Feeling a little lost

I have a more weight to loose than I have ever needed to loose. At 220 , my goal is 170 ( im 5ft 8inc). I just had baby # 2 and the weight is being stubborn. I decided to take a break for the holidays and Im about to get back on the saddle. Does anyone have any advice? I think that I will be able to loose another 15lbs counting calories and eating better.. but I WILL plateau... how do I kick start....?? Where can I find hearty meals to feed my family and keep me on track?


  • kallista2806
    kallista2806 Posts: 7 Member
    Try the food network website. They have diet and healthy eating recipes
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I broke my plateaus by learning to log everything I eat & drink even more accurately & even more honestly. Logging works.

    Start by reading the posts pinned to the top of the Getting Started forum.