Lost The Equivalent of my Daughter Since October - She's 5 [Pics]



  • MargueriteMuguet
    MargueriteMuguet Posts: 230 Member
    Great story! Thanks for sharing
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    Great story! Thanks for sharing

    Thank you & Happy New Year!

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Congrats! Your daughter is precious - my 14 year old has the same jammies LOL
  • mandybear014
    mandybear014 Posts: 209 Member
    Outstanding work! Your daughter is adorable! Congratulations!
  • MonicaBenavidez
    MonicaBenavidez Posts: 92 Member
    Great job- your daughter will be excited to have a fitter dad. :)
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    Great job- your daughter will be excited to have a fitter dad. :)

    Thank you. She told me yesterday that she is proud of me. That was an awesome pay off.
  • maggierenee88
    maggierenee88 Posts: 352 Member
    jamesrreed wrote: »
    jamesha100 wrote: »
    Congratulations. I am just starting and need to lose the equivalent of my daughter - she is 8 so about 60 pounds. Hoping to do it by the end of May.

    Your story shows that it can be done. How tall are you btw?

    I am 6'3". Best of luck on your weight loss journey. I have no doubt that you can do it.

  • maggierenee88
    maggierenee88 Posts: 352 Member
    Wooooooooo just Killin it! Awesome job keep it up
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Good for you. Cute kid.
  • jmkm0508
    jmkm0508 Posts: 6 Member
  • Tnied83
    Tnied83 Posts: 1 Member
    What was the diet plan that worked best for you were are about the same size, I'm at my heaviest ever 6'4 240
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Awesome job, and such a cute daughter! Nice to have a visual equivalent for perspective!! Keep up the great work!!
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    edited January 2015
    Tnied83 wrote: »
    What was the diet plan that worked best for you were are about the same size, I'm at my heaviest ever 6'4 240

    Here's some more on my story ..

    I am 41 years old, 6'3", have two children and have been married for 11 years. Not saying that it is the cause but prior to getting old (relatively speaking), married and having kids I would have been lucky to top 200 lbs soaking wet.

    Over the last ten years I have been anywhere from 210 to the high of 240 which I reached just three months ago. Slowly but surely I was getting bigger. I'm convinced that if I didn't take action I was well on my way towards 250+.

    Four or five years ago or so I first discovered MFP. I was 220 at the time and promptly lost 29 (got as low as 191) in 30 days doing exactly what I did this time around (more on that below).

    I caught as much grief as I did praise for losing too much weight too fast. I loved the praise and pretty much didn't care about the negative comments that I heard. I blocked them out but ultimately they were right. I made too drastic of changes in order to see those results and they were not sustainable long term. That is how 4/5 years later I got to 240. I think I stayed under or right at 200 for three months.

    Here's what I did then and now to achieve my results ..

    1) WATER - I don't like it but I drink a TON of it. Probably 100+ ounces a day, maybe closer to 150. I drink water constantly. By the time I go to bed at night I feel like I weigh 300 lbs just from the water but consequently I don't eat any late night snacks or food.

    2) VITAMINS - I take something from GNC called Men's Metabolism & Energy Pack every day. It is 7 pills of which I think two are multi-vitamins. To be honest, I'm not sure what the other pills are. One I believe is fish oil. The first several times I took it it made the hair on my arms stand on end. I felt great. 90 days later it still has a similar effect minus the hair part.

    3) CARDIO - I work from home and live less than a half mile from our YMCA. That's a huge part of my success. I don't go every day but I try. When I do I do one or two hours of walking on a treadmill at a 4-4.5 MPH pace with rolling hills and changes in elevation. Thus far I have not done any weight or strength training but that changes this week. My goal all along has been a six pack. I wanted to get the fat out of the way first.

    4) FITBIT - I'm addicted to it. I have 20 or so friends who also use Fitbit and we are continually in competition to see who can get get the most steps. I average somewhere in the vicinity of 15k steps per day since getting my Fitbit on Father's Day. I have literally gone for walks at 11:30p in a driving rain just to get steps. I don't run. I like running less than I do water.

    5) MFP - Some days are better than others but I try to log everything and pay really close attention to calories. A lot of days I don't hit my target but MFP keeps me honest and motivates me.

    6) PRAISE - I love the positive feedback and comments I am getting as a result of my progress. Both in real life and on discussion boards like this one. I'm lying if I say that isn't a big part of what keeps me going. We have several trips planned in 2015 that involve water parks or the pool or places where I won't get to wear a shirt. At the end of the day it's about looking good when those trips come up.

    7) DIET - I still don't eat well but I eat less. And I have all but thrown out candy and soda. I still eat an occasional small candy bar to keep from going crazy and I switched to Cherry Coke Zero when I do drink a soda. Otherwise I still eat at McDonald's and pizza, just not as much of it as before.

    8) SOCIAL INTERACTION - My daughters are both in elementary school as well as very active in things like dance and gymnastics. A lot of my life is spent participating in those activities. Many of the other parents I see on a regular basis look really good. I'm very competitive by nature and want to too.

    9) TOUGH MUDDER - Some how I completed a Tough Mudder (only race I have ever done in my life) in 2012. Took almost 6 hours but I finished. Most awesome experience of my life. Some time in November I signed up for Tough Mudder Kentucky 2015 in June to up the ante and keep me motivated. I'm still right at 200. Goal is to get to 190 (1 lb better than last time) and, of course, the six pack. I know it weighs more so 190 may be out of the question which is fine if I'm heavier because of muscle.

    I hope this helps some.

  • froma1
    froma1 Posts: 16 Member
    That's amazing!!!
  • hamminit
    hamminit Posts: 184 Member
    Great job! and your daughter is so adorable!!
  • Great achievement !!
  • Bonzy51
    Bonzy51 Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome job, congratulations!!
  • jack0912
    jack0912 Posts: 46 Member
    So great.. :) fantastic result
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    hamminit wrote: »
    Great job! and your daughter is so adorable!!
    than you

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