100 pounds to lose. 2015 is my year!

danieleast1987 Posts: 12
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I'm looking to lose 100 pound by the end of the year. I got married and have had a child within the last two years and have really let myself go and during this time I have not been paying attention to my diet and fitness. I'm now looking yo get back on track and want to be friends with anyone with the same goal of improving themselfs. Please add me and together we can all accomplish our goals!


  • toiagoia
    toiagoia Posts: 5 Member
    Great time to start! What kind of meal plan have you set for yourself? Are you planning to add any cardio routine?

    Best Wishes!
  • Thank u very much. Average meal plan is a high fiber cereal in the morning, soup for lunch and either fish or chicken with rice and veg in the evening. And fruit for snacks during the day. Will also be walking to work 3 times a week which is 3.5 miles each way. How's your plan going?
  • dapdas
    dapdas Posts: 1
    I'm so glad you decided to make those changes! 100lbs in a year can seem like a big task, but maybe if you break it down by month and by week, it'll be easier to stay motivated to make healthy lifestyle choices. :) best wishes!
  • Thank you very much!
  • Cozmetick
    Cozmetick Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome to the cool club ;) Well done for starting that change! I've still got almost 50 lbs to lose (30 so far). Feel free to add, love talking and motivating & my diary is always open!
  • jelkins2000
    jelkins2000 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I decided 100 pounds is less than 10 pounds per month. When you break it down like that it doesn't seem so difficult. Good luck to you!
  • AndreaB20
    AndreaB20 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm looking to lose around 100lb in total. I'm cutting out all the snacks (which are my downfall) and thinking about portion control. I'm also going to start regular walking with a view to step it up to jogging/running in the future.
  • I need to lose about 300 pounds, but dropping 100 will be a huge step forward. We can do this! Feel free to add me.
  • dominicgamutan
    dominicgamutan Posts: 42 Member
    We got this, looking forward to losing weight this year too. I'm looking to lose 64 lbs myself. B)
  • Jilllybeanns
    Jilllybeanns Posts: 29 Member
    Me too and would love support!
  • shane0763
    shane0763 Posts: 15 Member
    Same here, I've been married 3 years and had my daughter a year ago. It's time for me to finally work on that "fit" family thay I want to be. I have 100 pounds to lose, and I would love to meet new people that want the same thing! Feel free to add me!
  • I set my goal at 40 lbs in 6 months because I don't want to discourage myself but I am now on this since Dec 26 and it's asking me to weigh myself,, does anyone know how to record my weight loss in the journal? Thanks
  • Hi. If your on the app go to the menu in the top left then go to progress. The in the top right there is a add button to input your current weight. Hope this helps.
  • abbyandajsmom
    abbyandajsmom Posts: 7 Member
    OK this is the year. I need to lose 100 plus. I am a mom of two and looking for some real support. How do you break years of bad habits? LOL Add me if you need a new friend and some support from someone who knows where you are at! Good luck. Make it a great year!
  • My goal is 100lbs also...I have set my goal to 10lbs a month so I am not overwhelmed with a big number and diacouraged if I dont reach it.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    totally doable! weigh everything, log everything. get a HRM. Read everything, ignore almost all of it. two years ago i needed to lose 100 pounds and within close to a year I did. You can do it!!
  • gitanab76
    gitanab76 Posts: 4 Member
    I am looking to loose 28 kilos in 2015. I willlike to have friends in this app for support. Thanks
  • fatmanthinuk
    fatmanthinuk Posts: 44 Member
    110lbs to lose here and got about 16 months to do it (I hit 40 in April 2016). Feel free to add me if you like mate. UK based, but happy to have friends in every time zone if it helps us get through this and be better people. Cheers. Andy W
  • renalongoria
    renalongoria Posts: 1 Member
    So proud of all of you and your determination! This will help me a lot since I don't have too much support at home. Least I don't feel like I am the only one in the world who struggles with weight!
  • Bchlvr64
    Bchlvr64 Posts: 89 Member
    You can so do this I know!!! I'm down 105 lbs. with 80 more to lose. Add me if you'd like, I would love to support and have friends for support too!