Attempting this Thing Again!

Hello. I'm Michelle and have joined MFP about 8 months ago. Fell off the healthy train and decided to get back on. No better way to begin the new year. A healthy journey is not easy for everyone. I pray that we all will stay determined and hopeful to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Not big on luck, only blessings. With that said, God's blessings to all! :smile:


  • Summer_2016
    Summer_2016 Posts: 10 Member
    welcome back on. I fell off and am recommitted to make a long-term lifestyle change.
  • shadowjack1965
    shadowjack1965 Posts: 107 Member
    Sending warm greetings to you two fine ladies! Congratulations on resuming your journey, I know you can do it!
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    Welcome back. Feel free to add me for support and motivation. I am down 125 since January 2014. I did it without surgery, pills, crazy wraps, or extreme diets. I actually at pretty much my normal foods.
  • denisewhite324
    denisewhite324 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone from cold, cold Iowa!!! Glad to meet some new people dealing with the same struggles. So I've tried the 'healthy' kick a few different times over the past couple of years but give up before the first month is even out! I've made up my mind that 2015 has to be different and that I'm just going to take this one day at a time. I need to start setting a better example for my teen daughter, my nieces and nephews, co-workers, and friends. Hoping I can keep up this motivation! Here's to a better 2015!
  • acec00p
    acec00p Posts: 61 Member
    I'm back on 2 days in a row "LOL"