needing friends and support

I need friends who will comment when I postI'm not doing well. I feel like I'm taking to myself lately with my small friends list.


  • leora56
    leora56 Posts: 17 Member
    Totally understandable I'm in the same boat too
    Looking for friends
  • nassup
    nassup Posts: 9
    Lol same here
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Hey, anyone who would like some support and is willing to support back is welcome here. Love to get to know others who are working towards health and is willing to share. Honesty and a positive outlook are most welcome!!! Friend me!!!
    I have been here before.
    Three and a half years ago, I lost 90 lbs. It took me 9 months.
    I did that the healthy way.
    Portion control, and exercise. The only thing I might have done wrong...was too much exercise, 3 hours a day and a trainer, 2 days a week.
    I was determined, focused, and goal oriented.
    I had memories rush back from 25 years ago and I let myself go. I gained my weight back over an 18 month period. I have to admit....I was using food as comfort. I was eating MASS amounts. I did this to myself. No one else but me.

    I would like some friends on this site, some support. However if you are the type that is going to jump of me for my amount of exercise and my food intake PLEASE don't bother friending me. I ONLY NEED POSITIVE INFLUENCES.
  • kimmyisla
    kimmyisla Posts: 10
    edited January 2015
    Me too, Ill add you all xx