowl and cheer for the Ducks. I might even watch the parade. The Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade is not my thing. DDIL loves it, but I do not actually enjoy all the Broadway show stuff. I like marching bands, flower covered floats and horses.

    Happy New Years to everyone, including those I missed.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    "Gratitude for the Past - Strength for the Present - Faith for the Future"

    December Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • kyungs
    kyungs Posts: 67 Member
    I'm Kyung. Every year, for the last five I've gained five pounds... I don't like where this is going and its time to stop. I'm 55, have 25 pounds to lose and need to stop 'buying the next size up".
  • We all need to do that Kyung, I have gained weight this year instead of losing it. I had got down to 12 stone but over a month I have gained back the stone I took off - which is awful. I am determined not to let this happen again and need to keep positive.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif We went to bed at 7:30 last night as planned but I woke up at midnight to the sound of fireworks and had some trouble getting back to sleep...got up a bit later than I wanted to but still had time to walk the dogs and be at the early morning meeting we planned to go to.

    1635959zfv2q8wczj.gif Sylvia, I found that by seeking more opportunities to be active and limiting my sessions at the computer to 30 minutes, I started walking more steps and burning more calories.....I applaud your plan to purge your house of "junk".....you will thank yourself for doing that.

    smiley-happy005.gifJoyce, I admire your good spirits in the face of your plumbing difficulties. The time we had a big plumbing problem we packed the dog and a suitcase and checked into a motel and stayed there until it was fixed.

    smiley-happy020.gifKaren, welcome, I hope you come back each day for support and encouragement to make this the healthy journey you are hoping for.

    smiley-happy020.gifAnamika, I am so happy to see you again.

    smiley-happy020.giftrfree, congrats on the weight loss so far.....I hope you'll join in the conversation and share your success story and enjoy the support and encouragement offered by all the great women on this thread.

    smiley-happy020.gifKarleen, Keep coming back, this is a great place to get serious about weight loss.

    smiley-happy020.gifLisa, welcome.....starting with a personal trainer is an awesome way to kick start this journey.....keep coming back and tell us how it is going.

    smiley-happy020.gifLillian, between TOPS and MFP, you'll have a great support system.

    smiley-happy020.gifJo, welcome....we have many women on this thread who have lost weight and found that their knees were the better for it....good luck to you.

    smiley-happy020.gifKyung, welcome to our friendly community...you have come to the right place.

    smiley-bounce013.gif Katla, no parade watching here and probably no football, but there's a big hockey game that Jake wants to watch.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

    January Resolutions
    *walk 18,500 steps a day
    *strength training twice a week smiley-sport017.gif
    *review our will and documents of personal information
    *don't expect praise or recognition
    *learn and teach two new dances 253149qtzkf0ld22.gif

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Happy New Year! Thanks Barbie for continuing this thread.

    Heather ... meant to comment on your granddaughter's photo ... such joy in her expression! Love it!

    Jane ... praying for you and your friend...

    Welcome to all the new ladies!

    I ended up lighter in 2014 than I had been in 2013 ... but not by much. Too many months of yo-yo-ing! Most of my resolutions were not met on a continuing basis. Hit and miss there... December's goals included.

    Your goals/words/resolutions are all worthy ones and I will be thinking of them in the months to come.

    I came across a document I had saved from an earlier post by one of you entitled "Eight things to remember when everything goes wrong." This post listed reminders to help keep motivated ... beautifully written ... and included the topics: Pain is a part of growing, Everything in life is temporary, Worrying and complaining changes nothing, Your scars are symbols of your strength, Every little struggle is a step forward, Other people's negativity is not your problem, What's meant to be will eventually be, and The best thing you can do is keep going.

    It included a daily "to do" list:
    Think positively.
    Eat healthy.
    Worry less.
    Work hard.
    Laugh often.
    Sleep well.

    This I can do! Daily.

    Other goals ... I have many ... but I suspect they will become easier if I remember the "to do" list!

    Beth in Western New York

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Happy New Year!
    Wow! 6 new friends in one day!!! Welcome, Karen, Karleen, Trish, Jo, Lisa, and Kyung. You will love this thread. It has given me great support and encouragement. It has been so good to have "company" on this journey.

    Lisa - I am originally from Kansas and graduated from K-State in Dec. of '70. It's great to have another Kansan in the mix.
    Joyce - I am so sorry about your plumbing. What a nightmare. You seem to be holding up so well. I hope your Christmas celebrations can happen.

    Lillian - I am also the leader of my TOPS chapter! It has helped me stay more accountable to the members in my group. As a retired teacher, it has given me a way to continue using my leadership and teaching talents. I really love my TOPS friends! I like your idea of setting mini goals for each month. I think I'll present that to my group on Monday.

    Some of you have commented on my slogan "Gratitude for the past - Strength for the present - and Faith for the future. I'm pleased so many of you want to adopt these words as encouragement for 2015. Of course I'll share them with any of you. After all, I "stole" them from the Christian singer and who knows where she got them. Always pass along the good stuff - that's my view!

    I've been to the Y and now home - nice and cozy on this c-o-l-d day. I only got 3 hrs of sleep last night (NO, I was not out partying - just one of those nights) so I think a nap is in my near future.

    December Goals
    1. 73 oz of water a day - about 75% successful (going to drop this down a bit)
    2. Wish someone a Merry Christmas (after the 25th Happy New Year) each day - 100%
    3. DON'T REMEMBER! I guess I better write them down, huh?

    January Goals
    1. 64 ounces of water each day
    2. Reflect on 3 instances of gratitude each day
    3. Reduce time on the computer (got this idea from you Sylvia)

    Grateful, strong, faithful - Toni in Tennessee
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Happy New Year!

    Toni: Your slogan and word for the year superb. Most inspiring.

    Joyce: So sorry you are having to deal with such stress right before your big family celebration. I hope that by this weekend your plumbing issues are behind you, and it’s nothing but a fun time together.

    Karen: Welcome to our friendly community. Hope to see you here often.

    Anamika: GREAT to see you. You’ll shed those 4 pounds quickly because you know what to do and have the right attitude. Keep checking back in with us.

    DeeDee: Hope all your wishes come true, too. Keep smiling.

    Linda: Enjoy brunch with your family. Looking forward to seeing you lighter in 2015.

    DrKatieBug: Bravo on hitting your Dec goals.

    Trish: I’m standing and cheering at your magnificent results!

    Sylva: Belated Happy Anniversary. Love your goals. I believe in your ability and resolve. Go for it.

    Trainer Rose put me through a hard strength workout yesterday, and despite feeling a little sore today, I made it to the gym early this morning for a two mile walk on the treadmill. She and I reviewed my health and fitness goals, and discussed a reward for hitting them. Will be back to post my goals, but for 2015 my word is MINDFULNESS.

    Colorado Foothills, where it is a sunny 30 degrees

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Hi all,
    I am covered in paint and sick to my stomach from fumes but at least we are getting there. The counter top is gorgeous and the sinks we picked out look amazing with it. I hope you all have a great new year.

    Here is my new year philosophy. Everything will balance out
    Ying Yang. Otherwise known as Bodi and Ritter

    Happy 2015!
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Happy New Year everyone! A brand new day and a brand new year. Thank you all for the support you have given me over the last few months. I'm starting this New Year 25 lbs lighter than I was on October 6, 2014. I've struggled having lost and then gained and lost again during that short time. I'm making healthier habits and I'm trying very hard not to let food be my comfort "go to".

    Rori – The recipes sounds AWESOME!!!

    Jane – I am so sorry about your friend. Sending you hugs and prayers.

    Linda – I’m going to have to look up Livermush. You all have me very curious. My FitBit is going to be the life of me! LOL! I like that mine documents my sleep pattern, but I’m still not convinced on the steps yet although I think it’s closer than it was at first...now that I don’t wear it in the rocking chair! LOL! If you’re still having problems with yours, you might call the support center. They were rather helpful when I was having issues.

    Eileen – Be safe.

    Poerava14 – I see that you live in Littleton, CO. DD#1 lives with her DH and DS in Parker. Actually, my DD#2 moved there recently and lives with DD#1 and her family. That’s where my DH & I will be heading to at the end of this month. She is having a baby girl in about 10 days! I have to tell you, I’m worried about the cold. LOL! Last year when we flew in to Colorado Springs, it was -17 degrees. I don’t think we would have gone if we had known how cold it would be, but we had the best time! Everything was so beautiful and we got to build a snow man with our little grandson. He was almost 2 years old at the time. This time we fly in to Denver where DD#2 works. What a change Colorado must be for you having lived in Hawaii!

    Sylvia – Happy Anniversary! Hope you and DH had a great evening! Please don’t neglect the chest pain! Please let your doctor know what’s going on. You may need to have another heart cath to see if there is blockage. Saying a prayer for you.

    Heather – I want so much to be like you and be able to just cook it and put it away! Maybe, some day! (big sigh!) I am looking forward to the picture of the crumpets! Your granddaughter is so precious! What a beautiful smile! Have fun with your family!

    Yanniejannie - Thanks for sharing the bay berry candle tradition. I hadn’t heard of it. I’ve heard of people burning it for Christmas, but that’s it. Very interesting!

    Margaret – What a great way to entertain, a tea party and finding things in the tree. I love it!

    Janet – Hope your back feels better. The injection did help a lot, but I find it hasn’t completely stopped the pain. Thankfully, though, it is better!

    Dstirratt – I love your quote.

    Joyce – God bless you, you have been through so much with the sewage system. I surely hope they can get it fixed for you and you don’t have to deal with it again. Have fun having the family over. My mom used to cook the whole meal when all of us went over, but after a while it became too much for her and we all started bringing a dish or two especially for the holidays and even for Sunday lunches. With both Mom and Dad gone, my siblings try to get together a few times a year. We generally go to a restaurant now since I’m 60 and I’m the youngest living. I do miss everyone’s cooking though.

    Sylvia – I read your list to my DH. He said to add that when you are eating in front of the TV, an action movie burns more calories than a comedy! We were laughing out loud ! Loved it! Reminds me of all the ways that I used to overeat!

    Linda from Oklahoma – Welcome! So glad to have you join us. I think you will enjoy this group. Tell us a little about yourself!

    Nyokie66 – Welcome! Tell us a bit about you! We’re happy you are here, 49 or 50! (Smile)

    Alison – Have a great trip home! Stay safe. I hope you took an extra lap and a few minutes in the hot tub for me! I’m missing summer! LOL!

    Toni – Stolen or not, I like your slogan! Thanks for sharing!

    Barbie – Thanks for the article on goals. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks, too, as always for keeping up this site for us! You are very much appreciated!

    Leslie – I’m so glad that you found Brian. He seems to be a Godsend to you!

    Karen –Welcome! I think you will enjoy this group! There are a lot of us still struggling to lose weight and several who have already lost the weight they needed and are here for maintenance. I love this group and I hope you will too!

    Trish – Congratulations! You’ve done a great job!

    KarleenAnne20 – We’re all here for you!

    Lisa – Welcome! I hope you find this group as welcoming as I have.

    Kyung – Welcome! I think you will find this group very helpful and encouraging.

    Beth – I like your list.

    Goals for 2015:
    * Continue to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day
    * Do something nice for someone every day, even if it's just to give a compliment
    * Exercise at least 3x/week. Start out slowly and work up gradually
    * Focus on eating healthy one meal at a time/one day at a time

    Wishing everyone a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2015!

    Barb from South Louisiana

  • tdpetunia
    tdpetunia Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Ladies! This group sounds the best for me. I am on my Mother of the Bride Diet and I started today! I am utilizing a lot of information I learned over the years and I think I am more than wise enough to get the job done this year! My daughter is getting married in June and I want to not be a "Fat Mother of the Bride" in all those wedding pictures. I am determined to make this happen now. In a good place mentally and life is good! No more excuses! Looking forward to my journey and the support we give each other on the way!