Journey to Lose 180 lbs!!



  • Kaytee86
    Kaytee86 Posts: 88 Member
    I am also looking at loosing a lot. Probably 100+. But focusing on smaller goals bits at a time. Could also really use some great female support. Don't have many I can talk to about my struggles.
  • Kristle582
    Kristle582 Posts: 38 Member
    I am 21 and I have around 100 pounds to lose. It is a struggle to lose it within a college environment but I have only one more semester left to make a change.
  • eatnojunk
    eatnojunk Posts: 30 Member
    That is good idea to have monthly goal I have about 70lbs to lose so I'm just going
    to focus on 25 to start. Be kind to yourself. Hugs
  • CinthyN
    CinthyN Posts: 64 Member
    Go ahead and add me. This is an awesome site and folks you meet here will support you. One thing that I have found to work is to stay true to yourself and be accountable. All the best!
  • glivinlife
    glivinlife Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ... I still need to lose 124lbs. My trainer suggested using mfp so here I am!
    I believe there is strength in numbers so please feel free to add me if you want! :)
  • spoonwalker
    spoonwalker Posts: 40 Member
    I've set 10 lbs per month and if I go over great! Remember that if your lifting weights and/or doing lots of cardiovascular you will be building muscle! Muscle burns more calories (fat) and is less dense than fat. My first month I lost 10, I gained 9 back the second month but had an overall loss of 17 inches! Just because the scale goes up does not mean your gaining fat!! Try not to focus on the scale too much ( a big personal obstacle for me) and focus on your clothes fitting better and living a healthier lifestyle :)
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    It does take awhile -- but I am almost there --- things will be slow as you stated re: weights / muscle etc. --- Best wishes... feel free to add
