Starting Over

I am currently trying to restart my weight loss jouney. About two years ago I started and lost 25 pounds, since then I have gained some of it back and am looking and meet even more off this time. I have a goal of 50 pounds by June. I will be working out 5 days a week. Just need ideas for food choices and breakfast choices. Just looking for support and all. Thanks!!


  • skilvington
    skilvington Posts: 40 Member
    Hi there, I'm starting back again properly; need to loose the 10 lbs that have crept back on since October, before it gets out of hand. Would love to link up with anyone who logs daily and would like to share their journey with me.
  • Kassidi21
    Kassidi21 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm right there with you! I started over everything (diet and workout routine) On the first =) . My long term goal is to lose 60 lbs, but my "short term" goal 40 =)
  • jillr527
    jillr527 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi. I am restarting, too. However, I plan to do it in moderation this time. I had to step away from my weight loss journey for a bit to recover. I lost 50 pounds in the timeframe you are thinking about trying with just diet and exercise, but my hair started falling out! I understand now losing too much too quickly can be just as bad as having the weight on. I hope to lose 30 by May. I think it's totally do-able, and that will get me back to where I was in my weight loss the same time last year.
  • Nyxish
    Nyxish Posts: 16
    Also starting over. After a year of things being crazy i'm hoping to do better in taking care of myself this year.... and stick with it! :)
  • paigebeverly
    paigebeverly Posts: 46 Member
    I too am starting over. Last January I started at 255 down to 213 and now back up to 225. I admit I got lazy and since the end of October too much was happening to go to the gym and got way too busy to cook. I vow this year for never to get so overwhelmed with life that I can't find time for the gym. It really is my stress reliever...I have found since I stopped the gym I have been drinking more. So please wish me I would love to get back into a size 9/10 as of right now I am a 15/16...I used to be a 20.
  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
    I've been on this site for many years and it's finally working for me. Hang in there! Feel free to add me for support as I log on daily :-)

    I run biking challenges now if anyone is interested, too. You can join at:
  • Bird7tee
    Bird7tee Posts: 6 Member
    I'm restarting...... Lost 30 pounds between Jan and March last year then popped my Achillies so I made lots if excuses etc......but basically I'm back towhere I started. Started again 2nd Jan with 70 pounds to lose
  • dawnn33
    dawnn33 Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello, I am starting over again as well. I was doing so well and just, fell of the wagon. This time I am doing everything in moderation, I am not going to starve my body. I even started a blog to help me on my journey. I would love to be support as well as receive support from all! I need to lose a total of 100 pounds to be at my "normal" weight" whatever that means but I would be happy just to lose 60 and fit comfortably in my clothes again. I have tons of great recipes that I use and am very willing to share them, and just an FYI, the ingredients are what you would normally have in your house. No need to go out to a health food store and search for something you cant pronounce.
  • GAB2008
    GAB2008 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone. I've been on this site off and on for years, but have never been able to get into a routine. My goal was to lose 20 pounds, but instead I gained 15! While I generally do well with my food choices, I find it sooo difficult to great a workout routine and stick with it. Like paigebeverly, I enjoy my time at the gym. How can I make this more of a priority?
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    Hi all
    I'm a restarter too. Lost 62lb for my wedding but gained 47 lb of it back from having my second daughter last year. Aiming to lose 40-50 lb, although am a bit more limited in my opportunities to hit the gym now I have two kids (I also have a three year old) to run around after. Happy to have new MFP friends, so feel free to add me (that goes for anyone else in this thread!)
  • trendywhit
    trendywhit Posts: 6 Member
    I'm excited about starting tomorrow! We can do this!
  • paigebeverly
    paigebeverly Posts: 46 Member
    My main thing will be not getting to comfortable after getting home from work. I work 9 hours a day at Walmart and if I get home and sit on the couch my day is So its get home, eat dinner at the table, then change and immediately hit the gym. I can relax afterwards.
  • katlady13
    katlady13 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi I joined MFP 2 years ago. I was overweight for 10 years after having my two children. I reached 40 and decided to do something about it. I joined mfp and lost 3 stone within a year, most of it came of it the first 5 months! I think the exercise was the main thing that helped me, I cut down on my food but not too much. I went from UK 18 to size 12 I was soo happy but since August I have put on a stone so I am feeling motivated and starting again today too. Not ate the best..but its a start :) Need to lose 2 stone.. feel free to add me... need some supportive friends..I am hoping to feel more comfortable in my clothes by the summer!