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Lost 43lbs and still have a long way to go. Looking for friends on this journey.

Not new to MFP, but just recently started going into the community side of it. I do not talk to any of my 'real life' friends about my weight loss or weight struggles, nor do I have anyone to celebrate my victories with (which kind of stinks).

I'm 27, a mother of 2, and a college student. I've lost 43lbs in the last 4 months. I still have a long way to go. I need to lose another 38lbs to lose all the pregnancy weight from baby #1 (who is 7 now), and after that, I would really like my weight to no longer start with the number 2. Looking for friends to share the ups and downs for weight lost together. I bought a fitbit Charge today. Looking forward to seeing what it can tell me about my daily activity level and sleep patterns./

SW: 332.0
CW: 288.4
GW: ?


  • wayfarerblues
    I'm sure you can do this! Added you as a friend!
  • PandoraGreen721
    PandoraGreen721 Posts: 450 Member
    I'll send you an add! Everyone needs a motivation support team in place to help celebrate along-side you.
  • Singinprincess
    Singinprincess Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to be friends on here. I am a single mom of a 7 year old as well. I have lost 23lbs so far and have about 50 to go. We can do this!
  • laurasmeele
    laurasmeele Posts: 3 Member
    I am more than willing to be a cheerleader for you. 43lbs is a HUGE accomplishment. Sounds like you have will power and drive for sure if you are doing this with limited to none on the outside motivation. That's fantastic! Also WITH KIDS and COLLEGE?!?! Dang, I can imagine how hard it has been to stay on track. It's easy to sneak and cheat in that sort of situation because you can talk yourself out of choosing healthy things to eat and to fit in time to exercise. The first 20lbs I lost was the hardest, you are beyond that milestone already. So how do you reward yourself and celebrate your victories? Maybe we could celebrate with you, long distance?
  • JLeighC13
    I'm new here and looking for more friends to enjoy the journey with as well. Like you, MFP members are my only support team. Always nice to have people celebrate the ups and cheer you up and not criticize the downs. (Or would that be the downs and ups? lol)
    Give me an add. :smile:

    PS. A Huge congrats on the 43lbs loss!! Way too go!!!
  • brideofsuperman
    brideofsuperman Posts: 31 Member
    I am more than willing to be a cheerleader for you. 43lbs is a HUGE accomplishment. Sounds like you have will power and drive for sure if you are doing this with limited to none on the outside motivation. That's fantastic! Also WITH KIDS and COLLEGE?!?! Dang, I can imagine how hard it has been to stay on track. It's easy to sneak and cheat in that sort of situation because you can talk yourself out of choosing healthy things to eat and to fit in time to exercise. The first 20lbs I lost was the hardest, you are beyond that milestone already. So how do you reward yourself and celebrate your victories? Maybe we could celebrate with you, long distance?

    I seem to thrive off high stress. Lol. I bought a dress for graduation (jn May) about 6 months ago. It hangs outside my closet door everyday. Its currently only 2 sizes smaller than what I am wearing. Its my daily motivation to keep going. Plus I want at least one photo of myself where I don't hate what I see. I don't stay on track like I wish I would. But I am learning that set backs are only temporary if you keep pushing forward.

    Honestly the best reward for me is buying a new pair of jeans that are a size smaller or fishing that old shirt out of the closet to find that I can actually fit in it again. My fitbit was my big reward for losing 40lbs...also the two weeks around Christmas, I gave myself a freebie card to enjoy the holidays and not worry about the weight. Christmas ham only comes once a year :wink:
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    I am sending you a request. You most definitely need a place to celebrate your success, talk about fitness, and vent your struggles! I am also a 27 year old mom (to 4), I know how much time and dedication it takes and how easy it can be to put your children and your studies before your fitness and health. There is never enough time in the day! Good luck on your journey, I will be rooting for you!
  • brideofsuperman
    brideofsuperman Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you everyone for the kind words of support. It's so nice to know you are not alone in this struggle.
  • ejduke
    ejduke Posts: 1
    Well done on your loss so far.....its a Huge achievement. ......and you sound very positive so I'm sure we will see the weight fall off you each week. I'm back On my weight loss very annoyed with myself I have lost 98 lbs and was feeling amazing but for some reason over the last year I have put just over 50 lbs back got to do it all again. Good luck and am here if you want to bounce anything off me or even if ya having one of those days x