2015 has to be it - any friends for the journey?

Hi, I'm in my forties, live in Europe, have a family, and love to run and hike and swim and everything outdoorsy. Obviously I love -well, let's be honest... I have a problem with- eating, too. I'm here now mainly to start tracking my eating and I want to change the way I eat. I feel there's not very much more I can do with sports. I'm 18 pounds overweight but would like to lose much more. I'd love finally to look like I feel. I feel sporty and fit but I sure don't look like it! And I'd love to run faster, too. I've compleated my first half marathons last year, but I'm slow!

I've had a MFP account for a while but to honor the new year I want to become serious about this. This is my first post here. My blog (visible for friends) has one, too.

I'm looking for friends to make this year 2015 the one that changes everything. Have you started today? Or are you a runner? I'd love to connect and share this journey.



  • courtneyfnc
    courtneyfnc Posts: 16 Member
    I love to run! I did couch to 5k beginning in May last year, completed it, and now I'm training for a 10k. My goal is to be very consistent with running this year and get better at it. I'm looking to lose between 20 and 30 lbs. I live in the US, but I'd love to be your MFP buddy!
  • Tamraprice
    Tamraprice Posts: 2 Member
    Hello ReyahS!
    I am in my forties also and live in the USA. I am married with two grown children and work a fulltime job in education. I've used MFP before also but fell off the wagon. I am wanting to jump back in and lose weight and feel better! I do not have an active lifestyle and my job unfortunately requires a lot of sitting. I have never been into sports but do enjoy walking alot. I am dealing with long term health issues which makes it a problem for being able to get fit. But I know I have to push through and do something because I weigh the heaviest I have ever weighed and I know if I lose weight I will feel better. I want to control the things I CAN control in my life. I love getting to know new people and I think it makes it so much easier when you can share stories, recipes, or even helpful advice to help each other along the way. :-) I wish you the best of luck on your journey!
  • Hi
    I've signed back up to app today after signing up years ago and then not coming on here.
    I've lost 28lbs last year and I am determined to lose at least the same amount again this year.
    I go to the gym regularly but my problem is food!
    Unfortunately I am not a runner although I really wish I could run
    I would still like to join you on your journey though and we can all encourage each other
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    Hey I've been around for a while. I log every day and run eveeytime but winter lol. I try to comment on friends posts so feel free to add me!

    Ps-like everyone my diary sometimes isn't the healthiest. Most of the time I'm pretty good.
  • PushoverNoMore
    PushoverNoMore Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you, everyone, for the replies. I've sent the requests :) Misssabeez, right now, I'm still keeping my diary private. Do you feel like it helps to have it public? That's pretty high level of accountibility, huh?
  • Hi, I'm 48 years old and I like to run too along with many other outdoors things and other types of exercise. I'd love to work with you to help you reach your goals and I'd like help with reaching my goals....Looking to eating healthy and log my food everyday. I'm also planning to do more consistent strength training to help with losing some fat around my middle.
  • Hi, just started MFP today for the first time, not sure how it all works yet. I'm in my early 50s, live in the U.S. and also like outdoor things. I don't run -- hurts too much! I like to bike much more. Like the support of checking in with others. Good luck!
  • PushoverNoMore
    PushoverNoMore Posts: 3 Member
    kgangl1028, how do you plan to do strength training? This is something I could do more. I get plenty of cardio, but forget the strenght training. I love the outdoors so much that I can't force myself to join a health club. It seems so stupid to pay for the right to exercise... indoors! I'm seriously considering getting the who set of bar bells and a stepping board home. And set specific three times a week to work out on upper body and core.
  • fitmumnz
    fitmumnz Posts: 8 Member
    add me ! :)