
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy New Year!

    This "mama bear" needs a little dose of her own medicine. Some of the High School bowling coaches decided to pick & choose the kids they would take to a tournament yesterday, and now I have hurt feelings, because my son was not chosen. In fact, my hubby, who is one of the coaches, wasn't even made aware of this situation. My son is bowling Junior Varsity, because the varsity coach told the director "there is no way I'm going to make juniors and seniors be on the JV team and put a freshman on my team". Well, my son's numbers are better than 6 of his Varsity bowlers. I'm having a hard time convincing myself that this coach's shortcomings are not my problem. I just want to take my anger out on that bag of cookies in my son's room.

    OK. Enough complaining and feeling sorry for myself. As soon as these 2 football games are finished (1 in overtime) we are going to the bowling alley, so DH and DS can work together on their skills and scores. I can work on my own son, and his numbers will prove his skill for themselves.

    I wish I had the drive and desire to "purge" my house like I have been reading so many of you doing. It's so much work to do anything with this amount of RA pain, that I just can't make myself clean. I would rather type, and read, and crochet, and watch my son at his sports. When I pay off my car, I'm going to get a Housekeeper again. :p

    Thanks for all the support so far. I hope everyone is able to make wise choices today.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,086 Member
    stats for the day:
    Ski machine- 30min 30-45resist. 1.5mi
    Jump rope fast- single, double, scissors- 17min

    hope everyone had a good new year and doesn't have a hangover today :0)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    Toni, my feeling about quotes is that after I've used them for awhile, they become mine and if someone else likes the quote and begins using it, then it becomes hers and so on. The quotes and slogans I use here are ones that I saw somewhere months or years ago and now they feel like part of me.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter are darling.....I increased the zoom on the page so I could see the picture even better.

    Terri, I hope you can get comfortable with "it is what it is" about your son and not let your anger and disappointment spoil other parts of your life.

    Petunia, being Mother of the Bride sounds like good motivation...keep coming back here to get the support and encouragement you need along the way.

    Barb, congrats on your success so far and on your good plan to make the weight loss continue.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Day 4 in a row for me at over 10,000 steps. Loving my Fitbit. Now that the family is all gone and Christmas is packed away, we've set up the treadmill in the office. I hope to walk outside with the puppy most days. But this allows for those days that are too... (cold, rainy, dark, etc). One more pound and I'll be back to pre-Thanksgiving weight.

    Hello new friends! Happy New Year to all!

    Diana in Northeast Indiana
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Sorry my attempts to post are popping up all over!
    Toni & Katla,I also love your saying & want to study it & try to do better in all it says.

    "Gratitude for the Past - Strength for the Present - Faith for the Future"
    - Terri,one DD gave me the gift of house cleaning,twice between now & July.
    - Going to wait till Spring,then 2 nd time near the end of the time span.

    Had the best dinner.Cut up cabbage in my dutch oven with a bit of brown sugar,vinegar & seasoning with small pkg of country ribs. Browned ..small pkg of country ribs,covered with cabbage & in oven for 2 hrs.i had cottage cheese on the side,simple & yummy.

    Welcome to all the new posters.Tell us where you are from.Good luck
    With your healthy eating plans.

    "Gratitude for the Past - Strength for the Present - Faith for the Future". Patceoh
  • I'm trying to accept that over 50 means being a little slower than being over 35. Also I'm trying to be real that life is going by and I need to kick it into gear sooner than later! I'm setting some big goals for myself, so I'll be reading your comments for inspirations. Cheers!

    Lisa -way up north in MN
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Yeah, Diana!
    Welcome, Petunia!
    Barb - hope this winter is not a below zero one when you visit!

    I can't believe I forgot my 3rd December goal earlier. DUH! It came to me after my nap.
    3. Lose 5 pounds in December - 100% done!

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
    Hello to all and welcome to all those who are new. This really is a great thread and I need to post more often as well as read. I really enjoy reading all the posts, there always seems to be something funny and/or interesting. One of my goals for December was to walk 110 miles during the month. I completed 111.39 as of last night according to my fitbit! I think I will try for 115 during the month of January. Did not do too well on drinking water. I will continue my goal to drink 64 oz. per day.

    Barbie - thanks for keeping us going!

    Allison - Safe travels.

    Katla - I watched the parade, love the horses and the floats. Hope your Ducks win.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Everyone have a happy and healthy New Year! Sue in SD
  • thecat
    thecat Posts: 47 Member
    Happy New Year!! I am new to this group and I look forward to a new year of good health and weight loss....I hope to gain insight and help along this weight loss journey. I am 56 yrs old and have some health issues that require me to get my weight down so this is important!!! Thank you all :)
  • melodys_attic
    melodys_attic Posts: 114 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am back. I know what I need to do. I just need to do it. To start I plan:
    1 smoothie (= 2 fruits), 1 salad (=2 veg) and one other vegetable per day minimum;
    3 aerobics classes and 2-3 aquacise classes per week (I've signed up and PAID);
    Make and freeze "easy grab & go" lunches like vegetable pizzas, bean burritos, and soysage rolls (made 3 doz today) to reduce my tendency to not take a lunch and grab things like this at the cafeteria (= less processed, less hidden additives);
    keep a pot of homemade vegetable soup in the fridge ready for "snack attacks"'
    and, since my adult daughter is here and proclaiming vegetarianism, I will be a "weekday vegetarian" too!
    Here we go!
    We can do this!
  • SoCalPhoenix
    SoCalPhoenix Posts: 4 Member
    Today is the beginning of my journey, once again, to get back to a healthy, comfortable weight. I hope to join all of you in your journeys too. Already I have taken away some aha's from things I have read on this board. The hardest part for me is starting and maintaining focus. I hope I get it right this time in 2015. I would like to get back into a size 10 again. 25 pounds should do that. I hope to accomplish this by May or June.

    Happy new year to everyone!

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    patceoh - I keep forgetting about cottage cheese. Thanks to your great idea, I will have cottage cheese and kiwi for supper. Yum ! ! !

    Barbiecat - thanks for the support. "It is what it is" and it is already done, so I obviously can't change the past. I will continue to be his biggest fan now and in the future. I can do this ! ! !

    Welcome to everyone new, and congratulations on starting the New Year with a wonderful group of ladies. I still consider myself new, and I feel right at home here. I know that I can take on almost anything, because this is a wonderful place for support.

    Wise Choices, and Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thursday morning here and all going well.
    Washing doona and cover as Mildred beagles sneezed frerash blood all over them, think she has seeds up her nose again. Also washing clothes and towels plus cleaning house.
    Had my 3.3 mile walk in 78 minutes for 417 calories. Jeannette's Circuit A shortly.
    Sardines and salad lunch.
    See Brian at 1.30am for weigh and BF% and get some notes. The best thing he advised was granary toast and banana before my 3.3 mile walk. I was doing cardio on EMPTY
    See doctor at 2pm
    Since seeing Brian on 24 December I have LOST 1.4 Kg and 1.1% body fat.

    January Goals
    Keep to around 1700 food calories
    Walk 3.3 miles every morning (cutting down on time each day)
    Do 30 minutes weights every morning
    Weigh and BF% morning and night and note results
    Do NOT count house-work, laundry, cooking, gardening or grooming calories - incidental calories
    Listen to Brian and doctor
    Keep losing weight and BF%
    Be sensible
    Keep Sunday as Rest, Re-feed and Walking only day. Enjoy the drives out and roast dinner
    Talk my problems through with husband
    Keep putting money in the money jar (week 1 =$1, week 2 = $2 etc)

    Lesley in Tasmania

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening. Welcome newbies; may you all be successful. Please let us know where you are from..general or specific. Looks like everyone has some great plans and hopes for the new year.

    Terri.........Been there; know that feeling......(((hugs)))

    I've been in a rather strange mood all day. Watched the Rose Parade and now rooting for the Ducks with you, Katla. Go Ducks!

    Joyce........Hope your "back up" is fixed; how awful.

    The pork and sauerkraut was delicious and I'm under on cals; can't ask for more than that.

    Hunger is not an emergency. Will get on the scale tomorrow.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Phew! Got through the day at under TDEE. :bigsmile: I can hardly believe it! o:)

    Everyone was so appreciative, it made it so worthwhile. They even noticed my table setting and decorations. :love: DH did an amazing Christmas quiz for us all, based on our names. Brilliant.
    I stayed up late to clear up as DH is really not well with the horrible cold I had before Christmas. I want it to be clear before we start again tomorrow. DH'S daughter and her boyfriend sre joining the gang for lunch. Nearly all is prepared so it was just a matter of foraging in the freezer! :laugh:

    It makes me very happy to feed people. I could see my DSIL was so pleased that I had gone to extra trouble to feed her boyfriend who is a vegetarian and diabetic. She was beaming. Happy, happy me!

    Welcome all the new people. :flowerforyou: This thread is soooooo important to me. I have lost my weight and maintained for a year with the help of these supportive women. I hope you can do the same.
    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • Hello Everyone. I am just beginning so bear with me, please. I am trying to learn about My Fitness Pal and see if discussion threads will be good for me. Happy New Year to all!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    edited January 2015
    Heather ... your post had me beaming with you! How neat to be able to the meet the dietary needs of someone and make everyone happy!

    Finished today under calories ... finally! I was reviewing the reports MFP makes available and I can see exactly when the weight loss stalled this past year and when the yo-yo-ing began. Will use that information to make some much needed changes. Essentially, the loss of my trainer seemed to be my undoing ... so need to get back to the regular exercise. I was using "cleaning" calories too ... and that just doesn't work.

    Just have to share that I also finally made a roast beef in the oven that was fit to eat. In the past, my roasts have been dried out and a lot like shoe leather! I've been referring to Simplyrecipes.com for basic, whole food preparations of things I should know how to make, but seem to mess up regularly. Their Roast Beef was spot on. I now need to get myself a good meat themometer ... we were using two that were not accurate ... poor roast got poked multiple times.

    Beth in WNY
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening everyone! This afternoon I took the kids bowling, and two out of three had a great time. The third (the 8 year old) is a little bit of a drama queen and gets mad in any kind of a competitive situation. When her older sister started to pull into the lead, the waterworks started. It kind of put a damper on the whole outing. But, we went to get ice cream afterward and she cheered up. Coming home it started raining ice, and the road got a little slick, and my heater and defroster doesn't work, so I was glad to come home and stay put. We had chicken on the George Foreman Grill and green salad for dinner.

    I've been feeling better today. No chest pain. Hubby is still under the weather, so he stayed home to rest. The weather was so crummy that the poor dogs did not get their daily walk. Of course, they can go outside any time they want, but they do feel cheated.

    Wjhankins, welcome! What do you want us to call you, and where are you from? We love getting to know everyone! If you check in with us every day, I can almost guarantee it will help you. Lots of us have been where you are.

    Heather, I'm so glad your day went well! And I wanted to say that the picture you posted in late December of your granddaughter is totally adorable! Do they make a fitbit in her size?

    Jan, I'm glad your pork and sauerkraut was good. My mother used to force us to eat sauerkraut, which I did not really enjoy, and since being grown up I have not eaten it again. But every time I hear about it I think of my mother. I guess that's good.

    Terri, I miss cottage cheese. It's so high in sodium that I don't eat it anymore.

    Katla, go ducks!

    Good night everyone! One day down, one day closer to my goal!



  • drbcru
    drbcru Posts: 85 Member
    Hi - I'm Donna, and new to the groups. I'm 59 and work full time. I've been using MFP for about a month and it has definitely help me understand what I thought was OK, isn't always. I did manage to to loose 3.5 lbs. Not a lot but in the right direction. I have monitored my steps walked for the past 4 years and some days I get in a lot, others not so much. Those spreadsheets keep me hostage. I used to worry about what I weighed, I don't anymore. It has taken a long time to be OK w/who I am. My goal is to be healthy and that does include weighing less but it is not my focus. It is to eat healthy and stay fit. the added benefit will be that I loose weight. But for the right reasons not because the world says I have to. Happy Healthy New Year to all. One step at a time will get you to the finish line.
  • Hi Everyone and Happy New Year!
    I am new and today is my first day. I have 100+ lbs to lose and deep inside me I know I can lose the weight. I am just embarassed I have let this go one for so long. I would be interested in learning what is working for others...all pointers and suggestions are welcome.

    Enjoy your evening!
    J :)