20lb loss by march 1st, anyone in?


I looking to try and continue with my weight loss and have set my next challenge as being 20lb off by the first on March. (I currently weight around 242 and I'm 6'2")

It works out a fraction over two pounds a week so its not for the faint hearted but hey, I ain't getting any younger :)

I log in very day and am always on hand for a bit of encouragement and support. so if your up for the challenge send me a friend request.

lets do this!



  • ryanmadej
    ryanmadej Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    Yeah I'm down. 234 and 6'0"
    Whats your daily calorie goal?

    My ideal weight is 180, so I've got 53 lbs to lose. If we can lose 20 by March 1st, that's a great start.
  • rsjohnb
    rsjohnb Posts: 215 Member
    Hey buddy, FR sent.

    My Cal goal is 1600 but I try and hit 1400 cause I end up going a bit nuts at the weekend (makes sense in my head haha)

  • I'm in!! I'm on a 1200 daily.
  • meegerzeb
    meegerzeb Posts: 12 Member
    My goal was slightly less ambitious, but what the hell--I'll try! 1200 a day here. 36 lbs total to go!
  • I'm in. Just starting and I'm at 1200 calories
    I'm in!! I'm on a 1200 daily.

  • I'm in too. Just starting as well, and could use the accountability. Thanks.
  • crisdai
    crisdai Posts: 60 Member
    I would love to join too!
  • impup
    impup Posts: 1
    Im in! 1200 cal here. Always so hard to keep to such low calorie intake :(
  • Chandler330
    Chandler330 Posts: 378 Member
    Count me in!
  • thomasjohnlynch
    thomasjohnlynch Posts: 165 Member
    Ditto. Chalk me up for a little competition.
    215, 5 ft 10. Already started before new years.
  • nassup
    nassup Posts: 9
    I'm in all the way from QLD AUSTRALIA - 293, 6ft2". Keep me posted starting Monday. Yeaaaaaboy
  • I'm in. I'm 5'8" and 221. Not grossly overweight but gotta loose this gut. Back surgery that went in thru my stomach hasn't helped any. No muscles now I'm pot bellied...lol. Need a motivator friend.
  • I'm in! 26 to lose! 1200 daily :wink:
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    Im in as well. Have got to get this weight off. Im limited on the exercise due to hip joint pain but that will not stop me. Just have to find other ways to burn
  • itsMcKay
    itsMcKay Posts: 131 Member
    IN! My start weight is 233. I'd LOVE to be 213 by March 1!
  • 50sthenew30
    50sthenew30 Posts: 57 Member
    I'll have some of that. Would be good to journey with friends, all like minded. Lost 5lbs over the holidays with 20 to go bringing me to 190lbs of pure British Beef, I wish :)
    Add me for help and support back at ya.
  • I'm in too. 28 lb to lose for the moment and then I'll judge it again!! Anyone want to add me feel free :smile:
  • AndyDwyer
    AndyDwyer Posts: 6 Member
    Okay, I'm in.
  • nige101
    nige101 Posts: 22 Member
    I'll have a go , but i think 20lb may be too much for me
  • Mamaof2UK
    Mamaof2UK Posts: 28 Member
    I'm in too!