Skinny Girl with a giant belly ;^)

angelaofgreen Posts: 4
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello Everyone,

My name is Angela and I'm 29 years old with a great husband and fantastic 8 year old boy. I was always the naturally skinny girl until I had my son. I've struggled with weight for the last 8 years, but got on the scale last Friday and realized I have hit 200 pounds! I didn't even weigh that much in my last month of pregnancy.
About 2 years ago I injured my back and started having pain in my pelvic area, so my normal day to day activities have declined significantly. I have two herniated disks and sciatica, I deal with severe pain everyday, and can't even clean my house without injuring myself further.
I would love to get back down to a size 8 and weigh around 155, but I'd truly be happy at my pre baby weight of 140.
Anyway, I think I'm an emotional eater, and am trying to fix that. I get bummed about not being able to do certain things, so sit down and eat a half thing of Ben and Jerry's Peanut Brittle Ice Cream... :embarassed:
So far, I've lost 4 pounds since I joined last Friday and have been watching my calorie intake. Thank you all in advance for the support!

Cheers :drinker:


  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Best wishes Angela. THis site does motivate, educate and inspire. Keep up the healthy lifestyle.
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    Hey Angela,

    Welcome to MFP, it's a great site. I think that if you continue to be truly honest with yourself and your food diary, you will do just great! Changing bad habits into good ones is always difficult, just stay focused and remain positive. I think that you will find that as you become healthier you will feel better and be even more motivated to maintain the lifestyle. Congratulations on taking the first step and best of luck!
  • McDougal416
    McDougal416 Posts: 74 Member
    Good Luck! This is a great place to be to lose weight!
  • MommaGil4
    MommaGil4 Posts: 1
    Awesome!! Congrats!!
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    Welcome, you've taken your first largest steps - that's something to be SO excited about! Let us know how we can help!
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    good luckk!!! hope you can have success without any pain :)
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I weighed just over 200lbs when I started here too, you can do it x
  • My wife said her bad habit was shopping. So now when she shops she makes sure she isn't hungry, and when she looks at something she would like (the naughty stuff), she pictures it on each thigh or her stomach. She says it isn't so desirable then. chuckle. Maybe that will help you. I know we don't have the same goodies around here anymore.
  • LoriCmomx3
    LoriCmomx3 Posts: 12
    I just joined today and read this post. I think it's great that you've lost 4 pounds since joining on Friday! WOOHOO, go girl!
    I've always been skinny too. I have a nasty "muffin-top" kicking though since winter hit. I seem to lose motivation during the winter months.
    Well congrats again and keep it up!!
  • amd11103
    amd11103 Posts: 1
    Way to go Angela,
    This is an awesome way to see what you are eating and to ensure that you are eating enough.. I started about 2 weeks ago and have lost 6lbs.. I am also working out alot more.. I like to see how many calories i get for working out.

    GOOD LUCK! (stay focused)
    April D
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