anyone here looking to lose or has lost over 100lbs.

I have about 170 lbs to lose. I just started my journey about 3 days ago. Looking for tips, support, and success stories! I have a long journey ahead of me.


  • Here too with roughly 143 lbs. to lose...started the journey yesterday.
  • Thats great. What have you done differently today to help with weight loss?
  • Better food choices for helps, huh? Myfitnesspal has me at about a 1360 calorie diet. My aim is to keep my calorie intake to about 1200 calories/day. As well, I purchased a FitBit (best purchase ever) and really work to get a minimum of 10,000 steps in a day. I do belong to an all women gym but, I prefer to walk outside. I keep my membership for rainy days and hot 'sauna' My hope is that when I hit 200, I will then hire a personal trainer for 1-2 days a week.

    I am going to do this...I have to do this...time is wasting!
  • majorcanbreakfast
    majorcanbreakfast Posts: 437 Member
    You DO have a long journey, but it's doable. What you have to keep in mind is that you did not gain the weight overnight and you will not lose it overnight, either. You are in this for the long haul and every day is all about making choices. I have both lost and gained 100 lbs and I'm on the way back down. The best advice I can give you is to log everything you eat honestly. Keeping a food diary is what has been the key for me, even when I have those 3k+ calorie days. I started gaining the moment I stopped doing what worked for me and being honest with myself. Denial is just too too easy! Also - and I cannot stress this enough - moderation, moderation, moderation is the key! Don't feel the need to cut out foods cold turkey. You can have anything you want, so long as you keep it in perspective. For instance, I can get to a point at which I really want the taste of ice cream and can have one tablespoon of it and be (mostly) fine about it. Anyway, good luck on your journey; that's exactly what it is!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I have a few tips.
    1. Log everything good and bad.
    2. Accept the fact that you will have bad days. They key is to forgive yourself on those days and just keep going.
    3. Don't worry about motivation. You will lose it at times. Just keep going anyway.
    4. Lose weight in a way that is sustainable for the long haul. If you can't see yourself living without an occasional treat, then make room for it in your calories. If you love carbs, don't go low carb.
    5. Buy a good food scale if you don't have one. Weigh and measure everything.
    6. Sometimes you won't lose. Weight loss is not always linear. Don't let it get you down.
    7. Don't do a super low calorie diet. You also don't need to "jump start" your weight loss with a detox or a cleanse.
    8. Never ever quit!
    Hope this helps.
  • Thanks for the support! I agree in regards to the food diary...a must for me to succeed (thank you
    I have also decided to weigh myself WEEKLY rather than monthly. I have found, in the past, that if I wait a whole month between weigh-in's, it is harder to differentiate where I went wrong. If I weigh in weekly, I can look back at that week and see why I gained or lost little as opposed to the previous week.
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    With no intention of being a negative Nancy, some days you'll want to quit, or will have the urge for a huge food binge - if you do find yourself indulging more than you intended, do NOT let it put you off, just get back on track immediately and shake it off. I have this terrible habit of letting one bad day bring me down and it can take days to get over it, and it's completely unnecessary. Praise yourself for successes, but don't be too hard on yourself if you have a bad day. Good luck!
  • Thanks everyone for the great tips and cheers!
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    Louise1583 wrote: »
    Praise yourself for successes, but don't be too hard on yourself if you have a bad day. Good luck!

    So true!!!
  • DaveBoyle3rd
    DaveBoyle3rd Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2015
    Focus on the positives and appreciate some days you will not stick to the plan. Don't plan cheat days because IMO that leads to bad habits.

    Exercise even it seems like little bits and build up. When I started at the end of September I could barely last 12 minutes on the treadmill. Last night was my long run of the week and I did 1.25 hours! :smiley: I go around 5mph which may not seem very fast for some, but works for me right now.

    I did not quite have 100 to lose as I wanted to lose 85 lbs total from 290 to hit 205, but I am more then halfway there (46 lbs gone) and feel really good about myself. Don't worry about the weight loss slowing down as your weight goes down. I found I lost a ton at the start from cutting out most drinks and going with water all the time. I also went two weeks with no weight loss, but don't let that get you down!

    I also weigh only weekly. Resist the urge to step on the scale daily.

    Hope that helps.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Pale_Green wrote: »
    mamadon wrote: »
    I have a few tips.
    1. Log everything good and bad.
    2. Accept the fact that you will have bad days. They key is to forgive yourself on those days and just keep going.
    3. Don't worry about motivation. You will lose it at times. Just keep going anyway.
    4. Lose weight in a way that is sustainable for the long haul. If you can't see yourself living without an occasional treat, then make room for it in your calories. If you love carbs, don't go low carb.
    5. Buy a good food scale if you don't have one. Weigh and measure everything.
    6. Sometimes you won't lose. Weight loss is not always linear. Don't let it get you down.
    7. Don't do a super low calorie diet. You also don't need to "jump start" your weight loss with a detox or a cleanse.
    8. Never ever quit!
    Hope this helps.
    You look amazing mamadon!

    Thank you!! :)
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    I started in January last year and have lost 95 lbs so far, so it IS completely possible for you too. I have about another 50 to go before I'm happy, and then I will re-evaluate. Feel free to add me or just browse my food diary if you want, it's open for anyone to look at.

    My best piece of advice is to just be consistent and don't ever give up. I have logged every day for nearly a year and you will need that kind of consistency to see results. It won't happen overnight but if you keep at it, this time next year you will be glad that you started today and didn't give up.

    My second best piece of advice is to buy a food scale. Buy a food scale before you buy a people scale. It's the most important piece of hardware I have in this lifestyle. I weigh breakfast cereal, my baked potatoes, shredded cheese, frozen foods, popcorn and snacks, etc, etc.... without it, I could not measure a proper serving of many foods. You don't want to over-estimate your portions, but you don't want to gyp yourself either by under-estimating. To this day I STILL cannot eyeball 30g of shredded cheese although I'm getting better :)

    If you're worried about cravings, all I can advise is that it gets better. I don't ever forbid any particular food, but when working within a calorie budget, certain foods just naturally stop being included because I simply can't 'afford' to eat them. Of course I have the odd fast food or junk food, but you'll find yourself loving different things. (I'm SO into baked potatoes right now!)

    You only have to look at the train wreck of my christmas vacation in my food diary to see that I'm not perfect, but for a couple of weeks there I relaxed and aimed only to maintain weight. I'm in control, and so are you. I'd say good luck, but it's nothing to do with luck. :)
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    Oh I have another bit of advice that I would do well to remind myself of sometimes - never compare your progress to anybody else's! Be inspired by other people but never try to actually emulate them, and it's counter-productive to assume the secret to their success (there is no secret, they probably just work harder than they let on!). You're only up against yourself, nobody else matters on this journey.

    That pretty much goes hand in hand with the 'not being hard on yourself' comments I made earlier.
  • jenmar17
    jenmar17 Posts: 3,261 Member
    edited January 2015
    BarbB277 wrote: »
    Better food choices for helps, huh? Myfitnesspal has me at about a 1360 calorie diet. My aim is to keep my calorie intake to about 1200 calories/day. As well, I purchased a FitBit (best purchase ever) and really work to get a minimum of 10,000 steps in a day. I do belong to an all women gym but, I prefer to walk outside. I keep my membership for rainy days and hot 'sauna' My hope is that when I hit 200, I will then hire a personal trainer for 1-2 days a week.

    I am going to do this...I have to do this...time is wasting!

    Just my opinion, but I wouldn't lower your calories more than the 1000 deficit (assuming you set your loss to 2 lbs a week) that MFP gives you. It is important to stay well-fed with nutritious food so that you do not get cravings and fall of the wagon. The most important thing is to stick to it; if you commit, you will succeed. If you stick to the 1360 cals the pounds will fall off faster than if you try to do 1200 cals a day and end up cheating a lot.
  • zezelryck
    zezelryck Posts: 251 Member
    I started in May 2013 and have lost 178lb, beat T2 diabetes and had open heart surgery. Add me as a friend if you like :-)

  • codehandle
    codehandle Posts: 12 Member
    In 2013 I was about 320 lbs and avoided scales so that weight is a guess. After a year struggling with weight loss, I started tracking on myfitnesspal at 285 lbs in October. My target weight is 197 lbs.

    Today I'm 266 lbs! But, I've got quite a way to go yet. The tracking tool has really helped me correlate diet and weight ... and I'm getting much better results now. Even at this rate I'll be at it for quite a while yet. I don't anticipate hitting healthy BMI until early next year (2016) so this is a long-term thing.

    Going fast is tempting but it could also be really dangerous so I'm under doctor supervision these days and under doctor's direction I'm at 1500 calories a day with a set of daily nutritional goals to meet. This forces me to eat certain things in carefully measured doses.

    My relationship to food is very different now. Food is like a nutritional supplement now ... like a vitamin pill. It's not fun anymore but I am convincing myself it will be worth it.
  • Just updated my profile and starting in the morning. I have 126 lbs to lose. I have began many times only to lose motivation.... Afraid to fail again.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I lost around 140 lbs. Working on maintaining now. Feel free to add me, I still log everyday.