Dealing with dinner



  • brewinggirl_butskinnier
    They eat what I'm making and if they want something extra, they make it themselves. Sometimes it's lighter and sometimes not so much and I just eat a smaller portion.

    I guess I'm lucky that my boyfriend would rather have a fit girlfriend than a gourmet meal every night. Haven't gotten any complaints.

    I guess if you have to cook 2 meals because they're unwilling to eat anything healthy, the answer is in fact that you're going to have to "suck it up". Sorry, it seems kind of crappy for you.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    I cook for both my BF and me, and it's not like I'm on a diet, just a more healthier eating. Same foods we've always eaten, no drastic healthy changes either... and for me, it's about eating smaller amount of what I've always eaten. I don't have any foods I say NO to. It's all about portion control. :smile:
  • campdawson
    campdawson Posts: 69 Member
    All that matters is portion size. Use a scale and measuring cups and you should be fine.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    I just make the same meal and eat less of it. I also sometimes do not tell my boyfriend that what I made is lighter, less fat, etc. He doesn't notice at all.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I just make the same meal and eat less of it. I also sometimes do not tell my boyfriend that what I made is lighter, less fat, etc. He doesn't notice at all.

    I'm the cook in my family, but I often make things that would exceed my calorie limit if I were to eat what most people (or cookbooks) would consider one serving. I just serve myself less, and I eat it slowly.

    It's not that hard to take a small serving and then eat at a slow pace. It helps if you're talking to other people at the table, and if you take a drink of water between bites.

    Like Roxi, I also tend to eat a light breakfast and lunch, so that I can enjoy myself at dinner (my main meal). I'd estimate that I get at least half my calories after 7 pm. It didn't stop me from losing 65 pounds in two years.

  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Are you having a sit down meal with family including children? If so, then I would suggest serving what you plan to eat in serving dishes, that way it looks normal when you dish it out on to your plate. It will look more like your choice and chances are good your children will want to copy and like what mom likes. At least they will try it because they will wonder why mom is choosing that dish rather than the other. Make it as normal as possible, don't explain and let any family member dish it. Don't label it, " Mom's special diet food."

    If you are in a house of adults, do what you like. When I realized that dinner was just hubby and me and we weren't very formal about it, usually eating separately and in front of the TV or computer, I decided to eliminate dinner from my daily routine. Now I eat very well for breakfast and lunch, skipping dinner. I usually supplement with a yogurt and banana just before going to bed so that I don't wake up extra hungry.
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    My best mental tip: remind yourself WHY you want to do this, be it overall health, weight loss, or a fitness goal. And, I keep a picture of me when I was in my best shape on the fridge. I looked and felt so good then, and it is hard to want a creamy pasta dish or pot pie when I see that it is possible to achieve that again. I know some that do this with "fat pics", but that seems negative to me personally. Whatever motivates you...

    Also, as a carboholic, I find that I can 50/50 my noodles or rice with steamed veggies. I like broccoli and cauliflower best, but it can be done with carrots and spinach or whatever is in the fridge. If cream sauce is more to your liking, have you seen the "zoodle" kitchen tool? It slices zucchini like pasta, and can be quickly sauteed to tender. No, it isn't pasta, but it will easily shave a 300 calorie count off pasta dinner. With that kind of deficit have any sauce you like!
  • purebredpolly
    purebredpolly Posts: 318 Member
    I will do some searching of recipes, and like I said I will offer along side what they like. If they like it I will start of list of recipes they will eat. Perhaps they won't notice if I find really good recipes. So far that has not been the case, they sniff it out immediately. And that is because it is not the usual gourmet. It's not that hard to figure out.

    But this really isn't about them, it's about me. I'm going to seek out recipes that I like as well as the old French standbys I make my family. It's going to take some time, and I just may eat some dinners by my lonesome till I figure out what I really like. I'm not thrilled at the idea of suck it up buttercup, but if I only have to suck it up till I develop a repertoire of outstanding healthy fare, then I can do this.

    Again, thank you for you input. It's so nice to have ideas bouncing around from everyone.

    Roxi, a big thank you to you. I don't know why it never occurred to me find recipes I actually liked.

    For everyone who suggested that I make something, and give them a chance to like it, thank you as well.

    I'm not opposed whatsoever to making my family the foods they like to eat. My job is as homemaker, I've done it for 25 years. It is my profession. A profession I take as seriously as those who decide to work outside the home. It has been a hobby of mine to learn French cooking. My family has indulged me all these years, perhaps they will indulge me as enthusiastically in tasting healthy fare.

    Warm Regards
  • purebredpolly
    purebredpolly Posts: 318 Member
    Thank you Kelly, good advice.
  • purebredpolly
    purebredpolly Posts: 318 Member
    Thank you everyone.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I had a really fun time replacing lower calorie in favorite recipes. I had a few disasters, but more than a few turned out better. You don't have to announce the change. Let them taste it without knowing. If they can tell, try it again with something else.
  • purebredpolly
    purebredpolly Posts: 318 Member
    I'm going to give it run acogg. However, I'm thinking rather than trying to make the standard fare palatable in a lower calorie versions, perhaps I could try out completely new recipes. I'm thinking refashioned low calorie creme brulee would be wholly unappetizing, but maybe pears poached in wine not. It's certainly worth a go.

    If I offer new dishes, untried recipes, they may never know that they are low calorie. Or in fact, not supposed to taste exactly like that. In any case, it's worth a try. Imagine me getting them healthy despite themselves. Rather amusing the thought.

    I think I will browse some recipes in search of new low calorie delights. This has been quite a positive experience. This community is very supportive.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hm.... I guess it depends on the household dynamic. Over here it's just me and the hubby. If I'm cooking, it's gonna be low cal. If he doesn't like it he can make something else... but this almost never happens. If he cooks high cal then I make myself something else... salad, whatever. I'm interested in being healthy... anyone not on board can do that without me lol.
  • purebredpolly
    purebredpolly Posts: 318 Member
    gothchiq, yes, I'm sure household dynamics has a lot to do with it. While they may give lip service to wanting healthier fare, they'd be thoroughly disappointed with the average healthy fare on a consistent basis.

    However, I happen to like tinkering in the kitchen. I think of it as a hobby, and am delighted when my family truly enjoys my cooking. I'm not one to have the since I am now eating healthy, everyone else must be also line of thought. I'd make my entire household miserable, that is certainly not anything I'd wish to pursue. I will however make an effort to find lighter gourmet fare that I find enjoyable, and would be quite pleased if they found it enjoyable as well. If we could make this change as a family, without upheaval that certainly would be of benefit to me. I'm content to cook two meals, but now find this a more gratifying experience with the objective of finding more palatable fare, and of course, being able to continue to eat with my family each night. The immense pleasure of doing so can not be overstated.

    I certainly can see how this would not suit others, and I enjoyed, and welcomed all the different ideas presented. It is very edifying to have found such a diverse, and supportive healthy eating community.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    Just as a heads up, my mother, a homemaker of about 40 years who takes her profession seriously, too, would not (did not) do more than make an extra side that wasn't on her diet while making most of the meal friendly to her own diet.
  • mckennasihde
    mckennasihde Posts: 43 Member
    If you're the cook, you get to decide what's cooked. If that is objected to, then the objector can cook.
    I really dig this answer :)