51, Overweight & outta shape

OMG, this is my 2nd attempt and I could teally use encouragement. I'm a Nana, who spent my whole life skinny and then my mid 40's hit, along with menapause and now I am 211. I am so disgusted with myself. So, once again I am starting over with a calorie goal of 1200 and one hour work out a day on the tread mill. Started a "C25K" workout free app on my phone and this time, I do not plan on failing! I am looking to loose 10 lbs a month. My goal...August 20th 2015= loss of 70 pounds for a goal weight of 140. Wish me luck!


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Good Luck and Welcome to MFP! Where dreams do come true ;)
  • betstoo
    betstoo Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 51 too! We can do this! Its been 8 months for me, some good some bad days but I am not quoting!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited January 2015
    Best of luck this time. Age I think can be a driving force for change. At 63 I realized I was down for the count if I did not make it this time and yo yo yet again.

    I have stopped dieting and started changing my eating lifestyle. That is a mental shift for me. After 45 years of several diets I only got fatter after each one. I had to 'cold turkey" sugar in my case. We are all different but we can find an eating lifestyle that leads to a healthy weight and stabilizes at that point as long as there are no medical conditions. I did have some medical issues but they started to fade away when I cut out all foods with added sugar which was about everything I was eating. Now I go for more whole food. Now my processed peanut butter only contains peanuts and sea salt for example and not 8 items like before.

    Welcome to MFP website.
  • I'll be 51 in Feb & would also like to lose 40 or 50 lbs. Like you, i started gaining in my 40s. I weighed 185 today. Ugh. Heaviest I've ever been! I started logging my food today. It's 5:00, and ive git 340 cals left. I'm hungry!
  • nlmillervt
    nlmillervt Posts: 242 Member
    I'm closer to 50 than I can believe (less than 2 months away), and in the last couple of years I've realized that if I don't make changes now, I won't be able to be active and healthy when I'm older. Good luck in your progress, and feel free to add me a supportive friend.
  • DArellano6
    DArellano6 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ..this is my second time around. I am 50 and feeling like a balloon! I have now done two days of food diary and two days of exercise ...yeah me!
  • Michelle2W
    Michelle2W Posts: 163 Member
    Best wishes! We can do it! You all are more than welcomed to add me. I'm starting over again. I'm 45, and have around 60-70 to lose. One pound at a time
  • 2gabbee
    2gabbee Posts: 374 Member
    I'm age 56 would love to support & work with any of you. Just friend request me if interested also.
  • Hello I'm Meg and I bought myself a fitbit for Christmas. I've been logging my food for about two weeks to prepare for a meeting with a Nutritionist that uses macronutrient counting, which is different for me. This is definitely not my first time around!! I have been a health nut for decades and menopause really affected my weight loss. Anyway I'm excited to experience another way.
  • TurtlePacer
    TurtlePacer Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm Bev I just ordered a fit bit online and am going to try to get going again. I joined a local gym to use up my fitness dollars at 11:40pm on new years eve .... I really need to move around and be happy for it.
    I'd love to have a few Fitbit friends too if you are using that tracker. I am 49 and would really like to lose a few ans share some ideas and successes.
  • JuanitaKidder
    JuanitaKidder Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Juanita..I will look into it..I tried the Gym 2 years ago and it was a complete fail for me. I did not know what I was doing, afraid I would hurt myself and then I started my 2nd job which ate up all my time. So now we have treadmill in the living room..and weights..I am motivated more this time. I quit smoking last March afyer 38 years! If I can do that, I can do this, right? Good luck..Just go do something everyday..My new motto is.."I'm tired...YEAH! TIRED OF BEING FAT..." LOL
  • Wazza1960
    Wazza1960 Posts: 44 Member
    54 and nearly a year in. Log daily and have an open diary. Feel free to add for that kick up the backside we all need
  • JuanitaKidder
    JuanitaKidder Posts: 5 Member
    Haha..oh man..okay! I'm day 4 and just tired and sore. But my new chant is "I'm tired...yeah..tired of looking like this".. I'm doing workouts on the treadmill in the morning and at night. I can't skip a day or I will end up back as last year..This year it is all or nothing. No gym..I'm afraid of hurting myself..and It didn't work last year because I did not kbow what I was doing..I quit smoking last March after 38 years..It's now time to loose all this fat..my god..I'm packing around a 9yr old...Somwtimes I wish I could just unzip myself and step out..Thanks for your support. Juanita
  • JuanitaKidder
    JuanitaKidder Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you to all of you for your sharing and support! I'm having url problems..internet stuff..I can't send invites to friends share and support.. So please do it on your end...This is our year!!! "I'm tired, Yes...Tired of being fat"!!!!
  • AdorkableMe2015
    AdorkableMe2015 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello, everyone! I just turned 50 last October. I had been managing my weight very well for a few years, right up until August 31, 2013. That's the day my dad died. Which was followed up with my mother's death in January, 2014, losing my teaching job, then my brother's death in June 2014. Last year, needless to say, was a year of compounding depression and inert (translation: lazy) behavior.

    It is now time for me to get back to work. I've done this before, and I can do it again. I have faith in myself.

    I'd love some MFP friends who are friendly, encouraging and NOT afraid to tell me to get back to work.

    Success and cheers to everyone!
  • CraigShift
    CraigShift Posts: 69 Member
    I will be 52 in 8 days, So I guess I can join the gang Lol. I am doing a lifestyle change myself. Doing a lot more whole foods , plant based foods. Watch the movie Forks Over Knives, it might help save a life even. People used to ask me how do I get my protein, I now tell them I skip the middle man, which is the animal. the animal gets it's protein from plants, so there is no need to eat the extra cholesterol for one, and too much animal protein is bad anyway just like milk from a cow was meant for a baby calf, to grow 500 pounds a year, plus it is filled with pus and blood for those who do not know, the USDA raised the acceptable limit for having it in milk. A good movie to watch is Earthlings free on youtube it will open a lot of eyes. Another is Food Inc. and Forks over Knives. all good movies to learn more about food we eat.
  • I am 44 and would like to lose at least 80 pounds. I wear a size 18 and would like to wear a 12. I have lost 100+ pounds twice in my life and I just can't get motivated! Help!! I have a generalized anxiety disorder and am prone to depression. I just want to feel good about myself!
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm 52 -- 53 in February. Everyone's goals are excellent. I plan to lose my last 30 this year and never gain it again. Feel free to add me. Let's all do this!
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi! I'm a 52 yr old grandma who is always trying to find success in the health area. I've had a total knee replacement (car accident), fibromyalgia and am bi-polar. I've been off and on the diet game for too long. But now I've made a mental shift change; I'm not as worried about my weight but am working on changing my lifestyle, I know good food and exercise helps my medical and mood problems; just some months are harder than others. I need motivation and encouragement and am more than happy to reciprocate. Feel free to send a FR.
  • hanscanlan
    hanscanlan Posts: 17 Member
    Good luck! I've already lost 40 lbs of 60. i gave myself until May 1, 2015. So it's going well!

    You may be eating too little. Don't starve yourself. That's not a good plan. I would suggest you go to a nutritionist. She gave me a simple plan of eating more lean protein and more fiber. I workout 90 a day 6x a week and eat 2000 calories a day. And I'm losing tons! Not literally. Anyway - good luck!