Curvy Girl aiming to Lose 125+lbs

I've been on here a year or so now, but looking for new/more active supporters! I've noticed some of my supports have become non-active. 27 years old. aiming to lose 125+ lbs. Welcome to my Journey!


  • harryt678
    harryt678 Posts: 130 Member
    Hello, glad that you are back on here! Ive only joined a week ago and love the site/app, its been helpful. I will send you an add, we can keep each other motivated and offer support.
  • brideofsuperman
    brideofsuperman Posts: 31 Member
    Hey :smile: Looks like we are after similar things. I am 27 and started out with 100+ pounds to lose. Ive lost 43 but still have a LONG way to go before I am anywhere near a 'normal' weight. Feel free to add me. The more friends = the more support = the better the journey can be.
  • Ash1106
    Ash1106 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello there! I am also 27 and am aiming to lose abbout 120 pounds! Please add me as I want to have active friends on MFP for support and encouragement!
  • mariekendrick07
    mariekendrick07 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I am 37 with 140lbs. to lose and need all the support I can get! I'm willing to also motivate you all as well! I have 3 busy boys 1,2, & 7 and an amazing husband all whom I love and cherish and want to live a long life with them. Good luck everyone and add me as your friend!
  • emmarogers90
    emmarogers90 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm totally new to this and really nervous, I'm hoping to find some friends for support along the way ☺️ I'm 24