Low Carb Friends

Looking for motivational friends who are focusing on a low carb diet as opposed to calories. Feel free to add me! Wishing everyone an amazing 2015!


  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Heyy, all the very best with your low carb plan!
    Make 2015 your year for success :D

  • stephxo1
    stephxo1 Posts: 191 Member
    This was my low carb eating plan when I was dropping body fat, might be of use to you. Although I've changed my eating plan now that I'm at target weight and trying to build muscle but it worked to get me where I am now. Oh and depends on how much training you do too. Good luck!

    Training day
    7.15 40g oats (cooked in water), 4 egg whites scrambled 50 g blueberries
    10.00 100g total 0% fat greek yoghurt 1 scoop protein 20g almonds
    12.30 120g prawns broccolli cashews
    5.00 Protein shake
    Post Workout 1 scoops protein 4 bcaa's 2 rice cakes with jam
    8.00 120g chicken 200g sweet potato 100g greens
    10.00 100g cottage cheese 1 salmon fillet

    Training day
    7.15 3 full eggs 2 bacon medallions
    10.00 200g pineapple 1 scoop protein 20g almonds
    12.30 130g chicken 100g runner beans 30g brazil nuts
    5.00 Tin of tuna, green leafy veg cherry tomatoes red onion
    Post Workout 1 scoops protein 4 bcaa's 2 rice cakes with jam
    8.00 140g salmon 100g cottage cheese 100g broccoli
    10.00 50g whole earth peanut butter (off the spoon) 20g dark chocolate

    Rest day
    7.15 3 boiled eggs 40g cashews
    10.00 100g total 0% fat greek yoghurt 1 scoop protein 20g almonds 50g blueberries
    12.30 140g prawns green leafy veg red onion cherry tomatoes
    5.00 140g turkey breast 1 avocado bowl of salad
    8.00 200g sweet potato 120g chicken and stir fried veg
    10.00 1 scoop protein 40g brazil,nuts
  • anrebma
    anrebma Posts: 33 Member
    I have been low carb since October and have lost 40lbs so far. Just started doing the DDP Yoga yesterday. My weight loss recently plateaued but has picked back up again. I always check with the Keto Strips to make sure I am still in Ketosis. Has been working fantastic and would like to meet other people who might have tips or ideas or just support for this lifestyle!
  • syrcinci
    syrcinci Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all... I am starting a low carb lifestyle as well and looking for some others to support each other as well.

    What approaches are you all taking? Especially curious on what has worked so far for anrebma above... 40lbs in 3 months is impressive!

    For now, I am trying to stay under 20g carbs/day, eating 5 times/day, drinking at least 64oz of water/day and taking daily walks.
  • amuser2015
    amuser2015 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there,
    I'm just starting at this fitness pal thing I'm on day 2.
    Goal is to get down 30 lbs. It'll be my third time getting off these same 30 pounds over the last 9 years. Really hoping to do it this time * keep it off forever! Feeling motivated ( and a little hungry right now!). I think I'm having food widthdrawl & getting use to no more christmas sugar around.
    Getting back to the gym tomorrow & can't wait
    Last time I lost 30 lbs I maintained a low carb diet & lost 30 pounds in almost 3 1/2 months and kept it off for two years. Slowly increasing healthy carbs and keeping it off with exercise/ running everyday!

    Really focused on doing it again! My wedding is in 8 months!