Any 50 somethings out there?



  • Hi! I'm 53 with 30 to lose by July. Feel free to add me. I too could use the support, motivation and accountability.
  • juliek803
    juliek803 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 53 and this is day one with my fitness pal....I need to lose about 45 pounds. My son gets married in October and I DO NOT want pictures with me looking like this. But even more importantly, I want to improve my health, reduce meds, and get rid of this nagging ache in my hip.

    My first big step is a wine-free January - love my wine - but I know it is just empty calories and sugar - and makes me want a snack too!
  • DaveDTD
    DaveDTD Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I'm 56 and have ben using this for about 20 months. Between running, keeping track of my steps with a fitbit and using MFP, I have ben able to lose over 45 lbs and be in the best shape in over 30 years. Feel free to add me. I log and I am active every day!
  • ginaluo
    ginaluo Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I started in June 2014 and lost 42 pounds. Gained 5 during the holidays :( My goal is to lose the rest by July 8th. I'm going to, two weddings and a birth of a new grandbaby. I would like to look my best for the pictures. I'm 55 and turning 56 in February.
  • marjorieviterbo
    marjorieviterbo Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm 53 with 30 to lose by July. Feel free to add me. I too could use the support, motivation and accountability.

  • I just turned 52 on Dec 21st and would love to have some friends in here. a very positive group from what I see. My goals are simply to maintain a healthy weight. As with many, after 40 the scales been climbing, and maintaining is so much harder. I am 146 , was 137 a few short months ago, so hitting 50 has been another one of those decades that kicks me with a slower metabolism again. I have only been a member for 13 days so friends would be welcome! :)
  • Mongo501
    Mongo501 Posts: 5
    edited January 2015
    Hi, I'm John! How is everyone today?
  • KatRDH94
    KatRDH94 Posts: 17 Member
    I am 52 and have lost 48lbs so far. I would like some friends who also have the same goals and are also in my age range.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    I havent just started but anyone is welcome to add me as a friend but these are a must for me.
    you log regularly on mfp
    you give support back for the support you receive form me
    that you comment on post and do not just use the like button
    good luck on your journey
  • Carol22355
    Carol22355 Posts: 16 Member
    Jeneba wrote: »
    Welcome 50-Something!!!
    I am 57 1/2! I gained 15 pounds last year after Sandy shut both of my gyms down. Then when I went back, I overdid things and ended up with soft tissue injuries that took a while to get better. Once I figured out that I needed to do the OPPOSITE of what I was being told (my PT's told me to remain inactive until I felt better) and I went back to heavy weights, 11 of the 15 pounds came right off! I am having trouble with the remaining 4 - tend to get tired, hungry, & crabby when I am restricting calories. But this is a loooong process and I am just happy to be healthy again.
    jcas211 wrote: »
    Hi Tanya. 55 here and also just joined 3 days ago. I too have done Weight Watchers and was successful Fell off the wagon because I love to cook and just did not try hard enough to do portion control. I do not have the time for meetings even though WW and the points system works well for me. I like MFP because of the food tracker. "If I bite it I write it". That makes it so much easier to be aware of what I am eating and how much I am eating as well as fat, sugar, sodium and carbs. I need to lose 55 pounds and would love to have friends to encourage me and to encourage in return. We can do this.

  • Carol22355
    Carol22355 Posts: 16 Member
    I am still just in the 50 somethings (59) and rejoining mfp as want to lose 64 pounds by the end of June to go shopping for my wedding dress for when I get married in September to my best friend Paul.
  • I'm not in the 50s yet but will be in February - 50 and fantastic is what we all are! I've always had a problem with weight and age isn't helping at all! I just started MFP a few days ago because I want to use the journaling, the support and the accountability. Having positive people to share the ups and downs will is always a source of strength!
  • Bchlvr64
    Bchlvr64 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi there! I'll be 51 in February. I have lost about 105 lbs. I am determined not to gain it back. I have gained a couple of lbs during the holidays. But I'm back on it. It feels so good not to be overeating. One of my goals in 2015 is to TRACK TRACK TRACK. That is priority #1 for me. Stay accountable. I would love some friends to support one another, feel free if anyone wants to add me. Best of luck.
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Hi Tanya. I am 56. Menopause. I went thru that at age 50 and was at my highest ever weight at that point. I honestly thought that I would just have to live with the weight gain, getting older....
    I also love to cook and before MFP I had no clue about nutrition and portion sizes, etc.
    I won't bore you with my journey but I have now lost 45 lbs. And weigh what I did in my 30's. :)
    Everyone has their own mission with weight loss. I don't exercise. Occasionally golf/swim.
    I still eat and drink anything I want, just less of it. Log everything , weigh/measure everything, daily.
    When you start to see a difference in the mirror and comments from family/friends it gets much easier. And lastly if you have a bad day (over eat) don't beat yourself up and give up. Each day is a new beginning. Good luck on your journey ! And have fun in Mexico !
    Cindi. (Send me a friend request if you would like)
  • 64Brucey
    64Brucey Posts: 19 Member
    Hi I'm 50 looking to lose over 100 lbs so long journey. Been a member of a will and lost over 30 lbs but put it all back on again. This time I am determined and happy to support other and build up a group of people who will listen and encourage each other. I am a keen golfer and looking and this to help drive exercise. I am also clearing a area in my garage to put some exercise machines in so I can exercise at night. Anyone please add me if you are interested in sharing and encouraging each other.
  • fluffyfitgirl
    fluffyfitgirl Posts: 2 Member
    I am 55, lost 5 stone 8 years ago, put bit on like most over Christmas so back on to lose half a stone before it gets out of hand. My best advice is make small changes to start, I too love cooking (and eating!) but found it quite easy to adapt my normal recipes into health, lower calorie versions by using less fat and bulking up with vegetables.

    Good luck to everyone x
  • grumpygit1962
    grumpygit1962 Posts: 90 Member

    52 here, and looking to get back to a fitness level where I can start doing some decent triathlon times along with some more enjoyable stuff.
  • 1MissTanya
    1MissTanya Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    It's cold and snowy today in Denver. I started Atkins on Monday and have lost 3 lbs. I'll see if it works for me. Hope everyone is doing well!
  • Karp1680
    Karp1680 Posts: 9 Member
    just turned 51 here looking to lose 20 to start with lost 20 using WW then gained it back this time it won't temporary LIFE Change ....