Have you ever ___________?



  • donnamwebb39
    donnamwebb39 Posts: 315 Member
    Yes - and I hate having to do that.

    Have you ever typed in a question and decided, no I better not post THAT one?
  • Yolo_SoGoFnNuts
    Yolo_SoGoFnNuts Posts: 196 Member
    Depends on the def on tough love, but IMO I would say yea had to be loud and blunt.

    HYE been shocked/electrocuted?
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    edited January 2015
    I got zapped after being dared to touch a piece of metal sticking out of an electrical outlet (I was eight)

    HYE worn a fur coat?

    For a change I beat you to the post instead of the other way around
  • Yolo_SoGoFnNuts
    Yolo_SoGoFnNuts Posts: 196 Member
    Not in person but in videos.

    HYE eaten an entire jar of peanut butter in one day?
  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member
    Nope....but damn I could...

    HYE gone mudding?
  • Yolo_SoGoFnNuts
    Yolo_SoGoFnNuts Posts: 196 Member
    Nope I havent

    HYE had a tv show marathon for like 8+ hours
  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member
    Nope - don't watch TV that much

    HYE been snipe hunting?
  • Yolo_SoGoFnNuts
    Yolo_SoGoFnNuts Posts: 196 Member
    Nope. Grew up in cities so never really became much of a hunter. Not sure what snipe hunting is actually.

    HYE been on a cruise?
  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member

    HYE drank someone under the table?
  • 4ever420
    4ever420 Posts: 4,088 Member
    All the time

    HYE slipped and taken a stranger down with you?
  • Yolo_SoGoFnNuts
    Yolo_SoGoFnNuts Posts: 196 Member
    Hahahaahhaa. I think so actually.

    HYE eaten something gross on a dare?
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    edited January 2015
    @ 4ever....Yes.....but it was so worth it because he was a cute *kitten* cowboy....and I got his number!
    @ Yolo....yeah my brother's cooking. The man just can't cook.

    hye been in the middle of answering a question on here and noticed that someone just answered the question you are answering? DANG IT!

  • Yolo_SoGoFnNuts
    Yolo_SoGoFnNuts Posts: 196 Member
    Far too often cuz im using my phone and my fat fingers cant type fast enough. Lol.

    HYE swam outside in the winter
  • Nuka_Gina
    Nuka_Gina Posts: 92 Member
    Nope, that sounds freezing!
    Have you ever, sang a song while dancing in the rain?
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    edited January 2015
    @ Yolo....Yes but that's only because I went to high school in Florida and I wanted to swim on Christmas day the first year I lived there.

    hye gone to the fridge, opened it, stared, found nothing, went and watched tv for an hour then went and checked the fridge again and still found nothing??
  • no i havent.. but will!

    Have you ever gone all night?
  • 4ever420
    4ever420 Posts: 4,088 Member
    peed your pants from laughing so hard
  • Yolo_SoGoFnNuts
    Yolo_SoGoFnNuts Posts: 196 Member

    HYE done something embarrassing on a job interview
  • maeld51
    maeld51 Posts: 3,415 Member

    HYE driven so fast that you scared yourself?
  • Yolo_SoGoFnNuts
    Yolo_SoGoFnNuts Posts: 196 Member
    Slightly. It was roughly 110.

    HYE flirted with a cop to get out of a ticket
  • maeld51
    maeld51 Posts: 3,415 Member

    HYE Jumped from a plane?
  • Yolo_SoGoFnNuts
    Yolo_SoGoFnNuts Posts: 196 Member
    Heck no, im terrified of planes and heights.

    HYE puked on a roller coaster or ride?
  • jenmar17
    jenmar17 Posts: 3,261 Member
    edited January 2015

    HYE done something embarrassing on a job interview

    Can I answer this one? One time I threw up during a job interview. And.......I still got the job.

    And I haven't jumped from a plane.

    HYE been arrested?
  • Yolo_SoGoFnNuts
    Yolo_SoGoFnNuts Posts: 196 Member
    That is great you still got the job. :)

    Never been arrested.

    HYE watched hours of full house or family matters?
  • maeld51
    maeld51 Posts: 3,415 Member
    No, but just watched marathon of Breaking Bad

    HYE stayed awake for more than 2 days?
  • Jennkies
    Jennkies Posts: 382 Member

    Have you ever had a dream of an online friend you'd never met?
  • Yolo_SoGoFnNuts
    Yolo_SoGoFnNuts Posts: 196 Member

    HYE met someone from online and they used someone elses pictures

  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    No, haha.

    HYE, went on a blind date?
  • EveFlowergirl
    EveFlowergirl Posts: 1,491 Member

    have you ever fell asleep chewing gum?
  • Yolo_SoGoFnNuts
    Yolo_SoGoFnNuts Posts: 196 Member
    Yes on more then one occasion

    HYE played a prank that backfired