29 M from NYC Tracking Calories to GAIN Lean Mass

Hi everyone, hope this tool isn't just for those looking to lose weight. I recently came out of a shoulder injury, preventing me from lifitng heavy weight and therefore losing what I had gained over the past year. I would like to get back to where I was, but stay under 8% body fat.


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    The majority of users are here to lose weight, but this is a site for all types. Welcome! I hope to concentrate on gaining lean muscle mass once I get closer to my goal (in about 10 lbs). I love heavy lifting though. :smile:
  • cathcakey
    cathcakey Posts: 288 Member
    My boyfriend is on here, with similar goals to yours. He's big on cycling, wants to build some muscle and is normally between 7-9% body fat. He's AFC_Don.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Used this site to help me lean out. Then spent the winter adding mass so it was great to help me hit 3,000-3,500 calories a day.

    Put on about 15 pounds but have gotten back down to my starting weight and definitely can see the difference in added muscle.

    Now using it to drop that last 5 to hopefully get me to single digit body fat.
  • MisterSixer
    MisterSixer Posts: 37 Member
    Wow - thanks for all the responses already. Seems like a pretty cool community you have going on here. Just was wondering about the recommended daily calorie intake - does it take into consideration a heavy workout at the gym, metabolic rate, etc? Other sites have told me I need about 3000 to gain 1 lb. of lean mass per week and MFP is saying 2550. I'm an ectomorph when it comes to putting on weight. 6 ft and 155 lbs hoping to reach 170 by end of the year. Thanks
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    welcome to the site.
    I'm trying to gain lean mass as well.

    If you're trying to be under 10 percent bf and gain mass, you're gonna have some trouble without taking anabolics.
  • MisterSixer
    MisterSixer Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks. I know that adding mass usually means adding some unwanted fat, but I feel confident that will eating clean calories and keeping a strict exercise routine that includes muscle-building cardio (sprints, circuit training, cycling) I can keep my BFP under 10.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    You might be able to.
    It's gonna be painstakingly slow, but it can definately be done.

    Whats your routine looking like?
  • MisterSixer
    MisterSixer Posts: 37 Member
    My routine is a 5 day split. Chest, Back, Shoulders, Legs, Arms (abs every other day). I start with heavy compound excersizes (wide-grip pullups, barbell rows, bench, deads, etc. depending on what day it is) and finish each set with a drop set then I'll do some circuit training that includes both compound and non-compound movements. It's worked well for me since I started back in 2009 but I injured my rotator cuff while pressing cleans and tore both of my TFCC in a BMX accident. Slow recovery but I'm going back in more in-tune with my body.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Ouch. Sorry about the injury bro. Glad you're getting back to it.

    Looks like you're going about it in the right way with heavy compound lifts.