Once again Newbie. Any motivated non-negative people welcomed!!

I've tried this site once before and kinda feel off. I'm going to try it again and see if I can stick to it. The last time I tried it I was to strict with everything and ended up being so discouraged that I gave up all together. I've grown since then and realized that everything in moderation and portion control is key. So I'm looking just for some support and fun people to


  • sherlocked185
    sherlocked185 Posts: 16 Member
    Hang out and discuss fitness and weightloss with. ( It decided to post with out me finishing).
  • sezziejm
    sezziejm Posts: 147 Member
    You've totally hit the nail on the head.... moderation & portion control is the way to go & if you work hard for it, you can still have you're favourite treats. Good Luck & feel free to add me :)
  • I was also on here last year. I lost 17 pounds and then sort of forgot about it. But I'm back because I need to lose some more. I have arthritis in my knees and need to drop another 15 pounds to avoid knee replacement as long as possible. I'm only 51, which is really way too early to have that surgery because it doesn't last that long, and I plan to live well past 70! :smiley:
  • I'm a noob too. I'm trying to lose 45-55 pounds and have never really tried to limit what I've eaten. Staying at weight has always been easy during high school and my time in the Army but since then some injuries and life kicked me and I got really fat. Trying to change now.
  • Hey! It's great you came back. I feel like this site is just an addition to keeping a dieters eating habits under control, sort of like a daily reminder to keep the portions in control and to watch what you're eating. Don't feel pressured to stay within the calorie range but aim for it. If you surpass the goal don't feel discouraged b/c for me I tend to feel like giving up but that's b/c I get too into the losing weight aspect instead of becoming healthier. I feel like a good balance of healthy activity also adds to the experience and makes progress better. In any case, feel free to add me and if you have any questions feel free to ask. All the best! :D
  • gummy2790
    gummy2790 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there! Sticking with MFP is the way to go! I love to keep healthy and fit. Feel free to add me for online support and motivation ☺. gummy2790
  • sherlocked185
    sherlocked185 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey thanks every one! All the best for you as well. Feel free to add me! MFP doesn't want me to be able to add anyone. I may have to change the settings. And I hope everyone as well as myself stays on track for a healthier living. Plus, it would be nice to be able to cross my legs without feeling uncomfortable about it. Lol
  • motivated2419
    motivated2419 Posts: 158 Member
    Hey add me if you would like. Looking for new friends
  • brooookeexo
    brooookeexo Posts: 51 Member
    Looking for motivating friends too! I fell off and am coming back now too
  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    feel free to add me. I'm looking for motivating friends to help me lose 50lbs in five months and 100 lbs this year.
  • Im glad you came back! I sent you a friends request, I'd love to give you support and have each others back. This won't be easy but it will so be worth it!
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Add me as a friend. I love to support people and am logging again!!!
  • cannedgoo
    cannedgoo Posts: 72 Member
    It's great to come back with a renewed vision for why and how you're doing it. It looks like you have a much better mindset this time and I wish you luck!
  • Darkhawk1969
    Darkhawk1969 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Even us older guys need motivation, l love to give and receive. Feel free to add
  • sherlocked185
    sherlocked185 Posts: 16 Member
    Just letting everyone know. Its not letting me be able to add. So please feel free to add me and I so I can accept your friend requests. Thanks so much for wanting to help!
  • anitorres
    anitorres Posts: 6 Member
    I am also back.... had lost about 60 pounds... had a surprise baby and now need to lose 80pounds... all of my friends have abandoned MFP.... lost motivation... I need motivated people to keep me going and not lose momentum. I have a very tricky daily schedule...so squeezing in workouts has to fit between a 5 month old routine my 6 year 9ld school and homework and my job as a pastry chef.... yes I work with pure evil... not your friend when you're trying to be sugar free .. lol. :)
  • momonamisson2
    momonamisson2 Posts: 5 Member
    welcome back, I have been tracking my food here for awhile. I am doing a quick tuneup. Feel free to add me.
  • Texafornia23
    Texafornia23 Posts: 177 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me as well.
  • anitorres
    anitorres Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me. :):)