Anyone starting C25K? I couldn't even manage the 1st one!! :(

Made the hubby come with me on the first one as long as he promised not to laugh.. yes!..I am honestly that unfit. I couldn't do all of the 8 60 second runs but managed half and walked the rest of the podcast. Anyone else as unfit as me? Please tell me it gets easier xx
Feel free to add me if you're as rubbish as me :smile:


  • niknak7743
    niknak7743 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow and I'm dreading it. I will let you know how I get on
  • arfenarf
    arfenarf Posts: 5 Member
    Let's begin at the beginning: you aren't rubbish. You're a beginner. And a minute of running feels really, really, really long at first.

    I love the C25K. It got me going 10 years ago (yes, 10!) and has been a launching point for a wonderful decade of running and triathlon. I went from C25K in 2005 to the Boston Marathon in 2009 and the World Triathlon Championships in 2012. It's probably the only time I've been in a training build and *not* at risk of overuse injury.

    But here's the secret. You have to swallow your ego and go slowly. Painfully slowly. So slowly that your ego will howl, but slowly enough that you will find success. A good friend suggested that I run slowly enough to want to put a paper bag on my head. "Paper Bag" pace is still a friend of mine for recovery runs. Let the faster running come when you've got your body accustomed to moving steadily for 30'.

    Leave the hubby behind if you think he'll judge you as anything but *awesome* for taking this on. Leave your ego behind, too, and bring a good dollop of humility and recognition that you're doing this for yourself for the long run. Because someday, you may find yourself going for *very* long runs.

    Best of luck from someone who's been there and still uses MFP for accountability when she's trimming from winter weight to racing weight.
  • CharleneN
    CharleneN Posts: 28 Member
    It never gets easier, you just get stronger! ;)
  • nicnoc1981
    niknak7743 wrote: »
    I'm starting tomorrow and I'm dreading it. I will let you know how I get on

    Yes please let me know :smiley: Feel free to add me as a friend x
  • nicnoc1981
    I will keep going with it. No, the hubby is supportive really, he stayed with me the whole way (was no showing off). I will have another go on Monday x
  • bexw26
    bexw26 Posts: 7
    I just started today and struggled... a lot. I'm guessing I'm equally, if not more unfit than you but I've started, so I'll finish! :D

    Friend request sent... we can do it!!!
    arfenarf wrote: »
    Let's begin at the beginning: you aren't rubbish. You're a beginner. And a minute of running feels really, really, really long at first.

    I love the C25K. It got me going 10 years ago (yes, 10!) and has been a launching point for a wonderful decade of running and triathlon. I went from C25K in 2005 to the Boston Marathon in 2009 and the World Triathlon Championships in 2012. It's probably the only time I've been in a training build and *not* at risk of overuse injury.

    But here's the secret. You have to swallow your ego and go slowly. Painfully slowly. So slowly that your ego will howl, but slowly enough that you will find success. A good friend suggested that I run slowly enough to want to put a paper bag on my head. "Paper Bag" pace is still a friend of mine for recovery runs. Let the faster running come when you've got your body accustomed to moving steadily for 30'.

    Leave the hubby behind if you think he'll judge you as anything but *awesome* for taking this on. Leave your ego behind, too, and bring a good dollop of humility and recognition that you're doing this for yourself for the long run. Because someday, you may find yourself going for *very* long runs.

    Best of luck from someone who's been there and still uses MFP for accountability when she's trimming from winter weight to racing weight.

    This is really helpful! thanks
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    It does not get easier. It gets harder. But you can do it. Just push yourself. Repeat days as necessary. But more than anything, push yourself. The first day was super tough for me. And everyone after that. lol. But I finished the program and ran my first 5k. Now running is a regular part of my active life. I would have never guessed when I started C25k that I'm a distance runner. The first 2 miles are still hard for me. After that, it's smooth sailing.
  • nicnoc1981
    I will definitely be repeating days :smiley: Well done on such good work x
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    You've download a podcast that helps you with the intervals? Can you give the link? I want to start a C25K this spring, this will be really helpful!
  • arfenarf
    arfenarf Posts: 5 Member
    edited January 2015
    ^^^ YES.

    I should have said this, too: don't be afraid to repeat workouts. I did that several times.
  • nicnoc1981
    You've download a podcast that helps you with the intervals? Can you give the link? I want to start a C25K this spring, this will be really helpful!

    If you have an iphone you can download the podcast app and search NHS Couch to 5K on there and just download them. You can do it on other android phones too but haven't got one so not sure how. There's an app too that does the same and both play music as you go x
  • cailinrua77
    cailinrua77 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes. I did 2.5 miles on New Year's Day & and 3 today. Still stopping and starting but hope it will get better!!
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    I started running off and on almost a year ago (for the first time in my life). Fell off the wagon a bit, and after at least 4 months of no runs I started C25K yesterday, hoping a program would help me stay motivated. It was okay yesterday, then the same workout was not possible for me today, and I walked a bit extra.

    The biggest challenge is getting past my head, not my body. The best part though, is you begin to look forward to your run (in a strange way - it still sucks) but it makes you feel accomplished and energetic the more you do it. I'll send you a friend request and maybe we can share our motivations and gripes together. Any one else feel free to add me as well.
  • anna_jewel
    anna_jewel Posts: 127 Member
    edited January 2015
    i started last week, but since I have been jogging a little bit already I went to week 3. But one thing I have learned is take it slowly, speed will come later. Anyone can feel free to add me, I am on here everyday :)
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    I was going to suggest the NHS C25K as that's what I've been using, but I see that's what your are as well. I've actually been doing week 1 for like 3 weeks as I'm relatively new to running, and was overdoing it (the podcast gives some direction and discipline).

    In the first week's podcast, the speaker clearly states to go slow, not to run too fast or you'll exhaust yourself and be discouraged. Very important that you adhere to that instruction.
  • StampingJen
    StampingJen Posts: 38 Member
    Options All kinds of info at that site. I tried the treadmill version and I only got about 3 weeks in and then stopped. The treadmill seems difficult. It got really boring - even with music or watching TV. I'm gonna give this a try this spring in the REAL world! :)
  • purplenails
    purplenails Posts: 34 Member
    I did it last January and loved it. Still running and some runs are easier than others.
  • esimmons82
    esimmons82 Posts: 6 Member
    That's my plan too! I tried it once before and didn't make thru the first session either. My plan is to get my body use to exercising (walking for 2-3 weeks) then trying C25K again. Don't give up.
  • nicnoc1981
    Definitely going to try to stick with it. Going to find something to do on the days in between to try and build up my cardio so hopefully this will help x
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Do you run in the snow? I'm in Montreal, and it's snowing and there's also icy rain today, and it's probably not a good idea to run outside today. I was looking to start C25k at the beginning of March, when the outside weather is manageable, but if everyone's think it's fine running in the snow, I may just kick my butt and do that.