Hi from England !

I have just turned 52, and been overweight most of my adult life.
In 1991 I saw the difference WW had made to my younger sister, she gave it up and I borrowed her file. I stuck to 1500 calories a day, and got down to ten stones. My waist went down from 36 inches to 28 ! A few relationships later, I have been with my soulmate for 10 years now, and at my worst I was 17-6 . I have lost 34lbs so far, and have been using MFP for a few months now, but only on my phone, I was not aware that there are user forums on here, and i am very impressed !
I am a keen cyclist, and ride 20 miles most days,


  • Sharpe2103
    Sharpe2103 Posts: 20 Member
    A very motivating story. I am also from England, and a keen cyclist. I was amazed at how much I enjoyed cycling, and how much it helped with my weightloss!
  • ckm1962
    ckm1962 Posts: 19 Member
    I got my bike through the cycle to work scheme. It's a bike i have always dreamed about owning, but my wife would not be pleased if I blew £900 on a bike, buying it this way is painless, I have cycled just under 1200 miles since taking delivery of it on Aug 1st last year ! I have done 20 miles on it today :-)
  • Sharpe2103
    Sharpe2103 Posts: 20 Member
    I too got my first bike through the scheme.... And since then have purchased a further three!! My xmas / birthday present was a brand new Carbon bike.... I am in love!
  • shadowjack1965
    shadowjack1965 Posts: 107 Member
    Congratulations on your Journey! You are well on your way, feel free to add me to your friend list if desired.
  • I think you two should get a room! lol