new to this anyone else on 1200 cals and how long should stay on it

Anyone on 1200 Cal's how long do you stay on it for


  • jklei169
    jklei169 Posts: 120 Member
    Welcome Debbieedson. To answer you question, it would depend on your goals and lifestyle (activity level). You may find that 1200 calories is what you should eat each day. If your very active you could consume 1200 until you reach your goal and then.add more to maintain. The important thing is to control.where you get your calories from. 40 - 60% from carbs, 20-30% protein and 30% fats. Weight loss is a side effect of maintaining a health diet/lifestyle. Focus on life changes and the weight loss will be a added benefit.
    Good luck to you.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Your calorie intake is related to weight, height, age, activity level, and how much you have to lose. At 5'7", 1200 calories wouldn't be enough for me, for example. If you'd like to share your stats, we can help you figure out calorie intake and give you an idea of when to bump your calories up during your weight loss.

    Please note that MFP calculates your calories before exercise. You should be eating your exercise calories back in addition to eating your calorie goal.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Read OP:

    I am 5'2, 45 yrs old, to lose weight I ate 1600-1900 calories depending on exercises.
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member

    1200 May be beneficial for some, but it's NOT a one size fits all.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    jklei169 wrote: »
    Welcome Debbieedson. To answer you question, it would depend on your goals and lifestyle (activity level). You may find that 1200 calories is what you should eat each day. If your very active you could consume 1200 until you reach your goal and then.add more to maintain. The important thing is to control.where you get your calories from. 40 - 60% from carbs, 20-30% protein and 30% fats. Weight loss is a side effect of maintaining a health diet/lifestyle. Focus on life changes and the weight loss will be a added benefit.
    Good luck to you.

    Macro breakdown is different for all. Some prefer higher fat than 30% and/or higher protein.

    And very active and eating 1200 cals is a great way to lose muscle and be very hangry

  • Rabid_Hamster
    Rabid_Hamster Posts: 338 Member
    I'm a 5'7" male. Based on my weight loss goals (2 lbs per week), I'm at 1200 calories. However, you do get to eat some or all of your exercise calories back. I chose to not eat all of them back, but that's a personal preference. I've lost 45 lbs in 2014, and currently have 17 more pounds to my goal weight (appx 2-3 months more). Once I reach that, I'll readjust my calories closer to maintenance level.
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    603reader wrote: »
    And very active and eating 1200 cals is a great way to lose muscle and be very hangry

    This AF.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Lord007 wrote: »
    I'm a 5'7" male. Based on my weight loss goals (2 lbs per week), I'm at 1200 calories. However, you do get to eat some or all of your exercise calories back. I chose to not eat all of them back, but that's a personal preference. I've lost 45 lbs in 2014, and currently have 17 more pounds to my goal weight (appx 2-3 months more). Once I reach that, I'll readjust my calories closer to maintenance level.

    At 17lbs left, you should change your settings to 0.5lb/week.
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am on 1200cals and usually I eat around 1080-1200cals depending on how hungry I am. I am 22yo, 5'5'' and I am a SAHM which means that I don't have a physically demanding job. I have previously tried to eat at 1200cals, but always felt like I was starving. Since switching to LCHF (60-70% fat, 20-30% protein and 10% carbs) I feel way more satisfied with the food I eat. I think it is because most carbs are more calorie dense then other foods, so it allows me to eat more.
  • rfchunt
    rfchunt Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm not a very active person. Although recently gotten back in the gym. Though I strive to stay around 1200 calories, I find it difficult most days.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    xmarye wrote: »
    I am on 1200cals and usually I eat around 1080-1200cals depending on how hungry I am. I am 22yo, 5'5'' and I am a SAHM which means that I don't have a physically demanding job. I have previously tried to eat at 1200cals, but always felt like I was starving. Since switching to LCHF (60-70% fat, 20-30% protein and 10% carbs) I feel way more satisfied with the food I eat. I think it is because most carbs are more calorie dense then other foods, so it allows me to eat more.

    You felt starved on 1200 but eat 1080?

    You're a SAHM, I bet you're pretty active chasing around your kid (s) and doing activities.
  • debbieedson
    debbieedson Posts: 46 Member
    Hi thank-you all for answers im active I work out 3 - 4 times a week I do kettlebells and cardio mix. Im 5ft 4 7half stone female age 31 I normally eat around 1400 -1500 Cal's but set it to 1200 calories to tone up a bit after Christmas
  • debbieedson
    debbieedson Posts: 46 Member
    jklei169 wrote: »
    Welcome Debbieedson. To answer you question, it would depend on your goals and lifestyle (activity level). You may find that 1200 calories is what you should eat each day. If your very active you could consume 1200 until you reach your goal and then.add more to maintain. The important thing is to control.where you get your calories from. 40 - 60% from carbs, 20-30% protein and 30% fats. Weight loss is a side effect of maintaining a health diet/lifestyle. Focus on life changes and the weight loss will be a added benefit.
    Good luck to you.
    Most calories I get from carbs is from cereal I don't over do it with bread I'm already gone past my goal weight I
    I'm active I workout 3-4 times week doing kettlebell and cardio done this for some years I'm 5f4 and I'm 7 half stone I normally eat 1400-1500 Cal's but after eating crap at Christmas thought I'd lower calories but thinking might not be enough
  • debbieedson
    debbieedson Posts: 46 Member
    My diet it mixed of oats for breakfast veg chicken and I eat weight watcher meals on night for tea Co's I like them and snack on
  • debbieedson
    debbieedson Posts: 46 Member
  • I'm a first timer as well and I'm not real sure how I'm going to manage staying in the 1200 range without being hungry. My normal calorie range is much higher and I think it's going to take major juggling to try to get this to work for me.
  • debbieedson
    debbieedson Posts: 46 Member
    When I first started loosing weight I had it set 1200 and I struggled kept it up for few week and I was Moody so set it to 1400 calories and I lost more weight quicker I have gone past my goal weight just wanted to tone up eat bit strict has ate loads this Christmas. But asking has I don't think would be safe to stop on it more then 2 week for me has I workout alot
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Hi thank-you all for answers im active I work out 3 - 4 times a week I do kettlebells and cardio mix. Im 5ft 4 7half stone female age 31 I normally eat around 1400 -1500 Cal's but set it to 1200 calories to tone up a bit after Christmas

    Am I reading this correctly? 5'4", 7.5 stone (105 lbs), age 31, and exercising 3-4 times per week? 1200 seems way to low for your goals. If I'm reading that correctly, you are already within or on the low end of a healthy weight range, in which case, you don't want to be cutting calories. If you are looking to change your body composition, which it sounds like you are (retaining lean muscle, lose fat), you need to eat around your maintenance level and lift weights. Although with those stats, you might be better off doing a bulk, depending on your BF%.
  • debbieedson
    debbieedson Posts: 46 Member
    Yes I do weights kettlbells I wanted to tone up after Christmas my weight 7 stone 7 now want to tone up but not go bulky
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I have been on 1200 since last March. I will stay on this level until I get 5 lb below my goal weight, because when you switch to maintenance, your muscles and liver regain the water and glucose they lost while you were in caloric deficit, and that weighs about 5 lb. So to end up at your chosen goal weight when all is said and done, this is what it takes. There are people on here who claim they lose weight at 2,000 cal... maybe they do.... but that would make me become the size of a sofa! If one is female and short, and particularly if over 30 years of age, 1200 may be exactly what it takes to get the weight off. If you are taller and young, or very athletic daily, you may be able to eat more. However.... just in general, if MFP set you at 1200, then you probably want to stay there until you reach slightly below your goal weight.