On the treadmill...(again)

Hi Everyone,
I'm Linda. Received a Fitbit for Xmas, and after struggling with the food diary on the fitbit site, and upon advice from other Fitbit users, I've moved across to MyFitnessPal. Enjoying the confronting challenge of keeping a food diary, and making myself accountable (once again) for what I put in my mouth and how often I move! I'm early 50's and I live with Type 2 Diabetes and I'm usually a bit of a work-a-holic, but I'm on annual leave at the moment, so I'm enjoying the extra time it gives me to get my life in order again.... so here's me, rabbiting on again (as usual), so enough about me, what about you?


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can add me for support!
  • Jdesetti
    I too found using the food tracker on myfitnesspal a bit easier to use than the fitbit food tracker, but I like everything else about fitbit. I am trying the integrate for now to see if I like it.