5:2 - Starting Again

Hi Everyone,

I'm starting the 5:2 again after an 8 month absence. I lost 10lbs last time and, after having over-indulged over the Christmas period I've put some of it back on (current weight 170.2). Ideally I'd like to lose 20lbs and keep it off but struggle with motivation. Anyone else feeling the same? I'd love to have some new friends to keep me motivated and be motivated in return. I'm starting back on the 5:2 on Monday and will probably keep to Mondays and Wednesdays. I'm also attempting a bootcamp fitness class (positive thoughts but the thought of keeling over under the weight of a kettle bell is a bit unnerving ;) )
Thanks for reading and please feel free to say hello or add me!
Kat :D (*)


  • Tinatlc
    Tinatlc Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Kat I do feel the same, but I would like to lose about 50 pounds. I am learning how to use this site so hopefully I can send a friend request. Looking forward to embarking on this journey with you. :)
  • lizzyhood
    lizzyhood Posts: 8 Member
    Hey I'm doing the same diet, but I'd like to lose about 60 lbs!

    Like you I did it before and lost 9-10 lbs. I don't really know why I stopped tbh it was really working for me. I'm hoping I'll take to it as well this time around!

    Hope it works well for you! X
  • lizzyhood
    lizzyhood Posts: 8 Member
    Also I would add you but its not letting me x
  • 81Nicky
    Hi. I'm starting 5:2 this week for the first time, hoping to lose a stone. Excited about doing it though. Feel free to add me. Xx
  • ConnieAult
    ConnieAult Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am starting again. I got off track and gained. Not this time. 176 and counting down.
  • heidibannister
    heidibannister Posts: 22 Member
    I have dabbled a bit but never stuck at it so keen to get some support on here. I am lucky to be going skiing in 6 weeks but not fit enough to enjoy it and I can't fit into my ski pants so I am thinking I will try 3,4 for 6 weeks and try to get to some classes as well as extending the dog walk and squats at home. Having picked all over Christmas and drank far too much wine I am up at 200lb, want to get down to 175lb just as quickly as possible. I need quick results or will get demotivated. Always good to chat.