Want to try to keep each other accountable?

Hey guys, I lost about 18 lbs last year and then got lazy and stopped. I am looking for 1-2 people that wants to group together. Heres my idea, lets make a Whatsapp group and make it a rule to send pictures/or say everything we eat. That way we are less likely to go outside what we should be eating and we will have better portion control. We can msg each other to make sure we keep up to date on mpf and motivate one another to do the workouts we said we would.

Mfp is easy to ignore, but if we have a few people that can hold us accountable we wont be able to ignore it, especially if its being sent straight to our phone. Let me know if any one is interested.. I dont want to give up half way. I still have 30lbs to lose and I want to make eating healthy and working out my life style.
