Help! Re-starting My Journey. :)

Hello MFP! It's been a while. I've been a member of this website for years. A few years ago I lost around 30 lbs. I had started at around 240 and got down to 210. I looked and felt amazing. I've since gained it back. I'm now at 235. I'm 26 years old, 5'7, and I live in central Florida. I spend 10 hours a day sitting at a desk for work and I feel that's been a major factor in the weight gain. I also hate working out. I have never had a problem with eating too much or eating bad foods... I just have a serious problem with procrastination and motivation, so I'm looking for some support through MFP. I really loved this community back when I was more active on it.

My goal weight is 190. As you can see in my profile, I mention that I love being plus sized. I want to stay that way. But when I was down at 210 lbs I felt so confident and healthy. I want to lose weight not so much to look better, but to feel better. I'm tired all the time and I'm always feeling achy. Luckily I have my boyfriend with me to help me. He has gained a lot of weight too, so he'll be by my side through all of this.

Please add me if you can relate and you think we'd be good motivation buddies! :)


  • helengetshealthy
    helengetshealthy Posts: 171 Member
    Sending a friend request now - we can do it!
  • SarassicPark
    SarassicPark Posts: 117 Member
    edited January 2015
    Ahh! I forgot to add photos.

    This is me in August... at my (most recent) heaviest.


    And here is me when I was at my thinnest, around 210... maybe 2 years ago.


  • gussie92
    Hello! I am also looking to lose about 45-50 pounds. I am currently at 229, and I am aiming for 185. I would be very excited to have a motivational buddy! :)
  • amy00000
    amy00000 Posts: 3 Member
    Sending a friend request as well. Our stories are very similar.
  • millionairesstv
    millionairesstv Posts: 55 Member
    wishing you all the success you can do it againx
  • kazdav
    kazdav Posts: 62 Member
    Hi I am restarting officially tomorrow but also logging todays food. I am going to be doing 5:2. I am starting out at 216lbs and am 5'8", I would like to lose about 40lbs. I would still be overweight at that as that would take me to about 185lb which in English is still around 13 stone and for me to be at a healthy weigh I need to get down to around 154 (11 stone). At that weight I would still be at the top of the weight charts for my height but gosh I would feel so much better. Whether it is realistic is another matter, I am 52 this year and all I know is that I am struggling to bend over to put on shoes etc, I have aches and pains in my knees and feet from the weight I am carrying so desperate times call for desperate measures. Have prepared 11 portions of cottage pie, topped with parsnip, swede and butternut squash mash and they are coming in around 293 calories a portion so here goes.
  • SarassicPark
    SarassicPark Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks for the adds, ladies!

    Keep 'em coming! I need all the help I can get.
  • armadillo_tshirt
    armadillo_tshirt Posts: 7 Member
    I have a similar weight loss story - I lost about 50 pounds several years ago doing south beach diet and felt pretty great about myself, but I've since gained it back plus more. I want to be more active but I feel like my weight makes it so much harder - mountain climbing with 80+ extra pounds is like carrying a middle schooler up on your back! I'd love to add you and anyone else on this thread :)
  • Tolbertsara
    Keep going! You got this!

    Its great to have someone you care for along with you. :smiley:
    Right now I am 190ish and I am trying to aim for 130. I understand your struggles.
    Don't give up!
  • chesves
    chesves Posts: 224 Member
    Feel free to add me as well-- I've got about 45 to go .... so intimidating when typing that, but I'm doing it!