Goodbye Hunger! I eat what I want & lose!



  • gbsngrl
    gbsngrl Posts: 19 Member
    SO proud of you Melinda! Keep it up! :happy:
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Woo hoo! Glad it's 'clicked' for you! :flowerforyou:

    I know before I started making lifestyle changes, I was the same way - like, what do you mean there's 3 or 4 servings in this?! And how do I know when I'm full?

    I finally learned to eat when I'm hungry, and then....don't eat until I'm 'full', just eat until I'm NOT HUNGRY anymore! Because I can eat again in a few hours (snacks), I don't have to stuff myself like I'm never going to have another meal. I also started viewing food as fuel - and if I put bad fuel in (junk food, processed carbs, fatty foods), I get the same results out (you are what you eat!). This has been more apparent as I've become more active, running & playing sports. With that said, I learned my lesson to never eat BK breakfast wraps before a rugby game ever again! :sick:

    Cheers to you, and congrats! :drinker:
  • saldridge
    saldridge Posts: 125 Member
    Yeah, in all honesty - you just did that for 1 week when you wrote the post.
    I am sorry for being a Debbie Downer, but I think it is way too early to consider this a life style change or think that this is something you can live with for the rest of your life or even think that this is a solution to your problem.

    If you are heavy, 5.5 pounds are really more "margin of error" and can be largely attributed to water weight, stomach and bowl content etc. Just about every diet I started from scratch got me (starting at 250 pounds or so) an initial weight loss of 5 to 8 pounds in the first week.

    I understand your enthusiasm and I wish you all the best but before you get too euphoric about this, better wait a few weeks and make sure this is a long term thing you can pull through and not just another fad that fizzles out after a couple of weeks. Believe me, I had a gazillion of those where I thought "I finally got it" but it wasn't sustainable for me.
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    l LOVE this! Who would have thought it could really work!?
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    My mantra is to eat half of what I could. Eating till I was full is what got me into trouble in the first place. If I give it 5 minutes, have a glass of water, I will feel full.
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    Yeah, in all honesty - you just did that for 1 week when you wrote the post.
    I am sorry for being a Debbie Downer, but I think it is way too early to consider this a life style change or think that this is something you can live with for the rest of your life or even think that this is a solution to your problem.

    If you are heavy, 5.5 pounds are really more "margin of error" and can be largely attributed to water weight, stomach and bowl content etc. Just about every diet I started from scratch got me (starting at 250 pounds or so) an initial weight loss of 5 to 8 pounds in the first week.

    I understand your enthusiasm and I wish you all the best but before you get too euphoric about this, better wait a few weeks and make sure this is a long term thing you can pull through and not just another fad that fizzles out after a couple of weeks. Believe me, I had a gazillion of those where I thought "I finally got it" but it wasn't sustainable for me.

    @ SAL- Completely un-necessary. I understand the feeling, but if she is new to this site and/or excited about this 5 pound weight-loss then you need to celebrate it with her. _NOT CRITICIZE_ If thats the case, anytime someone looses 1.6 lbs, you should be shaming them as well! if you are not able to celebrate her 5 -almost 6- pound weight loss, keep your comments to yourself and move on! You are NOT required to leave a post on every board you read!

    SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
  • saldridge
    saldridge Posts: 125 Member
    joybell, who do you think you are?
    She posts something on a public board, so she puts it up for public discussion and that may include people who may caution her on getting overly enthusiastic over a VERY short term success. I am not shaming anyone. There are plenty of people cheering, I think it is a good idea to - every now and then - bring in a word of caution.
    So, a guy hops off a cardboard box and is excited - next thing you see him on a roof screaming "I can fly, I can fly" - are you celebrating with him? Only a fool would - I personally would tell him to be careful! Just because it worked off a box (ie. for 1 week) does mean it works off the roof (ie. a possible life time).

    Now please get the heck out of my hair and stop telling me what I can do and what I can't do. I offered my opinion in a neutral way speaking from my own experience - who are you to try and shame ME for that?
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    There may be a ton of books out there, but one I have that relates to the OP's post is:

    "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole M.S., R.D. and Elyse Resch, M.S., R.D., F.A.D.A.

    I tried it a couple months ago, but found out I wasn't ready for it. I'm very close to goal and think this book will need to come out again. I really want to get to the point where food is not my only focus in life. After all, don't we all want to break free and enjoy life?

    Edited to add: check out the website:

    I particularly love principle #10:
    " Honor Your Health--Gentle Nutrition Make food choices that honor your health and tastebuds while making you feel well. Remember that you don't have to eat a perfect diet to be healthy. You will not suddenly get a nutrient deficiency or gain weight from one snack, one meal, or one day of eating. It's what you eat consistently over time that matters, progress not perfection is what counts."
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Brilliant! Keep in mind medication can throw a wrench into your weight (over or under). I also add in my own very "duh" kind of rule:
    food in needs to = food out. AKA if I eat more my activity has to be more. Less activity less food. I'll bet your diabetes will improve! Along with complications of it reduced! Keep it going, girl!
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Good for you. It sounds like this way of thinking about food is helping you in your journey.
  • kccatalyst
    kccatalyst Posts: 1
    This Gorgeous young man at my gym said that if I eat 6-7 small meals a day and do my cardio, the weight will just fall off. Well, this was kinda my goal anyway, because I like to graze and I know that I have the habit of eating too big a portion. I find that by just eating 200-250 calories (of WHATEVER I want) at a time, that I am eating slower, enjoying the food more, noticing my body signals and rarely ever hungery. If I do get hungary, I either go for something like fruit or a few nuts (raw) or tell myself I can wait because it's never long for a meal. I've been wanting to do this a while-but there is nothing like a ripped young man with an awesome V build giving advice to make you want to take it!!
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    joybell, who do you think you are?
    She posts something on a public board, so she puts it up for public discussion and that may include people who may caution her on getting overly enthusiastic over a VERY short term success. I am not shaming anyone. There are plenty of people cheering, I think it is a good idea to - every now and then - bring in a word of caution.
    So, a guy hops off a cardboard box and is excited - next thing you see him on a roof screaming "I can fly, I can fly" - are you celebrating with him? Only a fool would - I personally would tell him to be careful! Just because it worked off a box (ie. for 1 week) does mean it works off the roof (ie. a possible life time).

    Now please get the heck out of my hair and stop telling me what I can do and what I can't do. I offered my opinion in a neutral way speaking from my own experience - who are you to try and shame ME for that?

    Point taken. In the moment (and still now as i post this reply) i was just very angry for her that you would say such a thing. There was not any positive in your post at all. Even the previous post, it wasnt' all that congratulatory either. I just felt that she may have figured out what would work for her at this time and instead of scolding her, you could have been a bit more encouraging. I'm not saying jump up and down and throw streamers and put on a parade in her honor, but SOMETHING would have been better than nothing. Comments like that are why we are here in the first place. Often times it only takes one negative comment to sabotage a person, no matter how many positives there are. For example: if a young girl is told by one boy that she is fat and ugly, then she feels for a lifetime that she is fat and ugly. It doesn't matter how many other boys or friends or family or loved ones tell her different, she will always believe that. Same thing here: if you tell one person that they are just a "margin of error" then that person may forever think that they are wrong for celebrating such small victories!

    Best of luck to you on your journey.. i just hope no one ever tells you that your achievements are in error!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I decided I was going to do it, and thats when I started. I don 't care if it's been a week. YAY YOU!! Lets change this!
  • Loving this, I think u may have been writing about me?
  • Same thing here: if you tell one person that they are just a "margin of error" then that person may forever think that they are wrong for celebrating such small victories!

    Best of luck to you on your journey.. i just hope no one ever tells you that your achievements are in error!

    Who gives a f, 5lbs is ace in anyones book!

    So, guys, what do I do now. Im not hungry,. but I want some poridge oats. I enjoy food and these will take me over today but only coz Im on a rest day. Ive worked out for the past...oooh 5 days I reckon, cardio and weights, done a right good job and Im proud....but I still WANT MY OATS !!!!!
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I'd still like to hear about the health aspect. She stated she was Diabetic. As such we really cannot eat just what we want. And sadly can't just count on if we are hungry or not. We have to eat throughout the day and we can't be just eating sugar (even if it's wrapped in a pretty package coming out of a bee's butt) like it won't affect us. I agree this is a geat 'idea' but I also smell a bit of denial. Which is what got me a heart attack at 37. That's what worries me the most.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    I don't buy into eat only when your hungry.

    4:00 am - 250 calories
    6:30 am- 100-150 calories
    8:45 am- 100-150 calories
    11:00 am- 300-400
    4:00 pm- 400-500
    6:00 pm- 150-200

    High End- 1650 calories which is roughly 1100 calories under my maintenance weight per day. Do i get hungry? Of course but i'm not always hungry at every eating time period. What i am doing is keeping my metabolism at high speed all day long. I turn down junk food offers at work *candy, cakes, etc, etc*. I don't drink a soda a week. Mostly water and coffee/tea. No chips/snack food at all. My snack junk is pistachio nuts. It's all about smart choices. It pisses me off to eat a fast food burger that has 750 calories by itself so i rarely eat them. I want more bang for the calorie buck.

    You can eat what you want and lose. I do it all the time. You just can't do it all the time whenever you would like.
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    I'd still like to hear about the health aspect. She stated she was Diabetic. As such we really cannot eat just what we want. And sadly can't just count on if we are hungry or not. We have to eat throughout the day and we can't be just eating sugar (even if it's wrapped in a pretty package coming out of a bee's butt) like it won't affect us. I agree this is a geat 'idea' but I also smell a bit of denial. Which is what got me a heart attack at 37. That's what worries me the most.

    Yes my sugars have been coming down :) For the last few years the only time my sugar has been below 150 are when I'm in the hospital. Normally I run around 250 - 350. Terrible - I know. I take 34 units of fast-acting insulin with each meal, and 77 units of long-lasting insulin at night, plus 1000 mg Metformin in morning & again at night. While it's true that I can't eat Snickers all day, every day - I tell myself that I CAN and still lose weight. This is true - a person who follows those 2 rules (Eat when hungry, stop when sated) can absolutely eat anything at all. As a diabetic I have to make certain choices, but I refuse to consider any food "forbidden". I am a VERY REBELLIOUS person (I'm trying to grow up but it's hard lol) - and so when told I can't have something, it's the ONLY thing I want. When told I had diabetes years ago I told my Doc that if I could never have candy bars for as long as I live, I'd rather kill myself now. And I'm not really kidding. And she knew that and said "You can have candy bars! You can have anything you want! Nothing is forbidden. All things in moderation." That's a message that I'm trying to keep in mind in all aspects of my life. All things in moderation.
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    My hubs is a really fast eater too so he always ends up uncomfortable after a meal (what we call SOOO FULL). In an effort to get him to slow down and maybe hear his body saying "Enough already," I bought a box of chopsticks at BB&B. I make him use them for every dinner, unless it's something eaten with no utensils. So far it's working out well. He's taking much longer to eat each meal and not going for 2nds as often.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I'd still like to hear about the health aspect. She stated she was Diabetic. As such we really cannot eat just what we want. And sadly can't just count on if we are hungry or not. We have to eat throughout the day and we can't be just eating sugar (even if it's wrapped in a pretty package coming out of a bee's butt) like it won't affect us. I agree this is a geat 'idea' but I also smell a bit of denial. Which is what got me a heart attack at 37. That's what worries me the most.

    Yes my sugars have been coming down :) For the last few years the only time my sugar has been below 150 are when I'm in the hospital. Normally I run around 250 - 350. Terrible - I know. I take 34 units of fast-acting insulin with each meal, and 77 units of long-lasting insulin at night, plus 1000 mg Metformin in morning & again at night. While it's true that I can't eat Snickers all day, every day - I tell myself that I CAN and still lose weight. This is true - a person who follows those 2 rules (Eat when hungry, stop when sated) can absolutely eat anything at all. As a diabetic I have to make certain choices, but I refuse to consider any food "forbidden". I am a VERY REBELLIOUS person (I'm trying to grow up but it's hard lol) - and so when told I can't have something, it's the ONLY thing I want. When told I had diabetes years ago I told my Doc that if I could never have candy bars for as long as I live, I'd rather kill myself now. And I'm not really kidding. And she knew that and said "You can have candy bars! You can have anything you want! Nothing is forbidden. All things in moderation." That's a message that I'm trying to keep in mind in all aspects of my life. All things in moderation.

    Good. I like your attitude! I too was rebellious. And eating anything I wanted landed me a heart attack at the age of 37. I don't like eliminating ANY foods out of my choices. I just know I can't choose the candy every day. Lol. But some days..I wanna! The high sugar level directly damages your heart. When you eat that honey every day for breakfast...eventually that's going to damage your heart. I have a stent in my heart and have to carry nitroglycerin pills in case of an emergency. I would rather have watched what I ate and chose the better options then the candy bar. I almost died of those stupid candy bars. And when you are lying in the hospital and your heart is failing..then ask yourself how important that ****ing candy bar is. Not much. Not much at all.

    But that's me. I might be a poster child for all the wrong things to do when you are Diabetic. The first was being in complete and utter denial of my situation and thinking I could in fact eat whatever I wanted.
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