Get Moving in the Morning!!!!

edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I got my daily health emails this morning and saw this one and thought I'd share with everyone!!! I need just as much motivation to get up earlier as the next person but I also don't get the sleep I should be getting! It's worth giving it a try!!! :)

Get Moving in the Morning

You know that exercise is good for you, but did you know it can help you sleep better during and after menopause? There's one caveat: You may need to work out early in the day to improve your snooze at night.
In the aptly titled medical journal Sleep, researchers reported that postmenopausal women who exercised moderately for a half-hour each morning had less trouble falling asleep than their nonexercising peers. However, those who chose to sweat it out in the evening did not experience the same effect.

If you're like many women who get far less sleep than they need, a brisk morning walk may be an easy way to improve your chances of catching a few z's later on. Recruit a friend to join you, or listen to your favorite music or a book on tape to make the process fun and easier to stick with. Prepare your workout gear the night before so that when your alarm goes off in the a.m., you can throw on your sneakers — your mood, memory, and libido will thank you for it! - Dr. Berman


  • Here here! I can say that has certainly been my case!! I am not only sleepy but WANTING to sleep way earlier when I exercise first thing in the morning; I prefer running. But when I take an evening walk with my hubby, it is harder for me to sleep that night.
    So glad to see the pro's say the facts as they relate to MY body! YEA!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    It also gets your metabolism running nicely for the day! I'm really annoyed with myself for sleeping in this morning and missing my running slot before it gets too warm, am now waiting until this evening.
  • angeleyes13
    angeleyes13 Posts: 22
    Thanks for this - it is a really good report and I am proof - I walk to work in the morning - in my trainers - really briskly, about 30 minutes and I really do sleep better than when I would hitch a ride in my partner's car!!
  • I'm glad this article is enjoyed! I usually walk 5 miles to work everyday (which means leaving an extra 45-60 min earlier) but it was supposed to storm this morning, however, it tricked me and didn't! :( Hopefully it cooperates with me tomorrow!!!

    Chins up everyone!! :)
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