Returning from a long break

serasv Posts: 56 Member
I've regained some of the weight I lost over the holidays. I was totally hopeless, but I want to get back on track. Looking for any friends who like encouragement, give encouragement and call you out when you go missing or have a bad day.

I'm a 5'4", 240 lb, 28 year old woman. I'm looking to lose 65 lbs, mostly to improve my daily life and health.


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    I'll be there for you! Add me!
  • gummy2790
    gummy2790 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! That's why I'm here is to support and motivate as well as get it in return! Feel free to add me ☺. gummy2790