looking for support and friends

Hi I am new to dieting and need to lose 56 pounds it's tough doing it by yourself so I'm looking for others who are sharing the same goal I'm ready for this year to be my year


  • ErinK09
    ErinK09 Posts: 687 Member
    Hello and welcome! I've got about 50 more to go. :)
  • leora56
    leora56 Posts: 17 Member
    Awesome and Ty :)
  • amyj000
    amyj000 Posts: 75 Member
    Welcome! I'd be happy to support you. I too am "new". Just reactivated my profile after about a 6 month hiatus. Let's do this!
  • kallista2806
    kallista2806 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm new as well. Add me and we could motivate each other and share tips :D