Starting AGAIN with 90lbs to lose in 2015

Hello All,

I am not exactly new here (been logging on and off for a couple of years in the background) but I now absolutely need to do something about my, one of my many new year resolutions has been to really put this My Fitness Pal app to work, log everything and make that shift into a much healthier life!

I have 90lbs to lose and would love to connect with people across the globe with either similar weight loss goals, or people who have achieved their weight loss already.

I am working on my severe sugar addiction (I'm on my second day of no sugar eating/low carb eating) and it would be brilliant to have others to talk to and be accountable to.

Please do add me as a friend if you have room for another :smile:



  • I am in the same boat, with 50 lbs to lose. I am a constant on again off again logger and never stick with it. I have the hardest time with diets, however really need to find a diet/change that will help with the belly area. I am not sure how to add a friend... But would love to have someone that would help me be accountable! Good luck to you this year!
  • EricaAshley913
    EricaAshley913 Posts: 17 Member
    Same here...I have 90lbs to lose also by the end of the year. Im hoping to get it mist of the weight off by july because I'm going on a vacation to Miami and it would be great for once to look nice in a bathing suit
  • Kymsanity
    Kymsanity Posts: 27 Member
    I completely agree...I'd like to have achieved a large amount of weight loss by the summer as when I looked back at myself in a swimsuit last August I looked like a sack of potatoes - That definitely has to change!
  • Kymsanity
    Kymsanity Posts: 27 Member
    I've added you as a friend Brandi!
  • CatDeeDeeDee
    CatDeeDeeDee Posts: 20 Member
    I have 75 pounds to lose total. I also had quite the sugar addiction (still kinda do, but I'm managing it with an iron fist), so I totally know the struggle! Good luck and you're welcome to add me if you want :)
  • mmc626
    mmc626 Posts: 1
    I have 120 lbs to lose but would really like to lose 50 by my 50th Birthday in June. Started logging in May but stopped after a few weeks. I am started again on Monday.
  • AuntyM67
    AuntyM67 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been using MFP since about March/April last year. In June, I got a Fitbit and since then, I'm doing 44 lbs. I've got 40-50 more I want to lose this year. Any and all motivation is welcome!! Anyone is welcome to add me!
  • 1BuzyMomma
    1BuzyMomma Posts: 3 Member
    You sound just like me. If I'm honest, I need to lose 90-100 pounds but that seemed overwhelming so I'm telling myself 70. LOL I've started and stopped myfitnesspal so many times that I needed a fresh start and deleted my old profile and started over. Sugar is something I crave alot. I just restarted yesterday (I know, cliche New Years' Resolution) but I really need to be held accountable. I just keep gaining and now if my lab numbers don't improve at the end of the month I'll have to take diabetes medicine. I really don't want to do that. My plan is to preplan my meals, track everything, exercise at least a little to start, and allow a cheat night Sunday nights (my church small group gets together for a meal every week). I'd be happy to be your friend on this journey.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Losing 90 lb in a year is not a realistic goal, unless you're starting out morbidly obese, with a couple hundred pounds to lose.
    Those with 90+ lb to lose could easily lose 2-3 lb per week at first, but it will eventually slow to 1 lb per week.
    I started almost a year ago and am down 70+ lb. My doctors are amazed. I also go to the gym practically every day (haven't been this past week 'cause I was sick).
  • mswashington1901
    mswashington1901 Posts: 2 Member
    I am from baltimore city, md and I am in your boat as well. I have a big Sweet tooth as well but I am doing a complete detox of the carbs that I love (bread, potatoes, chips, cakes etc) for the new year as well as working out a lot . I need to lose over 100 pounds. I wish you luck in your quest to lose weight. One thing I have found that makes me feel better in my weight loss is staying away from the scale. I like being able to judge my weight loss by how Iook and feel in my clothes.
  • Kymsanity
    Kymsanity Posts: 27 Member
    1BuzyMomma - let's do this! I can help by checking in on you and I'll give you a nudge if you're not tracking :smiley:

    MKEgal - 70lbs would be hugely helpful too (I'm 213lbs now). I am not afraid of exercise - I did a round of Insanity last year and I have just started lifting (3 days per week) and running (3 days per week) again to boost my results. 90lbs is an ambitious goal...and now you've made me even more determined to NAIL IT! :wink:
  • Kymsanity, I'm in the same boat! This is my second go at this since last Spring. I lost about 20 pounds at that time, but after my summer vacation in August - and as my kids went back to school - I've really fallen off the boat. I'm back to where I started. Post holiday, I've tacked on another 5 pounds. So frustrated! Let's do this in 2015!!!!!
  • Kymsanity
    Kymsanity Posts: 27 Member
    Hey mswashington1901, you're right - a friend of mine always says "scales are for fish"!
  • jamieben1824
    jamieben1824 Posts: 46 Member
    Kymsanity wrote: »
    Hey mswashington1901, you're right - a friend of mine always says "scales are for fish"!

    I like that. :)
  • susansmoaks
    susansmoaks Posts: 77 Member
    i need to lose 20 pounds, i binge eat and that's why i still have this weight.
  • jamieben1824
    jamieben1824 Posts: 46 Member
    I am from baltimore city, md and I am in your boat as well. I have a big Sweet tooth as well but I am doing a complete detox of the carbs that I love (bread, potatoes, chips, cakes etc) for the new year as well as working out a lot . I need to lose over 100 pounds. I wish you luck in your quest to lose weight. One thing I have found that makes me feel better in my weight loss is staying away from the scale. I like being able to judge my weight loss by how Iook and feel in my clothes.

    I totally agree... if you want to reach a number- use a jean size. I NEVER weigh myself partly because weight fluxuates way too much esp for women, and I lift weights... if that number disappoints me- it could ruin my day and make me feel worse. Thats just me tho ;)
  • grantwashere
    grantwashere Posts: 171 Member
    I'm pretty active on here. Anyone can add me.